Chapter 13

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"Kill them!"

The guards raised their blasters, a massive arm blocked their view as the first shot fired, the sound of blaster fire filling the room. Rumble leaped from his spot, docking with Soundwave as Defensor pushed himself up.

"You were sedated! How are you awake?!"

Blue met blue. "You used the sedative amount for a Guardian, not a combiner."

The ground shook, the deafening 'BOOM!' of an explosion coming from nearby.

"And you slagged off all of us."

Blasters raised again, only for a massive arm to sweep them aside. The thundering roar of engines echoed through the halls, blaster fire ricocheting off the walls.

"You need to get out of here."

He turned around.

"What are ya talkin' 'bout?"

The room shook as another roar echoed around them. "You need to get topside before the others bring this place down."

Kickback chittered beside him. "Bring it down?"

Defensor's gaze flickered to him. "We're destroying this lab."


He glanced back long enough to see the building collapse.


That was the last thing Defensor had said to them...So they ran. Doors were thrown open as they sprinted back to surface level and out the doors. Guards turned and shouted before turning back to their task.

And now? Now they were sprinting away from the lab as fast as they could.

"Now wait a minute!" He skidded to a halt. "Why are we running?! We came to get them out, and now we're just leaving them behind?!"

"Lockdown, don't be stupid!" He ducked into a side street as with the others as soldiers thundered past, Guardians trailing behind as they headed towards the labs.

"Yea Defensor told us to run! So what?!" His gaze shifted between them.

"Defensor probably has a good reason!"

"Like what?!"

"I don't slagging know!"

"Yelling at each other wont do anything!"

He and Knockout glared at each other. Well at least until Roadbuster shoved them away from each other. "We go back."

"Buster, no."


The Wrecker ignored them as he walked out of the side street, right as the evacuation notice began to blare through the speakers. Screens flickered, displaying the evacuation plan for each sector of Iacon.

They followed him out.

Slowly the 'once lab' came into view. The entire building had caved in onto the underground levels. Autobots surveyed the wreckage, survivors being pulled from the rubble. As Guardians formed a perimeter around them.

"That's bad, how did they plan to get out?"

"I count five Guardians."

They all glanced at Soundwave.

"We wait." And so they did.

An hour passed, some leaned against the wall, others had taken to sitting or laying down.

Another hour passed.

Then another.

Eventually the sun began to set, Cybertron's two moons rising. Guardians activated their head beams, aiming them so the Autobots could continue their search.

And then HE arrived.

Optimus Prime himself sauntered into view, addressing one of the guards next to him. Turning to face the head scientist.

"Dirty sleaze...He's no Prime." He cast Knockout a glance. "That's one thing we agree on."

The Prime was still talking to the scientist. A few minutes passed before one guard handed Optimus a megaphone. "May I have everyone's attention! Word has reached me that a rebel group has taken Tarn with the help of a Combiner! I have sent a small force to reclaim the city and bring this Combiner to our secondary location! Remain patient! Your test will resume soon!" A few of the surviving scientists muttered amongst themselves.

Something shifted in the rubble.

"Did you see that?-" Drift was cut off as a deafening roar filled the air, a massive figure erupting from the wreckage.


He'd waited.

Remaining still for hours, voices shouting above him, bots being pulled from the wreckage.

And he finally heard it.

Optimus Prime's voice rang out, muffled by layers of metal.

"-sent a small force to reclaim the city-"

He focused, picking out the direction the voice came from. Shifted, a split second as one component questioned the plan, then he lunged.

Metal flew in all directions as he stood, right arm reaching, his fist closed around The Prime. He growled when the closest Guardian lunged, silver boring into pale blue.

Lifting The Prime up, he squeezed, grinning as everyone froze at the sound of metal creaking, a gear snapping out of place.

And he took his time climbing from the wreckage, the Prime yelling to be released. "You will pay for your insolence! Do you understand me?! You will suffer for this!"

He laughed, "And what will you do? You're not exactly in the position to be making demands or threats, Prime."

The Prime quieted, "Do you truly think you're the first Prime to shout threats? To swear my demise? Solus Prime did the same, yet he was the one to suffer."

Superion broke free behind him, shaking his helm.

"Though I suppose I should congratulate you, you've started the second war."

A Guardian lunged and chaos erupted.



They ducked into the alley nearby, an Autobot sailing over them and smacked into the wall with a sickening crack. EEnergon splattered across the wall and ground.

"A war! Prime just started a slagging war!"

"We know, shut it!"

They fell silent, well, for a little while. "I knew Prime was insane. . . Never thought he'd go this far."

"Yeah, well he did! Now how are we supposed to escape?! We're dead center in the city!"

A tower collapsed nearby, "We could steal a shuttle?" "Prime would've had them all sent somewhere else."

. . .

"We're so screwed, aren't we?"

"No we aren't, we just need to think."

Defensor rounded the corner in front of them. "Didn't I tell you to run?!"

". . .No?"

They at least had the sense to look slightly guilty, Defensor heaved a sigh, reaching down and scooping them up in his hands. "We need to get out of here, now." He clung to the hand holding him when Defensor turned and started sprinting.

"Guess we know how we're escaping."

Defensor weaved in between buildings, avoiding Guardians and dodging blaster fire. It took roughly 20-23 minutes to get out of the city. He expected Defensor to stop, but he didn't, instead he charged towards the forest, trees as tall as the massive mech. He ran for what seemed forever, the sun began to rise from the west and Defensor finally slowed, kneeling and allowing them to clamber off his hands.

"The others should be here soon, we just need to stay put. . . That didn't mean immediately try to run off Frenzy-SIT DOWN!"

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