Chapter 15

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Moving Forward

"I want lots of people to visit my grave," not a great way to start February. February had fewer school days, but chatting with Freya made it better. We'd talk about her day, and I liked hearing about it. I mostly skipped school, so asking about school from Freya was also a fun part of my day.

Most of February, I studied without realizing big exams were coming. It felt like time slipped away, leaving me rushing to catch up.

Board exams brought unexpected joy, not because I aced them, but because they brought me closer to Freya. Her presence was a beacon of light amidst the daunting exams. I still remember the way sunlight danced upon her face, illuminating her with a majestic glow that I'll cherish forever.

During exam breaks, we stole moments to chat outside the examination center. Despite the divide of different classes, our conversations bridged the gap, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences. It was a testament to the power of connection, transcending the boundaries imposed by roll numbers.

They say loving a thorn hurts, but I'd gladly embrace the pain if it meant loving something uniquely mine, rather than a flower that belongs to the entire garden. Freya was my thorn, a cherished pain amidst the beauty of life's garden.

And it wasn't just Freya; talking with Raeliana added another layer of joy to the exam days. Despite being in different classes, our friendship blossomed before and after exams, a reminder that companionship knows no bounds.

If there were two people I spoke with the most before exams, it was undoubtedly Ved and Kai.

Ved, with his dreams of becoming a doctor, took a different class for biology. Despite the separation, our paths still crossed during lunch breaks and combined lessons, keeping our bond alive amidst the chaos of school life.

But Kai... oh, Kai. His absence now casts a shadow over the memories we once shared. The laughter, the fun we had—it all feels like distant echoes fading into the abyss of time. Yet, even as the pain of his absence lingers, I find peace in the bittersweet embrace of memories.

They say memories hurt, and perhaps they do. But for me, my past is like a treasure chest full of experiences. Each memory is like a colorful piece of a puzzle that helps shape who I am now and who I'll become in the future.

Ah, the famous interview – a story everyone in our school knows. It was a time of excitement, filming those funny moments, feeling brave as we broke the rules. And though things got serious when the teachers took my phone, I still believe they shouldn't have done it, especially since I was outside school grounds.

But what's done is done, and there's no point dwelling on the past. What matters is that my friends like Kai, Meraki, and Raeliana didn't get into trouble because of it. And hey, I still got to keep all the clips, so I count that as a win.

After the stress of board exams, we found ourselves with a lot of free time. Our schools were closed, and studying was out of the question. We were all bored out of our minds.

But in that boredom, I discovered something new – martial arts. With nothing else to do, I threw myself into learning different techniques and styles.

Even though we were bored, talking to Freya was still the highlight of my day. Though lately, she seemed just as bored as the rest of us. It made sense, though. We were all stuck at home with nothing to do.

During this time, I also had a chance to think about love. It's a tricky thing, isn't it? It's like knowing you might get hurt, but being unable to stop yourself from diving in anyway.

And so, as March came to an end, I felt a bit wiser. Even though it was a boring time, it taught me a lot about myself and what really matters in life.

April turned out to be the worst month of the year, hands down.

First, there was the news of Kai shifting to a new school. Remember what I said about memories being warm? Scratch that. Memories can be too warm, scorching you from the inside out. It hurt so much that I didn't know how long I could bear it.

Then, there was the incident at the park. We were all playing when a shady-looking man approached us on his bike, asking for help with some heavy stuff. I thought, why not help someone in need? So I did, riding behind him and holding onto this heavy pipe-like thing. Turns out, he was a thief, and I unwittingly helped him steal a water motor. To make matters worse, when the other kids asked where I got the food from, I lied and said the guy gave it to me, just to brush off their questions. Now, I get teased, almost bullied, because of it.

But the worst part came just two days before school reopened. I was chatting with Freya, having a good conversation, when I replied to her status with a joke about her favorite singer that ended up being in bad taste. She didn't get it, and when she asked me to explain, I knew what was coming. It wasn't hard to explain, but it was a nightmare knowing what would happen next.

Freya, I'm sorry. At that point, even I couldn't save our friendship. You want to hate em? Then do it but you were more than good – you were the best person I'd ever met, or so I thought. But now, I take back what I said about loving a thorn. It hurt, and I thought it was worth it, but that thorn just kept getting sharper and pushing me away. I am scared that if things kept going like this, the thorn would be left all alone.

So, to cut a long story short, I was – I am – blocked by Freya, not just on WhatsApp and Instagram, but also in real life.

In the midst of April's troubles, another problem surfaced on the first day back at school.

As I walked through the gates, excitement mingled with nervousness. But soon, those feelings were overshadowed by the head coordinator's disapproving stare. She scolded me for not cutting my hair, a silly thing to be upset about, I thought.

She ordered me to wait in her office, but after five long minutes, she still hadn't shown up. So, I decided to speak up. I told her it didn't make sense to keep me waiting just because of my hair, raising my voice a little.

Well, that only made her angrier. She called my home, complaining about my attitude. It was frustrating, to say the least. And to make matters worse, I had to cut off my bangs completely.

That woman, with her silly rules and her temper, she's just a nuisance. I can't help but feel angry about the whole situation. It's just not fair.

Amidst all the chaos of April, there was a ray of light that shone through – our new class teacher. He's the head of the chemistry department and he's got a knack for poetry. His way of teaching is so good that I've actually started loving chemistry now.

Then there's Raeliana, my classmate. With all the changes happening, like switching classes for the first time in a while, I think there will be more characters joining our story soon. It's something to look forward to in the chapters ahead.

As April came to an end, I found myself thinking about something a bit unusual. I thought, "maybe it's better if no one visits my grave when I'm gone. Maybe I just want to rest quietly for a while after death."

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