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You woke up early and did your normal morning routine once you were done you grab your fencing uniform and put it on then grabbing your fencing bag to put your school uniform in the bag "who are you going up against?" Said Bianca putting her bag around her shoulder

"Probably enid" you said putting your bag around your shoulder "enid? Why not me?" Said Bianca looking at the time from her phone "I already went against you it always comes out as a tie" you said fixing your hair a little as Bianca nodded "yeah I guess you are right" she said

"Now let's go we are going to be late for class" you said walking out of the dorm with Bianca following behind "more like late to see Enid" mumbled Bianca "what was that?" You said looking at her "I didn't say anything" said Bianca looking away from you shortly after you guys made it to the fencing class

You saw everyone warming up you looked over at Bianca and saw her looking over at Xavier who was warming up right next to Ajax "you're staring again" you said in a low tone as Bianca looks away from them "y/n" you heard enid calling out to you "yeah?" You said turning to face her

"Want to warm up with me?" Said Enid walking over to you with her sword in her hand you looked over at Bianca as she nodded "go ahead I'll warm up with Rowan" said Bianca walking over to Rowan "okay come on" said Enid with a smile as you guys head towards the back of the class

After a while of warming up you guys started to fence with each other along with everyone else you looked over at the entrance only to see Wednesday coming inside with her black fencing outfit "hey are you paying attention" said Enid with a frown turning to see what you were looking at

"What is she doing here?" You said looking at Enid as she smiles "I think she is also taking this class that's great right?" Said Enid looking back at you as you take off your helmet it wasn't great you looked over at Bianca and Rowan mostly because Rowan fell "coach! Coach! She tripped me" said Rowan taking off his helmet

"It was a clean strike Rowan" said the coach looking down at Rowan "maybe if you whined less and practiced more you wouldn't stuck" said Bianca also looking down at Rowan as he gets up from the floor you thought that Bianca wanted to warm up with him? Maybe she was doing it to look good in front of xaiver

"Seriously coach when am I going to get real competition? I mean there's y/n but there's always a draw in the end that's starting to get boring" said Bianca looking at the coach Rowan walks over to the coach to grab his glasses "anyone else wants to challenge me?" Said Bianca looking around

"I do" said Wednesday everyone stops fencing "did you hear that?" Said Enid moving closer to you as Bianca turns to look at her "oh you must be the psychopathy they let in" said Bianca with a smile making you chuckle Enid also knew how you were that's why she didn't say anything

"And you must be the self-appointed queen bee" said Wednesday with a straight face as
Bianca smiles and nods "interesting thing about bees they pull out their stingers and they drop dead" said Wednesday as people gasp since no one has ever spoken to Bianca that way before

"Do you want to keep fencing?" Said Enid turning to you "yeah" you said with a nod as you guys keep fencing although you can still hear the arguing between Wednesday and Bianca Wednesday has been in the school for a day and she's already causing problems "are you okay? You look upset" said enid as she stops to look at you

"Sorry I'm just thinking about stuff" you said throwing her a small smile "are you sure? We don't have to fence if you don't want to" said Enid taking off her helmet "no it's fine I do want to fence with you" you said we Enid smiles and puts back her helmet

You looked over at Bianca and Wednesday again only to see they started to fence "this should be interesting" you thought to yourself as you looked back at Enid "wait y/n look!" Said Enid as she points to Bianca and Wednesday they were now fencing with no mask on you really didn't care what was happening over there

But you did see when Bianca left a scratch on Wednesday's face with her sword "your face finally got that splash of color it so desperately needed" said Bianca pointing her sword at Wednesday as Wednesday wipes off the blood when Bianca said that you let out a small laugh making everyone look at you

"What? It was funny" you said looking down "no it wasn't you have to admit Wednesday was really good" said Enid with a frown "all she did was humiliate herself in front of everyone" you mumbled looking away as you saw Wednesday leave making you smile "it wouldn't kill you to be nice you know" whispered Ajax

That's true it wouldn't kill you to be nice but do you really want to be nice to someone like her? "That's all for today class dismissed" said the coach as everyone packed up and walked out the door "I'll see you later Enid" you said walking over to Bianca "did you see her face she was totally embarrassed" you said laughing

"I'm glad I could give you that satisfaction" said Bianca with a smile "she sure left in a hurry" you said walking right next to her since you guys were going back to your guys dorm to change once you guys got there you went inside the bathroom to change as Bianca went to her own bathroom

You walked out of the bathroom with your uniform as you put your fencing clothes along with your bag "want to go grab lunch?" Said Bianca as you nodded "sure" you said as you guys walked out and went over to the cafeteria seeing Enid and yoko sitting down at a table "hey" you sitting down next enid

"Have you seen Wednesday?" Said Enid with a worried expression as you looked at Bianca "no" you said looking down at your food you were having a salad with pasta "are you worried about her?" You said looking at Enid "a little" she said looking down making you roll your eyes of course she was

Enid sinclair x fem reader 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now