Fifty Nine ○ Blow

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"Oh my dear Mingyu. I don't want to mistreat you honey. All you need to do is be mine." He spoke softly.

"No. Who are you?! Why are you doing this to me?" Mingyu tried to understand what was happening to him. Everything seemed suffocating at the moment and the tears were dwelling out as he couldn't do anything about the situation.

"Me? Your secret admirer? Someone who loves you unconditionally. Someone who can kill someone or kill themselves for you. Even better, someone who can kill you for yourself."

The dreading tone of the guy sent shivers down his spine. His ears could barely hear anything after the blow. The ugly sense of emptiness filling up his thoughts.

Mingyu didn't say anything as he doesn't know what he should say.

"Mingyu baby. Listen to daddy, will you? I ASKED WILL YOU?!" The man asked, harshly pulling his hair back. He could see the dark orbs making his soul tremble in fear.

He gulped and nodded involuntarily. But he was hit again on the same wounded ear. His mind went blank as he fell down hitting the ground sideways. The sound of his uneven breathing filling up the place. It was really silent on the surroundings. You could only hear crickets and frogs that too from far away.

The man dragged Mingyu by his limbs to the outside of the place and it turned even colder as his body touched the wet grass. But he could barely react to it as he was on the verge of losing his consciousness. And he feared what would happen to him if he were to faint at this moment.

"You should've been a good baby dear." The man sarcastically said and pulled him further and it was becoming colder and wetter with every inch getting closer to the place he was being taken to.

It was finally little visible to the Little Mingyu as the moon light was reflected over the place. His vision was blurry but he could figure out, he was inside a jungle.

"Now be a good boy and survive for me. I know you will." The harsh sugarcoated with the sweet tone was sounding disgusting to Mingyu's fear.

He watched as the man tied a big stone to the belt on his leg and Mingyu's eyes widened when he realised what was going to happen.


Without a second thought, the man threw the stone inside the lake and the weight pulled Mingyu inside the lake. His ski, ripping up by the sudden drag on the stony ground. The small sharp stones digging their way into his now harmed skin.

"Help! Help! Please! Help me!!!"

Mingyu cried as his instincts kicked into action. He tried to float himself on the water as the water body was shallow but all he could do was scream for someone's help desperately even though he knew no one could hear him from here.

The man playfully laughed at him while sitting over the bank and playing with his fingers.

"Mingyu-ya, why are you looking so good even in this situation. You have really bewitched me into your love. How could I possibly live without you in my life? Don't you agree?" He asked the question sweetly.

Mingyu struggled badly as his hands and legs were tired from the struggle. The algae filled cold water was making his freshly bleeding wounds burn. Mingyu sighed and finally decided to give up with a heavy heart. And his body started to float on the water like a lifeless body that he was indeed at this moment.

"See. You were struggling for nothing. I was trying to teach you a hard lesson from this. Sometimes giving up is what is required in our lives. Do you get it baby gyu?" The man said walking along the edge and then jumping inside the water. He stayed inside the water for a while making Mingyu confused but soon his body floated beside him.

"You look even more good with all the scars on you. Will your Wonwoo love you still, if he sees you in this state? But you have me. I will love you no matter what you do and how you look. You're always beautiful in my eyes."

Mingyu looked dead into his eyes but the man's eyes were full of determination. He rose up and stood still on the water and made Mingyu stand in the same position as him.

The man threw his gloves on the ground and cupped Mingyu's cheeks with his bare hands, inching closer to him as he was attempting to kiss him.

But he pulled his wounded earlobes until they started bleeding again. Mingyu shouted in pain but little did the man care. Mingyu's vision again went blurry when the man finally removed his face mask and revealed his face but before Mingyu could figure it out, he had already passed out.

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