I walk in my front door with Liam, Guigsy, Noel, Bonehead and Issy. I would say I have a few extra people eating dinner at my house tonight.
"Mum! We're here!" I call out to her.
My mum comes straight over to us, we all huddled in my kitchen where the front door is. "Come on in, make yourselves at home, dinners nearly ready, I'd you wanna go in the living room take your shoes off" she says to the boys.
Mum has a grin on her face and its probably cause she recognises them.
"Mum. This is Liam, Guigsy, Bonehead, Noel and you obviously know Issy so there's no point introducing her" I tell her, gesturing to each of the people standing by me.
"Alright, you lot go in there" she points to the living room. "And I'll check the dinner"
I lead them to the living room and they slump themselves onto the sofa. I sit next to Liam and Issy.
"Your mum is well cool" Bonehead says.
"Yeah everyone says that" I reply
"Does she know who we are?" Noel asks
"I think so, she always has the radio on so she's probably heard you lot. She knows me and iss went to your concert though so"
"Any siblings we should be warned about?" Bonehead questions.
I nod. "Yeah I have a little brother, John, he's 15, i don't know if he's heard of your band he's normally out playing football or with his mates"
"Dinner" I heard my mum shout from the kitchen. "Food!" Bonehead and Guigs yell. Liam shakes his head and I laugh.
I lead the way into the dining room and we all sit down. Mum places our plates down, she's made lasagne. "Fucking cmon! I love lasagne!" Liam exclaims. My mum laughs then shouts for John.
He stomps down the stairs then appears round the corner. "Alright! I'm here!" He yells back.
"Oi! Don't get like that we have people here. Mind your manners"
John sighs dramatically. "Sorry" he mumbles. Mum rolls her eyes.
"Fucks wrong with you?" I ask
"Nothing" he snaps. Fucking hell hes in a mood. "Just so you know mums only being nice to you because your boyfriend and friends are here"
Oh my days.
I shake my head at him. "I don't have a boyfriend. And someone's not in a good mood"
Before he can say anything else mum butts in. "Anyway. You lot are in a band aren't you?"
"Yeah" Liam says.
"That seems fun, how long have you lot been together then?"
So many questions. Mum, wait I'm actually quite interested in this now.
"Probably around 3 years, we started rehearsing in 92, then Noel joined a year later so. We used to play in pubs and that."
Mum nods her head. "How old are you boys then?"
"I'm 21" Liam responds "rkids 26" he points to Noel. "Boneheads 29 and Guigsy is 22"
I look around at all the plates. Everyone's done accept for Bonehead and Noel who had seconds.
"So what do you guys play?" John asks them.
"I'm lead guitarist and songwriter" Noel says after chewing rather loudly. Ew.
"I'm rhythm guitarist" Bonehead says.
"I'm bass" Guigs replies.
"I'm the singer, yanno, since I'm the better looking one" Liam smirks
My mum nods her head side to side chuckling.

Are you mine?
RomanceMaeve Anderson is a normal 20 year old woman. What happens when her best friend drags her to a concert and the famous lead singer, Liam Gallagher, takes an interest in her?