Chapter 6

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It was noisy. They had made a compromise. Everybody would bring their friends and family, lovers over to the warehouse where the others would stay. And the gestalts would leave for the meeting.

Hook scratched under Ravage's chin. The cassette was laying in his lap purring happily. Ratbat was nestled into the crook of his arm. A weight draped over his back.

"Statement: Ravage likes Hook."

"I'd hope she does." He chuckled.

Much like the insecticons Soundwave had been injured when they found him. A mining incident had left the tape deck and his cassettes trapped. The constructicons had been sent to get the mine back up and running.

It had been Scavenger who found them. They hadn't told the senate about Soundwaves survival, though the other miners had been told. The miners would visit sometimes. Those visits were always interesting.

He turned back to the bonfire when Soundwave settled next to him. Frenzy and Rumble were wrestling on the ground a short distance away. Lazerbeak and Buzzsaw were flying above the fire enjoying the warmth.

Everyone was interacting with others. Brawl and Bombshell had seemed to make a connection. Sitting in front of the fire and talking. Each of them had a glass of engex. Visors and masks were gone.

He saw Slingshot dragging Blades towards the warehouse. The two groping each other drunkenly.

Springer had a flustered First Aid in his lap.

There was a distinct lack of a certain stunticon and Insecticon.

Nosecone and Dead End were laying on a blow up mattress. Nosecone seemed to be telling Dead End about the stars.

His optics scanned the scene around him.

A digit poked his side. He poked back.

He and Soundwave just sat there poking each other for a while. Before Hook grabbed the other's chin and placed a kiss on his facemask.

He was confused when Ravage suddenly got up. Picking Ratbat up gently in her mouth, Ravage jumped down and began walking away.

Servos grabbed the side of his helm before lips connected with his. Before he knew it Soundwave had begun dragging him to the warehouse.

This was going to be a long night.


Grimlock glared.

'These mechs aren't scientists.' He didn't trust any of them.

Tho, to be fair he didn't trust Sixshot or the Terrorcons at first either.

He remembered chasing the mechs around his home and into the wild. Scattorshot and Strafe hadn't been happy with him. He chuckled at the memory of his creations' mates using them as shields against him.

Newsflash it hadn't worked.

He easily wrestled Snarl into a headlock. Holding the other dinobot in place until he yielded.

"Me Grimlock king!" He announced. He could hear others cheering for another fight.

Sludge stepped forward. "I fight you Grimlock!"

He grinned when the small crowd around them cheered.


"That constellation there is the 'Leading hand of Primus'."

Dead End looked where Nosecone had pointed. "It's pretty." He looked back at Nosecone. 'Not as pretty as you.' He rolled onto his side, wrapping one arm around his waist and rested his helm on his shoulder. Closing his optics he felt Nosecone move one arm to rest on his back. He could picture him smiling before closing his own optics and settling into the embrace.

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