Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Shadows and Symphonies: A Journey of Fragile Connections

On the chilly morning of January 28th, I came back home after saying goodbye to our grandparents' cozy house. I got right into my schoolwork, working hard to finish everything I needed to do. The days went by quickly, and before I knew it, January was over, leaving behind memories and things I wished I had done.

As the boring winter days went on, a little bit of hope showed up. February came, bringing its own kind of happiness, like a flower blooming slowly. I felt really happy when my parents gave me a new TV, which meant I could have my laptop back. I was so excited, like a flame burning strongly inside me. But I didn't know that this happiness wouldn't last long, because soon I found out two really big things that changed everything.

Firstly, our tuition classes came to an end, marking the end of a chapter. We had to say goodbye to our favorite teacher, who had taught us so much and helped us grow smarter. Knowing he was leaving for more studies made me really sad, and I wondered if he would ever hear about what happened to me. If he did, all I wanted to say was a big thank you for showing me the way to learn.

Secondly, big changes were coming to my school life. When I heard the news that schools were going to open again, it felt like an earthquake in my world. I felt a mix of excitement and fear as I thought about going back to a real classroom for the first time. It was like standing on the edge of a cliff, not sure what would happen next. And just before my first day back at school, fate decided to bring me together with Amber, changing my life forever.

Amber, with her extraordinary beauty, caught my eye on that important day. She seemed to glow with a special kind of energy, both delicate and strong. Seeing her in person was nothing like the memories I had from our online classes. Her presence was so captivating that I hardly noticed anyone else around me. Her charm and grace fascinated me, leaving a lasting impression on my young heart.

As March came to an end, I couldn't stop thinking about our final exams and the upcoming reopening of school on April 1st. I had a lot of free time ahead of me. Then, by chance, I found out that Amber lived near me. I promise you, dear reader, I wasn't trying to be creepy—I just happened to find out. So, on the evening of March 15th, I went to her neighborhood with a few friends to see her.

That evening, luck was on my side as I got to talk to Amber. Just talking to her felt like music to my ears, and I felt happier than ever before. Everything around us seemed brighter, and all my worries melted away. It was a perfect moment, like a beautiful song in the big picture of life. But then, on March 17th, I made a big mistake that I'll never forget. It was a day filled with embarrassment and disappointment. I got too excited and asked Amber for her Instagram account, hoping we could stay in touch online. At first, she politely said no, explaining that she didn't use Instagram. But then her friends got involved, asking her about my request. Suddenly, I felt like the ground was disappearing beneath me as I turned red with embarrassment.
In that moment, I realized that my idealized image of Amber wasn't completely accurate. As we talked more in the days that followed, I noticed things about her personality that didn't match what I had imagined. While her sense of humor was charming, it wasn't as deep as I had hoped. Even though I still found her voice and attitude interesting, I started to see that we were different in some ways. Her playful nature didn't quite fit with my more serious personality. After March 25th, we stopped talking, like a dream fading away as the morning comes.

April 1st came, and I started eighth grade, full of new possibilities. I saw some familiar faces from our online classes, along with some new ones. Everyone seemed curious and unsure as we looked at each other. Among all these new people, three stood out to me—Kai, Jade, and Rae. Even though I wasn't feeling very emotional at the time, I felt hopeful about making friends with them. But then, fate had other plans, and our time together in the classroom was short-lived. Schools closed again, breaking the bonds we had started to form.

April passed quickly, leaving me feeling disappointed and let down. But in the middle of all that, my brother's birthday brought some happiness. It felt like things were starting to get back to normal, showing me that even when things are chaotic, there can still be moments of joy. Surrounded by friends, we laughed and celebrated, feeling happy together.

May brought a glimmer of hope to my world, pushing back against the shadows that weighed on my spirit. When our tuition classes started again and our teacher returned, I felt a bit better. I spent weeks trying to figure out how to interact with people, feeling nervous about asking for help or notes. It felt like a huge challenge, like trying to climb Mount Everest. Time kept moving forward, and before I knew it, summer vacation started on May 20th.

May was a big month for me because I started watching anime for the first time. In those animated stories, I saw parts of myself reflected back at me. The characters struggled with big questions about life and meaning, which made me think about my own life. I started wondering about why we're here and if it even matters. The idea of "Why should I keep living?" kept coming up in my mind, making me question everything. It felt like the shadows of not knowing the point of anything were closing in on me, making me doubt everything about myself.

In June, something changed in how I learned. Instead of going to tuition classes elsewhere, they moved to my house. It was nice to study in my own space, but it also meant I had to keep my house clean. Now, alongside studying, I had to do everyday chores too. It felt like my school life and home life were mixing together, making me feel like I always had something to do.

Despite all the chores, I found comfort in music. The songs I listened to in June made me appreciate different types of music more. Among all the songs, "Heat Waves" stood out to me. Its sad tune matched how I was feeling inside. The words made me think about life and how mysterious it can be.

Despite all the challenges I faced, I held onto hope when I heard that school might reopen. The thought of seeing my friends again and having normal interactions filled me with anticipation. Deep inside, I prayed for things to stabilize, for the constant cycle of closures to end.

But as June ended and July approached, uncertainty hung in the air like a heavy cloud. In the midst of this uncertainty, a new struggle emerged within me—schizophrenia. The doctors explained it to me with serious faces, saying there was no cure. They offered medications and therapy as ways to cope, but it felt like small comforts in the face of the turmoil raging inside me.

As June faded away and July took its place, a sense of sadness settled over me. I was weighed down by so many unanswered questions, the struggles of dealing with my mental health, and the challenges I knew were coming. Each day seemed uncertain, making it hard to hold onto even the smallest bit of hope.

As I navigate through my life, I can't help but see how all the pieces fit together. Each part of my story, like chapters in a book, adds to the complexity of who I am. There are moments of joy, heartache, and brief periods of peace scattered throughout.

Even though I'm unsure of what lies ahead, the melody of my life keeps playing. It's a mix of sadness and hope, intertwined with the twists and turns of fate. Memories from my past weigh heavy on me, and I'm constantly grappling with things I don't understand. But deep down, I still hold onto a glimmer of strength, a belief that even in the darkest times, there's a chance for something brighter to emerge.

To be continued...

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