Chapter 22 - This Is What It Feels Like To Truly Live

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It was simple but elegant. White rose petals fell beneath chairs and down the aisle, past the home made arbor which contained two long wooden branches held together by tied rope and a lot of flowers taped on. Around the wood was white gift wrapping paper to give it the completed wedding look. Standing in front of it was Berry who claimed to take a small test online at the library to become a minister yesterday so he could officiate their wedding. When Louis told him he didn't have to do that, Berry replied, with a scoff, "Harry is my boy. Of course I'm going to give him away at his wedding and run the ceremony to make sure all goes well. If anyone tries to interject, they'll have me to deal with." Louis only grinned and told him thank you.

Harry was still asleep. Louis figured he needed his rest even if for a few seconds longer.

There were no best men to accompany the wedding but a few of the guys from around town that Harry knew said they would help out if needed. One of them, the guy that helped Louis in the beginning, Zayn, said he could stand in to hold the rings. The rings that Harry hadn't seen yet. Another guy, Niall, who had apparently gone to school with Harry, is doing a lot by helping out. He's offered to set up a beautiful spot in the sand with rows of chairs, make them a free brunch on the house from his family owned restaurant down the path of small catering shops and houses all because he said he loved weddings and Harry.

Zayn and Niall set up the chairs together while Louis takes a call with Liam. "Man, I'm really happy for you. I'm just heartbroken that I won't get to meet him."

"Yeah," Louis agrees. "He's great. Such a beautiful person inside and out."

"Call me if you need anything, alright?"

"I will. Thanks for pushing me to come down here. It really changed my life."

"Glad I could be of some help." Liam jokes. "It feels good to be useful sometimes. I'll give you a ring tomorrow."

"Bye." Louis hangs up the phone and walks upstairs to wake Harry, gently opening the door. He carefully walks across the creaky floorboards and sits on the bed next to the boy. He's beautiful when he sleeps. Leaning down, he kisses his forehead then his cheek, his jaw, and then his neck until he laughs awake. "Rise and shine, my love."

"Good morning." Harry rasps. His voice is slightly deeper than usual, but the sound is just as shivering.

Louis helps him get dressed, nothing fancy, but his favorite blouse that's a white-blue color with white jeans. Louis is dressed already in a blue button up clad with a pair of black jeans and both are wearing their matching sandals since they don't have the traditional wedding attire.

Louis pulls Harry out of the bakery, nerves striking at the scene of limited guests that Berry and Niall invited. Of course Louis knows some of them like Doctor Castle and his wife, her sister, and a few others. But the rest of the group of about 30 people he's never even met.

As the wedding music plays, from the bakery speakers Berry had connected, Louis and Harry walk down the sandy aisle with large grins on their faces. The look on Berry's is one that he'll remember forever. It shows how proud he is, how much he loves Harry, the way his eyes crinkle and tear up when Harry notices. He shapes a heart and taps his chest silently toward Harry and Harry does the gesture right back, like it's their own little thing between father and son. But they're not father and son, which makes the small gesture every bit more special.

As they say their vows and Zayn handing them the rings, Berry asks, "Do you, Louis Tomlinson, take Harry Styles to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Louis smiles, bites his lip, and nods. "I do."

"Do you, Harry Styles, take Louis Tomlinson to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Harry almost has tears falling down his cheeks. "I do."

"Great. You may kiss the groom."

Louis sighs, "It's about damn time." And brings Harry in for a soft, gentle kiss. Their lips mold together like a puzzle, picking up with force like they can't be separated until Berry clears his throat.

"This is a wedding not a zoo. Don't act like animals."

"Right." They pull apart and smile at each other, each full of love and passion.

"Husband." Harry chirps. "Husband, husband, husband."

The food is great, small appetizers here and there with Berry's cakes as dessert. The people are nice. Louis has come to know that a lot of them know Harry personally as he grew up on the island. Some of them have babysat him when he was a child, some he went to school with, and others are just locals that he met from time to time.

When it gets dark, and Harry starts yawning, Louis carries him bridal style into Harry's room. "So what's the plan now?"

Louis smiles and kisses his lips. "Right now? I'm going to show my husband how much I love him."

"I love the sound of that. Husband." He grins. "Husband, husband, husband. So so much better than my boyfriend."

"Hm, I agree. Way better than 'boyfriend'. More mature." Harry swats his shoulder and laughs.

"No, because we are married now. That's why it's better than boyfriends. Married. Me and you. Us. Married." Harry slowly repeats as he wraps his legs around Louis' waist.

"That, baby, we are."

The night ends with Louis and Harry wrapped in blankets in each other's arms, a twinkle in their dazed eyes, and love and 'just married' written all over their faces.

Harry kisses his neck softly, whispering goodnight while cuddling further into his arms.

This, Louis thinks, this is what it feels like to truly live.

This, Louis thinks, this is what it feels like to truly live

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