Chapter 13 - You Make Me So Happy

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Louis sits in the downstairs alcove reading his book while Harry makes them tea.

Louis hears Harry's sickly sweet voice, "Louis, honey?"

"What?" He asks, not removing his eyes from the book that is too good to put down.

"No, I mean- Honey?" Harry tiredly repeats.

"What?" Louis asks again, turning the page.

He hears Harry laugh quietly to himself until he feels his arms wrap around his neck and over his shoulders from behind as Harry hugs him softly, nuzzling his face into the corner of his neck. "Louis, sweetheart, light of my life, I think pet names are adorable, and endearing, and you're the only one I'll ever really want to call honey, you perfect ray of sunshine. But," He pauses, kissing just below his jaw and next to his ear where Louis loves it the most, making him purr and push his head back into Harry's chest in an attempt for him to keep going. "I need to know if you want honey in your tea."

"Oh. Oh." Louis blushes in embarrassment. "No, thank you though, baby." Louis chuckles, closing his book. Harry jumps forward pecking him on the lips chastely before he's standing in the kitchen again preparing their drinks. "You know," Louis interjects. He sets the book down completely on the pillow thrown against the alcove seat. "I quite like those pet names. You should use them more often. They make me feel all warm and giddy."

"Okay." Harry agrees with a smile. "What shall we do today?"

"Swim." Louis says without a beat.


"I'll be right there with you the entire time. I won't even let go of you. You'll be safe with me, okay?"

Harry sighs after a moment of silence. "Promise?"


After grabbing a few towels and things like sunscreen, both of the boys head toward the shore. It smells like the sweet scent of summer air. The waves are crashing nicely on the rocks and everything looks beautiful. The water is dark blue but lighter near the sand that it folds against. And as Louis holds Harry's hands, he gently guides him into the water one step at a time.

When the water reaches their waists, Louis turns Harry around where his back is touching Louis' chest and they both sigh, sinking further into each other's embrace. Harry's panicked breathing calms down. Even though he was able to get into the water a few times since their hike to the pond, it was never past the knees. Being nearly halfway in the water feels like a rush of guilt and euphoria at once.

"You're with me?" Harry asks, eyes closed and biting his lip.

"I'm with you." Louis confirms.

It was a small thing to remind him of but it seemed to help when Harry visibly relaxed into his arms more than before. He was just a pile of bones in the water at this point, carelessly shifting his weight onto Louis who didn't mind at all.

The water was cold but neither paid attention to it, because eventually, their skin warmed up to the cold sensation. The sky remained a light blue until the clock struck six and began to quiet down into an orange sunset and then a dark blue.

Louis holds him tight and brings him into the deeper area of the ocean as Harry was still afraid to actually go in further by himself. Harry takes a deep breath and unwraps Louis' hold on him, where his arms are crossed from the back around to Harry's chest... "I can do this. I think."

"You got it, baby." Louis removes his hands and lets Harry go.

Harry grabs his hand to hold onto for reassurance that he's not leaving but staying right where he needs him.

A Year in the Water // L.S.Where stories live. Discover now