Lightning Flash

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(After that Ogan just passes out falling face first on the ground... Shortly after Ogan fainted Nariko goes to pick Rai up from the ground but Jaden pushes him away)

Nariko: Honey What are you doing

Jaden: You expect me to trust you after what just happened.

Nariko: What are you talking about I did nothing wrong.

Jaden: You're right I can't put all the blame on you alone, this boy is the one who attacked Rai.

Nariko: Exactly so please let me take our son-

Jaden: But that doesn't change the fact that he spoke to you as if he knew you.

Nariko: What are you getting at here Jaden, I know as much about him as you do.

Jaden: But you facial expression said otherwise, cause what ever he was talking about you seemed to have affected you.

(Rai starts to slow moving as what ever Ogan did to him seems to have finally faded)

Rai: (Whispering) Mamãe por favor, hear Dad out

Jaden: Alright fine I'll hear him out but only cause you ask meu menino, go ahead explain yourself how did he know you, and what was he talking about.

Nariko: Look I don't know how he knows me but he does, and what's worse are the things he said,

Rai: What makes the things he said so bad

Nariko: Because that means we haven't truly stopped the monsters of our past, we just slowed them down.

Jaden: when you say we do you mean you, this boy and the other two people he mentioned?

Nariko: Well yes and no. Me, Helio and Hiroka but there was one more person and it wasn't him his name was Typhon, when we were around five years old we were forcibly take from our family.

Rai: Who would do something so heartless to children?

Jaden: It was the monsters you talked about wasn't it, but why haven't you told me any of this before.

Nariko: Because when we escaped Helio and I made sure to destroy their entire facility, and then when Rai was born and I couldn't use my powers I just thought it was finally over.

(Suddenly a ground shaking explanation happens outside, as Rai slowly gets up and ready to fight)

Rai: What was that?

Jaden: (worried) Rai no you still haven't fully recovered from whatever it is he did to you.

(after two seconds of silence, someone slowly knocks on the door and with enough force to shake it, followed by deap voiced man with a heavy Russian accent)

??: Hello I am sorry to inform you that you are in possession of a target of mine so I will give you two options. First you could hand him over to me peaceful and I will not harm any of you or you refuse to hand him over and I kill everyone in the building and take him myself, I will give you two minutes to decide.

Jaden: Lets do what he says.

Rai: What no we can't just give him what he wants!

Nariko: Rai what are you talking about?

Jaden: He attacked you Rai, why are you trying to defend him.

Rai: So what, he's still a kid just like me.

Nariko: Rai think about your saying, you're risking our family for a boy who could have killed you!

Rai: But he didn't, he has had plenty of chances to kill me but he didn't.

Jaden: Rai no you are not thinking straight whatever he did to you might be affecting your mind.

(Jaden grabs Ogan be his ankles and drags him to the door)

Rai: Mamã what are you doing stop

(Small bolts of electricity come from all over Rais body for a few seconds, he then bolts towards Ogan grabbing him as he lands in the kitchen)

Rai: "alright the numbness is all gone." I said no, and if your only defenc is, but he attacked me, then I should be the one who has say in what we do, especially since besides him I'm the only one in this house who can fight.

Jaden: If we give him to the guy you won't need to fight!

Rai: Who's to say he won't just attack us even if we give Ogan to him.

(The man knocks on the door once again, before hitting it so hard destroys the wall sending wood flying into the house)

??: Your time has run out and I have lost my patience so now I am going to kill all of you, destroy this house and then take the boy myself.

Rai: "Shit I can't fight him in here mom and dad might get hurt, but I can't just leave with them since he's here for Ogan."

(Rai grabs Ogan and Bolts passed the man landing on the street out side)

Rai: hey big guy I have him right here, so if you want him come get him just leave them alone.

??: You are an Esoterica, well that changes things! If you give me a proper fight then I will leave these people alone, but if I am not satisfied I will kill you and them.

Jaden: Rai don't do it!

Rai: Fine as long as you don't hurt them.

(The man rips pieces of the wall off and places them on top of Rais parents, then jumps onto the street to face Rai, as he gets closer he walks under a lot street light as Rai gets a proper look at him)

??: So before we begin who do I have the pleasure of fighting here today.

Rai: The names Rai Silva, " I can't believe I'm about to say this." What about you.

Atles: Well Rai Silva I am know as The Wall but you may call me by my true name, Atles Armstrong.
{light skin tone, bald, brown eyes, swole muscle, Russian accent, all black suit with large metal gauntlets}

(Atles gestures to Rai to come at him as Rai bolt towards him covering his fists in electricity before punching Atles multiple times, as Atles seems unfazed)

Atles: Oh so your power grants you command over electricity, very interesting.
[Atles skill: Stop motion, The skill immediately cancels the kinetic energy of anything that comes in close proximity to their shin]

(Atles grabs Rai by his leg and slams him into the ground, he then punches Rai twice while he is still on the ground, but before Atles could hit him a third time Rai manages to Escape)

Rai: (holding his side)"What the fuck I hit this guy like twenty times and he doesn't even have a scratch, what gives?"

Atles: For someone with your powers you are quite weak.

Rai: Shut up and fight y-you asshole!

(Rai creates a bolt of electricity and throws it at him hitting his head, but still Atles is unfazed)

Rai: (shocked) "What the fuck is this guy made of."

Atles: This fight is beginning to bore me Silva, and you know what I said if that happens!

(Atles turns around and starts walking towards Rais parents)

Rai: No! Stay away from them!

(Rai blots passed Atles landing near his parents then covers his entire body in electricity before he blots straight towards Atles, Rai then directs all that energy to his fist hitting Atles with a  punch that sounds like thunder sending him flying back)

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