cover up

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(make sure to read the bottom!)

You walked inside Thornhill's class she was teaching you guys about plants you saw Ajax talking to her about something but you didn't pay them any mind you then see bianca walk in with her friends looking at wednesday who was just talking to herself "what a weird girl" you thought to yourself

You make your way over to Enid to try and talk to her but yoko was already sitting down next to her so you quickly sat right next to Xavier "hey" he said looking over at you "I'm not here to talk to you" you said rolling your eyes as you try to catch enid's attention "can we please talk" you whispered

Enid lets out a small sigh "when the class is over" said Enid looking down at her books you get up nearly falling onto wednesday as she steps a few steps back and looks at you without saying anything you walk away and go towards Ajax who was sitting by himself just looking over the book

"you know when you nearly fall over someone you would normally apologize y/n" said Thornhill fixing her glasses "but I didn't fall on her so there's anything to apologize" you said taking a seat as you heard bianca let out a small laugh but that stops shortly after she sees wednesday sitting down next to Xavier

You see Xavier's drawing of a spider come to life and go towards wednesday "I doubt wednesday is impressed by your tricks Mr. Thorpe" said Thornhill getting her hair out of her face "admit it your a little impressed" said Xavier but all wednesday does is smash the spider making everyone but you and bianca and her friends laugh

"Hey so what's the plan?" You said looking over at Ajax who was laughing "what? Oh right here" he said reaching into his pocket to pull out three really nice hair clips and two bracelets and a necklace "give her these I'm sure she will like them" said Ajax as you nodded and took them from him and put them inside your pocket

"wednesday were thrilled to have you join us on our journey into the world of carnivorous plants" said Thornhill walking to stand in front of her desk "now who can tell us the name of this beauty" said Thornhill pointing at a plant as bianca raises her hand but wednesday starts talking

"Dendrophylax lindenii" said wednesday looking at Thornhill "otherwise known as the ghost orchid" said bianca who said had her hand up but puts it down slowly "first discovered on the isle of Wight in 1854" wednesday was quick to answer as Thornhill looks surprised

"Very good wednesday looks like you may have some competition for first chair bianca" said Thornhill with a smile looking over at her but bianca doesn't say anything "wednesday perhaps you can identify the ghost orchid's greatest qualities" said Thornhill looking back to wednesday

"Resilience and adaptability it's able to thrive in even the most hostile environments" said wednesday "but it's mere presence can change the ecosystem causing the established plants to reject it" bianca was quick to jump in making you yawn and put your head down you didn't know what they were talking about

"Usually because the native species is allowed to thrive unchecked nothing a weedwacker couldn't fix" said wednesday "you can most certainly try" said bianca "are we still talking about flowers?" Said Xavier as everyone starts to laugh again

"Thank you ladies for those illuminating insights clearly the plants aren't the only carnivores in class today but that is all for today make sure to read at least two pages of the book and write down five sentences on what you found interesting the most you are free to leave" said Thornhill as everyone starts packing and walking out the door

You walked back to your dorm to put your bag away then you walked outside where everyone was working on their boats Ajax didn't tell you anything about helping him with the boat so you didn't force on that after awhile of walking you finally find her but she wasn't alone "of course she would be here" you thought to yourself

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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Enid sinclair x fem reader 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨Where stories live. Discover now