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You were outside with the other werewolves you had your hands on your pockets as you looked back and forth where was Enid? You wanted to wolf out together but she was nowhere in sight was she even planning on coming?

Maybe she was late? No she wouldn't be late this is the most important day you looked at the full moon as you started to wolf out along with the others as you all started to howl you were disappointed to say the least since Enid wasn't here

"Why aren't you with y/n wolfing out?" Said Wednesday looking over at enid who had a frown on her face "because unlike her I can't" said Enid looking down then showing
Wednesday her claws "that's all I got I can't tell her that I can't wolf out she would probably look at me the same way everyone does" said enid walking closer to the balcony

"I know how y/n is she could come out as rude to others but she's really nice to me I'm just afraid of how she will act when she realizes I'm not like her while she is wolfing out I'm watching from a distance wishing I was there with her to share the moment" said Enid learning against the balcony while looking at the moon

"If she cares about you as much as you care about her then you will have nothing to worry about and yes I know I saw her laughing at me with Bianca" said Wednesday putting her violin away "she can be like that with people she doesn't know" said Enid looking back at her

"I have no interest in getting to know her just like she has no interest in getting to know me" said Wednesday looking away as enid sighs softly looking at the moon hoping praying that she could wolf out but the longer she looked nothing happened Enid looked down with disappointment

Everyone was having fun with each other but you didn't really feel like sticking around so you went back to being a human and walked in your dorm but Bianca wasn't there but you saw a small note on your bed so you walked over it and picked it up that's when you remembered

I know you are wolfing out right now and when you come back I won't be here there is a festival happening so I decided to go good luck on wolfing out

You sigh and lay on your bed but jump when the door slams open "what the hell" you said sitting up "did I wake you?" Said Bianca walking inside "no" you said with an annoyed look "you won't believe what happened" said Bianca sitting on your bed "do I care enough to ask?" You said looking at her

"It's about Wednesday I ran into her and she was telling me to go get help and of course I asked what for and she said that something killed rowan" said Bianca that got your full attention "what the fuck?" You said surprised "I know! How did your wolf out go by the way?" Bianca but you brushed it aside "good Enid wasn't there" you said looking down

"Why not?" Said Bianca "I don't know I didn't see her so I came back" you said looking at the time it was really late "between us though Enid is kind of cute" you said as Bianca gives you a surprised look "really? Who knew that you would take a liking to her is it because Enid adores everyone?" Said Bianca with a smile

"I like her personality and yes I know that there are other girls who act like that as well but Enid is just different" you said laying back down as Bianca goes over to her bed and lays down "don't worry I won't tell anyone" said Bianca with a small laugh

Morning rolls around pretty quickly when you woke up Bianca was already gone she was probably in her music class that starts early you quickly got dressed and walked outside but on your way out you saw rowan walking past you with his head down what the hell? Didn't Wednesday say he was dead?

Maybe she made it up to be the center of attention how far will someone go for people could notice her you scoff and walked out the courtyard where everyone was there Wednesday always seemed suspicious to you and now you know why you wonder what she will say next when she realizes she has been caught in her own lie

You saw Enid and Wednesday talking to each other while yoko was painting a black boat oh that's right poe cup was coming up of course Bianca always won them since there are no rules most people go all out to cheat you should probably keep Enid away from Wednesday you didn't like Wednesday at all not after this thing she pulled

Both Wednesday and Enid turned to you as you walked closer to them ignoring Wednesday completely "where were you last night everyone was wolfing out" you said with a worried expression you turned around to see Wednesday still standing there as you gave her a weird look she looks at you for a second before walking away

"Sorry I couldn't make it I was busy" said Enid as you nodded "I understand but have you heard about Wednesday and rowan?" You said as Enid nodded "yeah I have it's incredible really" said Enid as you roll your eyes she really can't be serious right now

"There's nothing incredible about that I'm telling you that girl is a total weirdo she just wants attention and when she doesn't have it on her she will make something up" you said crossing your arms making Enid giggle "trust me she isn't like that at all" said Enid moving over to the black boat making sure everything was going okay

"Why don't you join me in the poe cup? We are going as black cats what do you say?" Said Enid grabbing your hands "who else is going to be joining you?" You said as Enid gives you a small smirk "it's going to be me yoko and Wednes..." Said Enid but she didn't get to finish her sentence

"No I don't want to be anywhere near that psychopath" you said with a frown "please just do it for me you know how this is important especially for me" said Enid moving closer to grab your hands "no Enid you already know I feel about her" you said making Enid sigh and let go of you

"Fine" she said turning back around you didn't mean to make her upset you would totally join if Wednesday wasn't a part of it she is nothing but trouble you walked away from Enid with a sigh as you tried to think of a way to apologize to her maybe you could buy she something she always wanted

"Hey y/n wait up!" Called out Ajax as he ran over to you "what?" You said turning to face him "are you already in a team for the poe cup?" Said Ajax with a smile "no and the poe cup is the least of my worries right now I'm thinking of a way to apologize to Enid" you said as Ajax gives you a surprise look you have never apologized to anyone before

"What did you do to make her upset?" Said Ajax "she wanted me to join her team but I said no since Wednesday is also in her team" you said as Ajax nods "I don't blame you that girl is so weird especially with the rumor she made up" said Ajax as you hum in response "but I'll tell you what if you join my team I'll help you with the apology" said Ajax with a smile

"Who's in your team?" You said crossing your arms "just me, Xavier and someone else" said Ajax you think before a moment before you sigh softly "alright fine" you said "great we are going as jokers" said Ajax but before you could say anything Ajax runs away from you with a laugh

Idiot he knew what he was doing but you knew that when Ajax says something he would do it still he looks like a joker he doesn't even need a costume for it but you aren't doing this for him your doing it for Enid and hopefully she will accept your apology

Enid sinclair x fem reader 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now