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I'm gonna do a bit of a timeskip since this story is coming to an ending soon 😁

Third pov

San was currently laying on the couch he was now 9 months and was due any day now he was nervous yet excited for his baby girl to be born.

Seonghwa was busy with school lately and san was at home alone his parents were home with him too at times but today they went in for work.

He's also been having contractions to and they weren't the small kinds he hasn't told seonghwa yet since he didn't want him to worry anymore than he already was.

As he was sitting down eating his tangerines and watching one piece he suddenly dropped it and screamed loudly it was a bigger contraction then he ever had and he didn't know what to think of it it hurt like hell..

He became a screaming and whimper mess he slowly stood up and held his stomach walking to his room to get his phone he finally made it and as he got to the stand where his phone was he felt his water break making him gasp then whimper as another strong contraction hit him he picked up his phone quickly dialing his appa and the said male picked up after four rings "hey bubs! How is my baby doing?~" he asked happily San whimpered he couldn't even smile even though he wanted to "a-appie I-I think m-my water b-b-broke!" He said just barely as his contractions got painful by the minute he let out another ear piercing scream and he slid on the bed yunho's eyes widen.

"Oh my fuck- okay sannie did you call the ambulance?" He asked softly and San whimper "n-no" he said and yunho sighed trying his hardest not to panic "okay bubs I'll call them now and your eomma and I will be at the house in 10 minutes can you hold out until then?" He asked San whimper "a-appie please don't hang up I-I don't think I can do this without you" San whimpered and yunho felt like crying "and you won't I promise how about you call seonghwa?" He suggested and San whimpered "o-okay appie b-but please hurry" San said and yunho smiled "I will bubs you'll get through this I promise" he said and after that he hung up and San whimpered calling seonghwa who picked up after the first ring "baby? What's wrong? Are you okay? How's your back? And your legs? Are your contractions still bad? Should I come back home?" He bombarded and san lightly giggled but they were soon cut off by another contraction which caused him to scream then whimper "h-hwa I-I need you now pl-please my w-water broke" he whimpered with tears rolling down his face.

Seonghwa gasped "fuck okay baby I'm coming now!" He said and San nodded "d-don't hang up please hwa I need y-you" he said and seonghwa bit his lip "of course baby I'll stay on until I get back home" he said and San smiled nodding "mm" he said

And seonghwa stayed on the phone with him talking to him about how his day went and how much he missed him as well.

He soon arrived home in 5 minutes and once he did he ran inside the house going to their room he put his phone in his pocket hanging up "baby!" He yelled and immediately embraced San who sobbed in his chest "h-hwa hurts!" He said whimpering and seonghwa nodded "I know baby I know but just think about it soon we'll be able to see our baby girl" he said pecking san's forehead who smiled a little at that.

About 5 minutes later yunho and mingi got to the house and quickly went into san's room "sannie are you okay bubs?" Mingi asked worried "c-could b-be b-be-better" he said burying his face into seonghwa's neck who rubbed his waist soothingly he calmed down a bit at that.

About 10 minutes later the ambulance came and took san on the stretcher luckily they were all able to go in with him.

Another timeskip later (12 hours later)

A beautiful baby girl was crying her eyes out as she was being born and handed to her eomma as soon as San held her close to his chest she stopped crying and snuggled up into his chest he let a few tears down.

Seonghwa even had tears rolling down his face as he stared at their baby girl "what would you guys like to name her?" The nurse asked softly san smiled and so did seonghwa "we would like to name her park seulgi" San said smiling softly at his daughter seonghwa smiled softly at the sight of his baby girl and the love of his life in front of him he couldn't be more happy.

A few minutes later their parents and friends came in the room smiling at the baby girl "oh my god sannie she's so cute! She had your eyes and from the looks seonghwa's mouth" wooyoung squealed and yeosang giggled, nodding.

San giggled and pecked her forehead seonghwa also leaned down pecking both of their foreheads.

Everyone stayed in the room for about an hour just talking and taking turns holding little Seul-Gi until they had to leave seonghwa was the only one who stayed.

They were currently cuddled up to each other san's head buried in seonghwa's chest while heir baby girl was now in the nursery the doctor said they'd be able to take her home fully in 2 days they were both excited about that.

"I cannot believe we finally have our baby girl sannie" seonghwa said smiling and San smiled as well "me either I'm so happy hwa thank you so much" San said and seonghwa softly chuckled "I should be thanking you my pretty baby" he said chuckling San giggled but he had a red face.

Both of them soon drifted off to sleep San being exhausted from giving birth and seonghwa just feeling the comfort of his love was enough to help him fall asleep.

One more chapter left ya'lll! And I might do a couple of bonus chapters to show the baby shower and other things that wasn't showed 😉😆

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