feels so good, your fingertips

587 11 4

[this gets smutty in the second half]


Lan Xichen always had beautiful hands, there was never a moment where Jiang Cheng wasn't admiring them. They were slightly larger than his own hands, with long, delicate fingers, rough from years of sword work and instrumental practice, but still soft, gentle to touch.

It took quite some time for Jiang Cheng to admit it – that he loved Lan Xichen's hands, that he longed to hold them, to have them on him, to simply stare at them. It didn't hit him until he watched Lan Xichen play Liebing one day, Jiang Cheng was stressed over something, and Lan Xichen offered to play to calm him down. And it did, Jiang Cheng listened and allowed the melody to lull him into a relaxed state, he watched, enthralled, eyes following the movement of Lan Xichen's fingers. And it never left his mind since.

Lan Xichen's touch was always soft, and grounding, he would wrap those long fingers around Jiang Cheng's wrist and pull Jiang Cheng into his personal space, and Jiang Cheng would feel warm all over. In the quiet of the morning, Lan Xichen would trail his fingers along Jiang Cheng's face, following the shape of his eyebrows, down the thin line of his nose, his thumb pressing down on his lip, and Jiang Cheng would wake up to the ticklish feeling of Lan Xichen's fingers on his jaw, holding it gently.

Jiang Cheng would watch attentively as Lan Xichen made tea, how his hands clasped the teapot, the gentle movements to stir, the steadiness as he poured the tea into the awaiting cups. Their fingers brushed against each other when Jiang Cheng accepted the teacup, and he would feel a jolt of electricity shoot down his spine. He'd watch those fingers toy with the rim of the cup, almost jealous. And Lan Xichen, of course, would catch him and tease Jiang Cheng about it. Are my hands really that interesting, Wanyin?

Jiang Cheng melted under the light weight of Lan Xichen's hand resting on his lower back as they walked, or when they rested on his shoulder, or his nape, or – or anywhere, really. When Lan Xichen was feeling particularly shameless, he'd rest his hand on Jiang Cheng's thigh when they eat, not only when they took private dinner, but even in public, where anyone could see, fingers digging into the clothed flesh, making Jiang Cheng squirm.

The way those fingers felt in his hair, brushing through the silky strands, or simply resting on his scalp. Sometimes they would share a bath together, Lan Xichen would offer to wash his hair, and Jiang Cheng was never one to say no, he would always return the favour. It was relaxing, a luxury he usually doesn't allow for himself, to let himself be taken care of, but Lan Xichen had always been adamant.

Lan Xichen would leave the loveliest handprints on him, they never last long, but Jiang Cheng made sure to stare at them, committing each one to memory, his own fingers tracing over them before they fade, and Lan Xichen would always make sure to leave new ones. Jiang Cheng's neck, wrists, waist, thighs, and even his ankles, all bared Lan Xichen's mark, no part of Jiang Cheng would go untouched. Lan Xichen loved to admire his work, pressing his fingers into the bruises, pulling little gasps from Jiang Cheng's mouth.

Those clever fingers always knew where to touch, caress, and make Jiang Cheng turn into putty, melting into the sheets beneath him. Hands that held onto Jiang Cheng almost possessively, trailing scorching touches down his spine, forcing all sorts of embarrassing sounds to leave Jiang Cheng's throat, as Lan Xichen teased and teased, before finally relenting, letting those lovely fingers sink into Jiang Cheng's heat and grant him the release he had been chasing.

Jiang Cheng would never admit this out loud, it was already shameful to even think this, but he felt – felt safe, in Lan Xichen's hands. He hadn't been touched with such kindness, such love, in so long. It was more than he deserved, Jiang Cheng was never much of a tactile person, he lived long enough without it, yet it was different with Lan Xichen. It was like the dam had finally broke, now, he would actively seek out Lan Xichen's touch, his warmth, to feel his fingers slot against Lan Xichen's.

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