Fifty Eight ○ Suffocate

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Yet again Mingyu had to rush to the washroom again because of drinking too much after his loud singing and yapping all the rapping. But this time, Wonwoo accompanied him.

"Hyungie..." Mingyu called from inside the cubicle.

"Yes. I am here Mingyu-ya. Don't you worry." Wonwoo reassured him.



"Do you really like me?"

"Huh? Why so suddenly?"

"No reason. Just answer me."



"I love you." Wonwoo said leaning on the door and imagining the pout Mingyu was probably making which was really cute in his eyes.

"Hyungie... What if... What if something were to happen to me... Will you be able to live without me?"

"If something were to happen to you, I won't be able to live. You are the only reason for the happiness in my life. If I were to lose you at any moment, I would rather lose myself." Wonwoo's heartfelt words touched him.

"Hyungie, please never leave me. Never ever."

"I won't."



They both smiled and leaned on the door.





"Hyung?! Hyung?!"

It was dead silence. No sound was anymore audible in the washroom.

"Hyung! Hyungie!" Mingyu called again from the inside but he didn't get an answer.

"Hyungie! It's not funny!" Mingyu's breathing started rising and the suffocation filled the air.


Mingyu slowly reached the knob and held it with his shaky hands. Unconfidently, he turned the knob and it wasn't locked. So he pushed the door and found Wonwoo laying unconscious on the word.

"Hyungie!!" Mingyu held Wonwoo into his arms and tried to get him conscious but he wasn't responding.

He immediately checked his heartbeat and it seemed normal. He looked around but there was no one. Mingyu finally decided to ask someone's help and almost made out of the door when his neck was strangled by someone's hand. He couldn't see the face as he was facing his back. Something sharp pierced his neck while he struggled to entangle himself.

A hand covered his nose with a kerchief and soon he fell down unconscious.


Jihoon and Chan ran through the corridors holding the runner up cup in his hands and searching for them after they couldn't find them anywhere in the crowd.

Both of their cellphones were switched off so they didn't know if they were still there or just went back home. They thought of contacting the parents but that would probably get them worried so they decided not to.

They finally found Wonwoo laying on the bathroom floor and his face was swollen really badly.

"We need to take him to the hospital." Jihoon said and Chan nodded. He phoned up Mr Lix and he arranged an emergency care for him.

Chan requested Lix to quietly search for Mingyu in the building and nearby areas with the other bodyguards. But they couldn't find any traces of him and soon reported it to the police.


Mingyu woke up with his hands tied on his back and his legs felt heavy. He tried to raise himself up but was pushed down harshly. He felt the soft clothes placed on the hard mud like surface. It wasn't a regular floor. The atmosphere was damp, humid and chilly. He could sense the foul smell of stagnant water. He opened his eyes but couldn't see much as it was too dark. The dark silhouette was frightening him. He gulped and tried to move himself back.

The man grabbed Mingyu's chin harshly and inserted his gloved finger inside his mouth. Mingyu couldn't figure out what was happening to him. He couldn't say anything as he was numb. His body had paralyzed itself in terror.

"Suck it!" The man ordered in a high pitch. He had worn a mask and his voice was muffled yet dominating.

Mingyu refused and turned his head away. "Ah! You're not someone who submits easily. I see." The man smirked and pulled out his hand to trace Mingyu's cheeks softly before slapping him and pushing him on the stoned wall. Mingyu's head hit the side and he had lost his sense of himself. The wound was bleeding badly.

"Oh my dear Mingyu. I don't want to mistreat you honey. All you need to do is be mine." He spoke softly.

"No. Who are you?! Why are you doing this to me?"

"Me? Your secret admirer? Someone who loves you unconditionally. Someone who can kill someone or kill themselves for you. Even better, someone who can kill you for yourself."

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