"Come on Maeve!" My best friend Issy yelled at me.
We were both currently in my room. Blasting music out my cd player and looking through my photography portfolio. It was a Friday night I should be out partying not looking through my portfolio worrying about how I'm going to get the job I've always wanted to do.
When I didn't reply, she continued. "You know, you are 20 years old right. You haven't been to a concert with me in a long time! I want you to come with me! Stop worrying about the job and have a fun night out!"
"Iss" I said using my nickname for her to calm her down from her rant. "I ain't worrying I just really wanna have the job I've always wanted to do you know how cool it would be to tour with bands? Plus I don't wanna go to this one alright!"
Issy wants me to go with her to this concert to see a band I had no clue existed. Listen to her screaming lyrics out the songs I don't even know. And have teenage girls screaming in my ears, that drool over this apparently pretty famous band.
She sighed and sat down at the edge of my bed. "Maeve, I know you don't wanna go. I do, but it'll be something we could do together it'll be fun! And plus the lead singer is so fucking hot. You'll agree when you see him"
"Okay fine" I said closing my portfolio. She was annoying the fuck out of me about this stupid band. "But only cause you said he's apparently so hot"
A big grin covered her face. But then I remembered something. "Wait, what about my mum and dad? My mum would say yeah but I don't know about dad like-"
"I already asked them both and they said yes, your dad took a while to persuade but he agreed in the end" she cut in.
"So you already knew that I would say yeah then?"
"Yeah" she chuckled "you'll never say no when I say there's hot guys there" she grinned.
"You owe me a drink" I wink, then get changed into black shorts, a black Lacey low cut top and black converse. My long blonde hair was let naturally straight, I put my normal makeup on, winged liner with my waterline as well, mascara, and then bronzer.
Issys brown hair was let naturally wavy she put a bit of mascara on and applied lipgloss. Issy normally goes for a natural look.
We grabbed our jackets on the way out and walked to issys house which is like a ten min walk from mine, and got into her dads car since he was taking us there.
This should be a fun night. Hopefully.

Are you mine?
RomanceMaeve Anderson is a normal 20 year old woman. What happens when her best friend drags her to a concert and the famous lead singer, Liam Gallagher, takes an interest in her?