First Day

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(Today on Natural News, two bodies have been found in the East Harlem River earlier today police statements say this might have been the work of an Esoterica... )

Nariko: (Turns the TV off) Rai hurry up or else you're going to be late for your first day!

Rai: Okay dad I'm coming!
{caramel brown skin tone, curly orange undercut fade, electric blue eyes, ripped muscle, Brazilian accent, wearing black sweat pants with two white vertical stripes on the left leg a blue hoodie with black and white sneakers}

(Rai speeds down the stairs in a flash of blue light and stops at the bottom, a few seconds after he lands a slipper flies across the room hitting him in the head)

Jaden: Rai how many times have I told you, no powers in the house!
{dark skin tone, long orange curly hair, brown eyes, lean muscle, Brazilian accent, wearing a black dress with white roses}

Rai: (rubbing the spot the slipper hit) Sorry Mãe, won't happen again I promise.

(Rai heads to the kitchen, and gives his mother a hug)

Rai: Te amo mãe, see you when I get back from school.

(Rai leaves the house in a rush to school, but before he could get too far his father stops him)

Nariko: Rai you forgot your lunch, (with a serious expression) and next time you forget to give me a hug goodbye I'm going to strap you to a car battery and drain you dry...
{light skin tone, bald, electric blue eyes, dad body, Japanese accent, in a black and blue jumpsuit}

Rai: . . .

Nariko: (the serious expression fades into a grin) I'm kidding, I'm kidding Ha ha ha you should see the look on your face, have fun at school Vela.

(Nariko gives Rai a small Tupperware box, then gives him a big hug before letting him leave, once Rai gets far enough away from his home small bolts of electricity start coming from his body as he immediately shoots up into the sky now going from roof top to roof top in the direction of his school, a few minutes later Rai finally makes it to his new school Nova High School as Rai walks towards the doors he notices that there are a other students freely using their powers, but before he could admire the school any longer the bell rings and a voice comes from the intercom)

Mr Dawn: A new year has come and hopefully a brighter future for all of you wonderful children, I hope you enjoy your time here at Nova High school cause I know I sure will, but enough from me you all need to get to your home room classes.

(Some time later on the west wing of the school, Rai walks into an enormous classroom and sees that some of the students are showing off their powers, then notices that others are just sitting separated from each other he chooses to sit next to a girl in the back of the class)

Zoe: So you're not gonna show off like the others in this damb class.
{ light skin tone, void black faux hawk, black eyes, lean muscle, American accent, wearing all black sneakers and sweat pants and a black crop top with a X in the center and a white button up jacket}

Rai: I could ask you the same thing?

Zoe: I don't feel like showing off to these idiots just yet. (grins)

(A deep and commanding voice echoes throughout the classroom, SIT DOWN NOW! And in an instant all the students that were standing up just stop in place and sat down were they were standing, after that a tall and skinny man walks into the classroom)

Mr O: Now that I have your attention I am Ordú but you will address me as Mr.O, I will be your home room teacher for the year. I'm sure you already know that Nova High is one of four schools around the world to have classes that will focus on helping you children grow as Esoterica and also help you master your abilities.
{pail white skin, red slick back hair, brown eyes, cut muscle, Irish accent, in a black suit and bright green sneakers}

(Mr.O then jumps on to his desk and squats, he then starts counting the students in the room claps once in excitement and hoppes off)

Mr.O: (smiling) Good your all here. FOLLOW!

(As he says that everyone in the class room stands up and follows behind him in one straight line)

Rai: Hey what did you do to us?

(Mr.O just giggles and keeps on walking, after a while they all finally stop in the schools sports field)

Mr.O: Alright then we have made it to our destination. STAND STILL FOR ABOUT TWO MINUTES!

(After two minutes the school bell rings for the first period)

Mr.O: Good class is now in session. Today we will be doing an abilty mastery test... I'm sure all your little child minds are all like (in a baby voice) but sir what's an ability mastery test.

Darian: I think I speak for everyone when I say, no one's thinking that.
{dark skin, black hair, silver eyes, jacked muscle, British accent, wearing baggy denim pants and denim jacket in black boots and a tight black shirt}

Mr.O: Alright then kid si-

Darian: (cockiy tone) Darian.

Mr.O: (Confused ) Excuse me what?

Darian: The names Darian.

Mr.O: Alright Darian since you're so smart why don't you explain to the class what a ability mastery test is.

(Darian walks towards Mr.O)

Darian: Sure thing teach, (confident voice) okay yall this whole thing is basically going to be a way for the school to know how far we have gotten when it comes to being able to control our powers.

(Darian looks at Mr.O with one eyebrow raised then walks back to where he was originally)

Mr.O: Good work Darian you were on the money with that explanation, which surprises me actually... Well whatever it's time to start the first test.

(Mr.O just runs towards a far away building)

Zoe: 'Where the hell is this old man going ?'

(two seconds after closing the door his voice comes out from a speaker)

Mr.O: Alright kids time for the first test. The Stress test, this will test how long you can last with your powers on overdrive!

Jackson : (shouting at the speaker) What exactly do you mean by that!?
{dark brown skin, short black fade, dark brown eyes, pitch black finger tips, lean muscle, American accent, all black pants, shirt and sneakers}

(A slap sound comes from the speaker)

Mr.O: Alright let me make an example using... Darian and Jason. It says here that Darian's power enhances his physical strength, and Jason you can manipulate the weight of an object, So Jason I want you to make an object as heavy as you can and Darian you are going to pick it up.

Darian: Sure thing teach, (looks around) So who of you is Jason ?

Jason : Over here!
{white skin tone, long blond hair, blue eyes lean muscle, American accent, tie die tank top brown shorts and sandals}

(Jason throws a water bottle at Darian)

Darian: I thought it would be heavier than this.

(Jason snaps his fingers, making Darian buckle at the immense weight of the bottle)

Darian: Now this is what I'm talking about, keep em coming.

(Darian throws it back at Jason as it's weight goes back to normal)

Mr.O: Alright everyone else let's leave these two to do what ever it is they are doing.

(The rest of the class moves a little ways away from the two)

Mr.O: Okay next we have Rai, says you constantly generate electrical energy and can manipulate that energy, and Claire... you can absorb large amounts of energy.

Rai: So what exactly do you need us to do-

(The school bell rings for the start of the next period)

Mr.O: Fuck ! Well I guess we'll finish this next time, alright you animals get to class.

(As everyone heads to their classes Mr.O pulls out a note pad)

Mr.O: Alright two down many more to go.

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