Sixteen ○ I am Sorry!

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"Annyeonghaseyo yeolobun! MC Kwan-ibnida!" The MC greeted while getting up on the stage and the already loud crowd began even louder.

"Woah! We have a huge crowd today. Is there someone you all are seeking for?" He asked the audience. And a loud 'yes' echoed in the room.

"Damn excited huh? Okhay! Any special someone?" MC Kwan asked pointing the mic towards the crowd.

"Woozi! Woozi!!" They all chanted in sync.

"I can't hear you all. Louder!" MC Kwan hyped up the atmosphere.

"Woozi! Woozi!! Woozi!! Woozi!!"

"Now that's how the audience of Woozi should be. So I won't make you all wait for longer than this so here I welcome our rising artist... WOOOOZZZIIIIi!!"

"Woozi! Woozi!! Woozi! Woozi!!"

"Woozi! Woozi!! Woozi! Woozi!!"

"Woozi! Woozi!! Woozi! Woozi!!"

"Mingyu-ya!!! Its about to start. I am really excited." Myungho said trying to suppress his excitement but it was just coming out naturally.

"Yeah, me too. I am really curious. How can a make crowd this crazy for him?!" Mingyu muttered more to himself.

The lights soon turned off in a go making a 'thud' sound and the crowd went silent all at once. And looked everywhere around them.

"Out of sight, where am I running to now~~" The artist's vocal echoed in the silence and they all started screaming when the stage started coming up with a guy holding a bass guitar in his hand and the lights starting lit up from back of the stage leaving the basement still in dark.

"Out of sight, where am I running to now~~" The artist's vocal echoed in the silence and they all started screaming when the stage started coming up with a guy holding a bass guitar in his hand and the lights starting lit up from back of the stage...

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"Blinded by shining lights, pulling me close~~"

This voice...

"Bloody red flamin' up, she takes me in, oh~~" The silhouette sang moving his hands sexily with rhythm.

"Oh my ga- shit, I see myself in ya~~" He sang walking forward sassily which made everyone drool over him. Even though they couldn't still see his face.

"Baby boy, you're making me a beautiful jewel... Every time I look at you, I keep turning red~" He sang walking more closer towards the light.

"I'm not going back, go color me like you...
My forbidden fruit, he's got the ruby lips~~"

"My heart is taken away, I don't give a-" He finally jumped into the light presented in the middle of the stage, calmly revealing his own self infront of others. And then all the lights were switched on at once.

"Hyung!!" The bestfriends synced at the same time looking at each other. The crowd went crazy over his visuals.

The solid black formal suit which looked a little oversized on him and a pair of white gloves contradicting his attire, that he swiftly removed before he placed his hands on the bass.

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