3. leave

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(Y/n's POV)

It's been 2 days from when Patrick kicked me out without even telling me why. I don't understand why he did it. Today I'm supposed to go to Pierce & Pierce where my brother works, and Patrick.

I'm at the taxi right now, on my way there. I still wonder why Patrick kicked me out, maybe he has a girlfriend? Or maybe I'm too young.

"We're here." The taxi driver says and leaves me to the front doors of Pierce & Pierce

I see my brother and walk up
to him.

"Let's go fast, boys are waiting for you." He says

We go to the room where most of the people talk about business together. Mostly Timothy's friends.

"Hey fellas!" Timothy says to his friends and they all turn around

"Hey Bryce, hey y/n!" Craig says to us

"Where should I sit?" I ask them

"There's a chair next to me, here." David says

I sit next to David while Bryce sits in between Craig and David. Patrick and Luis Carruthers are both in front of me.

I try to look at Patrick but he's looking everywhere but me.

"Hey Halberstram!" I hear Paul Allen say to Patrick.

Who is Halberstram and why is Paul calling him that, I think to myself.

I don't bother to listen to their talk since Patrick is totally ignoring me anyways.

After their talk I notice Paul giving Timothy his business card and telling them he's going to Dorsia at 8:30, and Patrick dosen't seem to like that.

"Dorsia, friday night? How'd he swing that?" Timothy says

I see that Patrick takes out something from his pocket and opens it.

"Is that a gram?" Timothy asks

"New card, what do you think?" Patrick says and shows us his new business card

"Woah, very nice! Look at that." Timothy says

"It's beautiful." I say and Patrick finally looks at me, but coldly

"Picked them up from the printers yesterday." Patrick says

"Good coloring." David says

"That's bone. And the lettering is something called, Silian Rail." Patrick tells us

"It's very cool Bateman, but thats nothing, look at this." David says and puts his new card next to Patrick's

"That is really nice." Timothy says

"Eggshell, with Romalian type. What do you think?"

Patrick looks like he's sweating and all he answers is "Nice."

"Show them your card, Timothy." I tell my brother

"Right. You ain't see nothing yet." He says and shows his cars

"Raise lettering, pale nimbus white."

"Impressive, very nice." Patrick says with a shaky voice

"Let's see Paul Allens card." He adds

Everyone got quiet and when Timothy showed Paul's
card. Patrick even started sweating. He takes the card to his hand but drops it.

"Something wrong, Patrick? You're sweating." Luis says to Patrick

"I should go back to work." Patrick says and gets up from his chair

He's walking to his workroom but I stop him by grabbing his arm.

"We need to talk." I tell him and he turns around

"Why?" He asks

"Are u serious? I thought we we're having a great time and you just kicked me out?" I yell at him

"Shh! Let's talk in my room." He says

I follow him to his room, when we get in he sits on his chair.

"Take a seat." He says and points to the chair in front of him

"I'm okay. Now tell me Patrick, why?"

"I have a girlfriend, or should i say fiancé. Evelyn Williams." He says

"Why ask me to your apartment if you have a fiancé?" I ask him in a strong tone

"You need to go now. I have work to do." He says

"I'm not going anywhere." I tell him

He looks at me for a bit and gets up. He lifts my chin up with his thumb just like he did that night I was at his place.

"Get the fuck out of my room." He says but not in a angry tone. He said it in a sweet tone and he was smiling while saying it.

I wasn't giving up and said "No."

Then he grabs my hair and kissed me. I didn't know how to react and suddenly I felt myself being pushed back to the wall. He starts going down kissing my neck.

He's going down on my stomach and lower but when hes in between my thighs, he stops and gets up.

"Leave." He says and strokes my cheek slightly

Psycho love | Reader x Patrick BatemanWhere stories live. Discover now