(Just as the final bell for school rings a flash of blue light jolts over a sea of students as it exits the school)
Rai : Oh come on how could I loose her so damb quickly. What ever I'll talk to her later. "right now I have to get home."
(Instead of using his abilities to get home Rai chooses to walk back. On his way back home through a display window Rai sees four people trying to rob a small bakery)
Rai: (Annoyed) "Seriously I haven't even made it half way home yet."
(Rai bolts towards the thieves in the bakery tazeing all of them but only three seem to go down)
Rai: How are you still standing I ran about 10000 volts through your bodies and that would knock a human out cold.
Thief: Well luckily for me I'm not human.
(The thief's arm stretches out grabbing Rai by the neck he then, throws Rai through the display window, Rai rolls onto the glass covered street gaining a large amount of cuts)
Thief: Looks like play times over little boy.
(Before Rai could get up the Thief pulls out a gun and fires, before Rai could even react Ogan darts in blocking the bullet from hitting him)
Ogan: Seriously dude you're gonna let him (points at Thief) beat you...
{wearing a white shirt black sweat pants and white boots}
(While Ogan talks the Thief is still shooting him in the back)
Ogan: ... For someone who's punch I actually felt I thought you'd be stronger.
(Ogan then turns around to face the Thief)
Ogan: (irritated) Okay enough with the shooting!
(Ogan darts towards the Thief grabbing his gun and crushes it, he grabs the Thiefs leg and throws him straight up)
Rai: (Shocked+in pain) What the hell dude you're going to kill him!
Ogan: (Confused) Well obviously he's a bad guy and most importantly, he shot me in the back like twelve times!
Rai: (angry) That doesn't mean you should kill him!
Ogan: (rolls his eyes) Fine I won't kill him.
(Ogan looks up trying to spot the Thief and once he does he jumps up towards him, as he meats the Thief in the air the two of them simultaneously start a free fall)
Ogan: You see I was going to let you hit the ground but-
Thief: (Terrified) Wait no you don't have to do this, I'll return the money just don't kill me man.
Ogan: -But since my friend down there wants you (air quotes) alive, that means you are a very lucky man, for now anyway.
(Ogans arms then turn into tentacles and wrap around the Thiefs torso, he then sprouts Owl wings to slow down their fall and once the two make it to the ground Ogan headbutts the Thief hard enough to knock him out)
Ogan: There I didn't kill him you happy?
(Ogan then turns back to normal letting go of the Thief dropping him in the street)
Ogan: So should I carry you to your house or are you good to stand on your own?
Rai: I'm good but I'm not going home just yet.
(Rai gets up as most of his cuts have healed and walks into the bakery seeing people hiding behind the counter)
Rai: It's alright the criminals have been dealt with you're all safe now.
(Ogan walks into the bakery dragging the Thief, he then groups all of the thieves and ties them up)
Ogan: Yall need to get better security. (turns to face Rai) So we leaving or?
(Rai nods and the two quickly jump onto the roofs and leave before the police could arrive, while the two jump from roof top to roof top Rais cuts fully heal)
Ogan: Dude seriously your cuts heal so damb slowly.
Rai: Oh really well what about your bullet holes cause last I checked you got shot like thirteen times!
(They finally make it to Rais house, landing near the front door, as they get closer Ogan shows Rai his back)
Ogan: My bullet holes healed when I grabbed that dudes gun, and what was up with that whole, "The criminals have been dealt with." thing?
(Rai opens the door to the house)
Rai: You wanna come in, it's the least I can do for someone who literally took a bullet for me.
(The two enter the house and Ogan closes the door behind him)
Rai: Mãe, Pai I'm home and I have someone over is that okay.
Nariko: Welcome back Rai, and you don't need our permission to have a friend over.
{wearing a blue polo shirt with short brown pants}
(Rai's mom walks out from the kitchen and passes the two on her way to the living room and sees the blood on Rais clothes)
Jaden: (Shocked) Rai what happened to you, are you okay, why is their blood on your clothes and why are they all cut?
{wearing a black shirt and pants with a rainbow colored gown and slippers}
Rai: . . .
Ogan: "Man you suck at improvising." Oh that's my blood and I kinda caused those cuts, we were testing how well we could use our powers and it got a little heated.
(The three start walking into the living room Jaden sits next to Nariko on the couch facing the TV while the two boys sit opposite each other on sofas on either side of the couch)
Jaden: (sceptical) If that's the case and it's your blood then where are your injuries?
Ogan: Oh don't worry about me I heal really fast, all thanks to my power.
Nariko: You can stop covering for him. We know what he was doing.
(All of Ogans attention then goes to Nariko as if he is in a trance)
Rai: (confused) Wait what do you mean you know what I was doing?
Jaden: Rai honey this isn't the first time you've come home late, tired or with torn clothes.
Nariko: So your mom and I came up with the idea that you are doing one of two things. It's either your in a gang or your busy helping people.
Jaden: And since we know you so well it's obvious that you're helping people, but we never thought that you had a partner.
(Ogan finally snaps out of his trance like state)
Ogan: I know you... How do I know you?
(His facial expression then changes to a more serious one as he stands up from the sofa, he then sprouts a pair of tentacles from his lower back, they darts toward Rai grabbing both his wrists his ankles)
Ogan: Why do you have that skill... Nariko how is it that this boy has your skill ?
(As hard as Rai tries he is unable to break free, Ogan looks around and seems to be in shock, one of Ogans nails pierce's Rais skin seemingly paralyzing him before letting him go, Jaden rushes to make sure Rai isn't hurt)
Ogan: Nariko were are we this doesn't look like Olimpus, better yet where's Helio and Hiroka?
(Narikos face changes from one of fear to one of absolute horror)
Jaden: Nariko what's wrong, what's he talking about? How does he know your name?
(After that Ogan just passes out falling on the ground face first...)
New World Order
Genel KurguIn this world humans are no longer the dominant Race on earth as a mutation in their blood caused a new Species of human to be born. These new humans were given the title Esoterica as they only make up 2 percent of the world's population. This muta...