Daylight - chapter 6

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We decided to hang around in this field outside of town, it was more quite so fans and paparazzi won't get to us.

"I'm gonna go look around, don't worry I won't get lost" bonehead says, guigsy following him. Tony was at the hotel on the phone to his missus who recently had a baby girl.

"Imma go walk in the woods for a bit who want to come?" I ask everyone else.

"I'll go" Liam says. I look at Issy. She shakes her head. "Imma stay here" Evil person. I know what she's doing.

Then Noel spoke "yeah same I cant be arsed to walk anymore man" I smirk, and issys eyes widen. I went to laugh in her face so badly. "Let's go" Liam says, oblivious to what's going in between Issy and I.

Liam and I take off. And enter the woods, the woods here are beautiful there's flowers in the bushes and the sound of birds.

"It's nice here innit" Liam says.

"Yeah it's really nice"

"So what dya do then" Liam asks me "all I know if ya names Maeve and all the basic stuff"

"Well, I like to listen to music, take photos  I also play guitar"

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah?" I look at him in confusion

"Your getting more interesting the more I talk to ya" he smirks. I went to say something but my phone rings.

"It's my brother I gotta take this one sec"


"Maeve, mums wondering where you are, she's making dinner"

"Alright tell her I'm out with mates , what time is it?"

"6:45 mum got home later than normal"

I heard talking on the other end of the phone. Mums saying something to John.

"Mum says how many mates are you with?"

"Five, why?"

"She says they can have dinner too"

"Where's dad?"

"He's still at work, won't be home till later"

"Alright I'll ask, I'll see ya later"

I look at Liam, "my mum wants to know if you guys wanna come for dinner with us"

He looks at me in surprise. "Well I'll ask them, but Yh I'd go"

"Lemme call iss real quick" I dial her number and wait. "Hey?" She questions.

"We coming back to you. mum wants to know if we all want dinner at mine"

"Yes! Food!"

I end the call. Liam is finishing a call on his phone.

"The others are going back"

"Did they get lost?" I ask

"Nah they alright"

We get back to Issy and Noel and everyone is there. "So my mum wants to know if you lot want dinner at mine" I said to the boys.

"I'm in" Bonehead says "Yh same" Says Noel "why would I say no to free food" says Guigs. I roll my eyes, he sounds just like Issy.

We go back into town and catch the bus back to mine. Noel and Liam fight over to front seat on the top of the bus. They are such manchilds.

"Nah I wanna sit next to the window ya cunt!" Liam shouts.

"Nah I'm older I wanna sit there" Noel argues.

"Yeah but I'm younger so I should sit there!" liam ends the argument by pushing Noel and sitting there really fast. I fight the urge to laugh and so does Issy.

I Wonder how dinner will go. I'm kinda of nervous and I don't know why.

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