Chapter 7

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::Status update.:: ":They're heading into the Crystal forest. Once I head in after 'im I won't be able to contact ya.:" ::Understood. Be careful.:: A blue visor flickered as red optics rolled.

":Remember who yer talking to Prowler. Jazz out.:"



Onslaught merely moved out of the way, watching the two speedsters run past. The chimes of crystals filled the air. Fallen crystals shattered under his pedes.


He froze. Turning to look at the branch that had fallen a few feet from him. A perfectly healthy branch. He turned to move closer to where it had fallen. And stumbled, one servo flew to his helm, his other moved to rest on his knee joint. He could see his gestalt in a similar state as the voice thundered in his processor.

When do you intend to let me tear the senate to shreds?!

'We need time to plan. You must be patient, Bruticus.' I HAVE BEEN PATIENT! YOU CAN'T HOLD ME BACK MUCH LONGER!

'The others will stop you.'


Then he collapsed to his knees as Bruticus roared within the mind space. His fury flooded the gestalt bond.

Minutes felt like hours until the combiner finally settled, the bond returning to its normal state.

"Onslaught! Onslaught, look at me!" His vision slowly sharpened, the green mass in front of him slowly becoming the form of Scrapper.

"Oh thank primus. What happened?"

"Bruticus." He croaked. "We're running out of time. His anger only grows, we can't keep him at bay forever."

Despite covering his face, he could see the understanding written in his body language. His own field was erratic where it met Scrapper's own calm one.

"Then we need to hurry." Optics turned to look at Scattorshot. "Computron grows impatient as well. And he didn't fight in the war. My gestalt didn't even exist back then. I can't imagine what it's like for you. I hate to admit it, but they may be right. The senate is only going to get worse in time. The poor caste will suffer and more will die. Do we really want to spend the rest of our lives hiding behind being a sparkling tale? Don't we at least owe to everybot who fought back against the senate throughout history to at least try instead of hiding like cowards?"

"He's right, you know." "Silverbolt-" "Don't! He's right we've done nothing since the war ended. A few small rebellions and stealing from nobles doesn't do anything. We need to get off our afts and actually do something!" Slowly mutters of agreement rose, getting louder as time went on. "We need to do something!" "The senates not going to suddenly become fair!" "Let's tear them to pieces!" Onslaught stayed quiet throughout it all.

"ARE YOU ALL INSANE?!" "Do you have a better idea Hotspot? Cause if not you can shut it!" "We lost the war! And in case you've forgotten Motormaster. That was when WE HAD AN ARMY!"

The argument only grew more heated. Voices raised in volume as the two gestalt leaders moved closer, until they were faceplate to faceplate.

"ENOUGH!" He bellowed. Everyone went silent as Onslaught glared. "We need a plan. Because eventually the combiners will take matters into their own servos. They can force us to combine, and when they do, do you really think they'll stop to make a plan? No! So we go through with the original plan. We all meet, then allow the combiners to give their input. We still need to figure out why the senate attacked two Insecticon colonies. Then we can plan our next move, on how to reveal ourselves and our assault on the senate, Prime and the high caste. So let's get moving."

The journey continued.


Scattorshot. 'Yes Computron?' Are we certain an assault on the Prime is what we need? He thought for a moment. We can't answer that for certain. But for now, it's our best shot at freedom. 'Yes, as Nosecone said. And we don't really get much of a choice. The other combiners grow impatient.'

The bond stayed quiet.

You are my components, my gestalt and my family. I will trust your judgment. My technobots. 'Thank you Computron.' He began to close off his side of the bond.

'I just hope we're making the right choice.'

What was that Scattor?

'Nothing! Just thinking of future plans, Strafe!"


You know they're right, Hotspot. Right?! They're insane! All of you are. "Spot please. I'm a pacifist, and I think they're right. You know violence is always a last resort for me. You can't be serious First Aid! You of all mechs should be on my side! Groove slung an arm around his shoulders. There are 37 of us counting the combiners themselves. And you seem to be the only mech against it, so you really can't stop us.

I still don't like it. 'You don't have to.'

Hotspot slumped down where he walked in front of him.

Alright let's do this.


'I'm just saying, building our own version of the star saber for Devastator would be awesome.'

And I say it's a horrible idea!

Ooh what if we made it with a nuclear rector for a power core?!

That's even worse! Of course you would agree with Bonecrusher that it's a good idea Mixmaster.

Are you telling me you wouldn't want one for yourself Hook?

Can you please argue outside of the bond?! And if I may settle this, please do not make a nuclear version of the star saber.

Awh. What about a - Ok guys, that's enough. Besides we're home.

The group slowly filtered into a large clearing. Looking up at the massive structure before him, he realized just how much he missed it.

Crystal City.


":Prowl! Get an army down here now! And bring the guardians!:" ::Why? What have you found Jazz?:: ":Something Prime is gonna love.:" ::What did you discover?:: He grinned sharp and wicked. ":Crystal city. And combiners to go with it.:" There was silence . ::We'll be there at the end of the month.:: Jazz chuckled.  

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