Chapter 1

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 It had come as a shock when they had found Kickback clinging to life under what remained of his colony. From what they had gathered it had been the Arachnida that had attacked the Orthoptera, and the chaos had attracted the attention of the guardians, who then finished the battle.

Shrapnel still remembered the day it happened. Their Gyinawez had called a meeting, announcing the devastation of the Orthoptera colony, and that a group would be sent to check for survivors. The memory of Bombshell pulling Kickback's crumpled frame from the rubble was still clear in his processor.

Despite being the last of his kind, Kickback made a quick recovery. Though there were still times where they could tell the survivors guilt caught up to him.

Tonight was one of those nights it seemed.

"Kickback back?" The Orthoptera jumped, spinning around and glaring at him.

"Shrapnel! Don't do that!"

"My apologies, did I startle you, you?" His voice was laced with sarcasm. Kickbacks glare increased. He chuckled before sitting next to the smaller insecticon.

"Yes, yes you did startle me. And I thought I told you not to sneak up on me like that." He didn't need to look over to know Kickback was pouting.

"What were you thinking about?" It was quiet. "I just. . . I miss my colony." He finally looked at the other. Wings and antenna sagged, knees drawn up as he stared at the sky.

"You're allowed to miss your home Kickback back. Even if it's been two years, you'll be allowed to miss it for the rest of time, time." Kickbacks gaze lifted to look at him.

"Come on, we should rest, rest. We must work in the morning, morning."

They walked back to their shared cave, as he went to go to rest Kickback spoke. "Shrapnel, I don't say it enough but thank you for understanding. You and Bombshell both."

Shrapnel didn't respond, attempting to fall asleep.

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