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After meeting with jimin and hobi taehyung walk toward his Jin hyung chamber.

Guard infront of Jin chamber bow to taehyung and open the door of taehyung.

Taehyung see that Jin was laying on bed he walk toward him and see that Jin is sleeping,he see tear stain on jin's eyes he wipe them and kiss Jin cheeks.

Feeling kiss on cheeks Jin wake up and see taehyung is sitting infront of him.

"Tae did you come "Jin ask while sitting.

"Yes hyung I was with jimin and hobi hyung and after that I come to meet you "taehyung said

"You did good tae"Jin said.

"How are you hyung "taehyung ask.

"I'm fine baby nothing happens "Jin said while looking down.

"Then why did you cry"taehyung ask and Jin start crying.

"Why God always do this to me tae I never did wrong with anyone"Jin said while crying.

"Don't cry hyung everything with be good "taehyung said.

"Hyung you always tell me that I'm your child then see your baby is sitting infront of you don't cry or I will also cry"taehyung said with pout and Jin smile he wipe his tear.

"Ok I will not cry happy "Jin said and taehyung nod his head

"Hyung in future when I will have  baby I give that baby to you"taehyung said innocently and Jin smile.

"You know what jungkook also said this to your namjoon hyung you both are so pure I always wish God will bless you"Jin said and kiss taehyung head and taehyung smile

"Do you want something to eat hyung"taehyung ask.

"No need to bring something I came with food"Jin and taehyung look back at door and see namjoon and jungkook is standing on door.

"Hyung nim"taehyung bow to namjoon.

"Why hyung nim if Jin is your mother then I'm your dad right don't respect me that much"namjoon said to  taehyung. Taehyung look shock but smile and hug namjoon back.

"You both talk I will feed my hyung with my hand"jungkook said to taehyung and namjoon.

Jungkook sit on bed forward feed Jin. After feeding jungkook wipe jin's mouth.

"Why did you cry hyung you know I don't like seeing any of my hyung crying"jungkook said and Jin smile.

"I will not cry see I'm not crying"Jin said. Taehyung and namjoon smile seeing jungkook and taehyung.

"Cheater people's talking without us"jimin said while coming in with yoongi and hobi.

Taehyung one more time stand up and bow to yoongi but yoongi stop him.

"It's ok taehyung I'm also like your hyung"yoongi said and smile at taehyung.

Taehyung was sitting on bed waiting for jungkook who was in washroom.

Jungkook come out from washroom and see taehyung he smile sit on bed and make taehyung sit on his lap.

"Why you didn't sleep baby"jungkook ask. Taehyung place his head  on jungkook chest.

"kook was not with me that's why" taehyung said and jungkook laugh .

"Ok let's sleep tomorrow we have to get up early "jungkook said and make taehyung lay on bed he himself lay beside taehyung.

"Why"taehyung ask and place his head on jungkook chest.

"Someone is coming "jungkook said.

"Who"taehyung ask jungkook smile and kiss taehyung lips.

"Tomorrow you will know dear but now sleep and let your head rest"jungkook said taehyung pout but close his eyes.

*In morning*

Taehyung wake up and see that he is alone in bed. He look for jungkook that if he is in washroom but didn't find him.

"He must be doing some work"taehyung said and start getting ready for day.

After bathing he get ready and walk toward dining room for breakfast.

He enter in dining room and see that all.his hyung are there but didn't see jungkook.He sit beside namjoon.

"Jin hyung did you see kook" taehyung ask when Jin  serve him breakfast .

"Yeah he is doing arrangements for the guests"Jin said.

"Who is coming hyung"taehyung ask while taking bite.

"Someone very special to jungkook"jimin said.

"Special person"taehyung said.

"Yeah very special to jungkook that's why that brat is doing everything"namjoon said.

"But now you eat your breakfast"namjoon said and pat taehyung's head.

Taehyung smile at namjoon and start eating but still think about who is the special person whom jungkook is doing everything.

Taehyung walk  toward direction where Jin said that jungkook is order some servert to clean room.

He see that jungkook is standing there he walk toward him and hug him from behind.

Jungkook smile when he feel someone is hugging him.

Workers bow to jungkook and  walk out to give king and his concubine some privacy.

Jungkook face taehyung and hug him.

"What happened my darling"jungkook ask but taehyung didn't said anything just hug jungkook.

"What happened baby tell me"jungkook ask taehyung look up while hugging jungkook.

"Why did you leave me in morning"taehyung ask while giving pout jungkook kiss taehyung lips.

"I was doing some work darling "jungkook said but taehyung look at him with angry.

"And for work you leave me"taehyung said.

"Darling I tell you na someone is coming and for them I have to do everything my own because they are very special guest "jungkook said and taehyung nod his head.

"Now tell me did you eat your breakfast "jungkook said.

"Yes I eat but you were not with me "taehyung said.

"It's ok lunch we will eat together ok"jungkook said and taehyung nod his head.

"Now go to our  room and get ready for guest ok"jungkook said , taehyung nod and kiss jungkook lips and run to his room.

To be continued.......

I'm really sorry my dear reader that I published very late but I have some work do.

I'm really sorry 💜💜💜

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