Seven Ring

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(Meanwhile just as the final bell for school rings Zoe disappears in a sea of students only to reappears on a far building watching Rai walk home)

Zoe : 'That dumbass really thought he could tail me.' Anyway I need to hear what Lilith has to say about what happened today and more importantly about Ogan.

(She jumps off of the building landing on the street next to it, Zoe turns into a cheetah hybrid and sprints away from the school eventually making it into Hells kitchen to meet with Lilith, stopping at a club called the Seven Ring as she walks up to a brute of a bouncer)

Zoe: Hey Biscuit, why is it every time I see you, you seem to get bigger and bigger and yet your head stays the same size

(Biscuit just grunts then opens the door for Zoe as she walks in)

Zoe: 'Always the talker that guy.'

(Zoe walks into the club and goes left up the stairs to the second floor walking passed two more bouncers that look exactly like Biscuit, and into the VIP section of the club, as she takes a right she walks passed various gang members and very powerful kingpins finally making it into Liliths office)

Zoe: Hi Lilith did you get the gift that was sent to you?

Lilith: Are you talking about the one that arrived earlier today? It's downstairs with Sean at the moment. You wanna go see?
{wearing a blood red suit and crocks}

Zoe: Well yes but before we go down there, when were you going to tell me you got a new employee?

Lilith: What are talking about?

Zoe: (Flustered) White dreads, a scar on the left eye, and seems to love fighting.

Lilith: Oh Ogan. Wait how do you know Ogan? I met him like four days ago.

Zoe: He just showed up on the raid you sent me on two days ago, and again earlier today when your guest downstairs attacked me.

Lilith: Well it must have slipped to my mind.

Zoe: How could such an extremely important detail like him slip your mind?

Lilith: (Shocked) wait am I hearing this right the hell hound Zoe has a crush on someone.

Zoe: (Hesitant) What no. It's just that he seems to be a very skilled Toma.

Lilith: (Eyebrow raised) Is that the real reason or is it because the animal in you is look for a strong mate.

Zoe: (Flustered) Hey isn't Sean waiting for us downstairs, we should really go see what he has for us.

Lilith: What ever if you don't want to tell me you don't have to.

(Lilith pushes a button underneath her desk, a part of the book shelf behind her opens to reveal a hidden elevator, the two of them walk into it as the bookshelf closes behind them, the elevator goes down two floors and as it stops the doors open to a poorly lit corridor, two start walking down it as they pass various locked doors. They finally make it to the end of the corridor withe a large blast door with a DNA lock in front of then)

Zoe: (Surprised) wait when did you change the locks

(Lilith actives her skill then places her thumb on the locks screen and for a needle siphons her blood before deactivating her skill, as the door opens a muffled scream is heard. The two enter the brightly lit room big enough to fit eight people, and see Sean with his hand inside a man's mouth)

Sean: Oh Lilith I wasn't expecting you to be here so early, I thought you said you were going to wait for Zoe.
{black sweat pants and a white apron}

Zoe: No need to wait for someone who's already here.

Sean: Awsom Zoe (He pulls out four teeth) it's a good thing I only just started questioning this guy, Wanna take turns?

Zoe: Oh hell yes!

(Sean throws the teeth into a bucket on the ground then he high fives Zoe as she takes his place)

Lilith: So Sean has he said anything yet?

Sean: Well besides the usual, you'll never get me to talk, he hasn't said anything hence the reason for this

(As he says that Zoe turns into a tiger hybrid, she grabs him by his elbow and wrist and twists his arm like a wet cloth, destroying his arm in the process spilling blood nearly all over the floor)

Lilith: Alright then let me see if I'll have any luck

(Lilith stands at an arms length away from the man as Zoe tagges Sean in he stand right behind the man)

Lilith: Hey there can you talk or is it all gum in there?

Man: (Barley able to talk) I'm not... telling you... anything Demon.

Lilith: Well you're correct when you say that, cause you'll be telling these two and you won't have much of a choice. Since by the time they're done with you, you would have already told them everything they want to know or you'd be dead, and you you don't want to die now do you?

(Lilith lightly pinches his cheeks before leaving as the door closes behind her, Sean uses his finger to stab him in his lower spin)
(1 hour 30 minutes later)
(The bookshelf slides open as Sean walks out wiping the blood off his fingers, he grabs a seat in front of Liliths desk)

Lilith: Your here earlier than I expected, what happened?

Sean: For a guy with a power that hardens his skin he sure was easy to puncture.

Lilith: Also why isn't Zoe with you?

Sean: Well I left when I got all the important details out of him. Like who sent him which is obviously Giovanni, where her main base of operations is I got the basic location, and why they sent him after Zoe revenge for the raid you sent her on.

Lilith: Good work Sean, we'll finally be able to cut off the head of this snake. But what about Zoe.

Sean: (Shrugs his shoulders) Maby she just wanted to be the one to kill him

(As he says that the bookshelf beginnings moving, but before they could fully open Zoe bursts through it as a rhino hybrid partially tearing her jacket)

Zoe: (Worried) Lilith you need to call Ogan right now he's in serious danger!

Sean: whoa Zoe calm down, what are you talking about? Why would Ogan be in danger?

(As Zoe calms herself down she turs back into her human form, and starts pacing)

Lilith: (Annoyed) 'Oh come on my secret elivator, you have no idea how expensive that was?'

Zoe: (Pacing left to right) Cause I'm not the only Giovanni sent a hit man after.

Lilith: He's able to go toe to toe against me I doubt anyone Giovanni sends will be able to kill him.

Zoe:  She sent the wall after him, and that is a problem since not even you can beat him.

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