Chapter Two

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Sirius sighs as he walks into the familiar villa. It's a family-owned cottage in France. After his parents passed, they technically left it to Sirius and Regulus, though the brothers let other family members use it when they please as well.

This holiday season it will be Sirius's. Usually, he gets someone to help around the house, and this year is no exception. Rita Skeeter is the woman who helps him find someone each year. Gideon Prewett was the recurring guy who usually came over, but he apparently moved away fairly recently, so Rita had to find someone else.

Sirius is sitting out in the living room, scribbling away a new song he's been working on when Rita enters with a boy in tow. Sirius greets them distractedly, eventually setting everything down to look up properly.

"Bonjour (Hello), Rita," Sirius says, the French word sounding wrong on his lips.

"Hello, Sirius." Rita smiles, pulling Sirius in for a hug. "This is Remus Lupin. He's a local and doesn't speak much English. He's agreed to help out around the house while you're here."

Sirius notices the boy behind her then. His face immediately heats up when they make eye contact. That's got to be the most attractive man Sirius has ever laid eyes on. He opens his mouth a few times, closing it helplessly. Sirius has never been speechless because of someone before Remus.

"Bonjour (Hello), Remus," Sirius says finally, reaching out to shake the boy's hand.

"Bonjour, Sirius. Tu es compositeur de musique? (Hello, Sirius. Are you a music composer?)" The infuriatingly beautiful boy asks him.

Sirius, frankly, is shit at French. Always has been. But he's never wished that he could speak it more than this moment. How could someone be so disgustingly attractive while dressed in a simple shirt and pants? This man could've just told Sirius that he wishes he would die and Sirius would laugh and try to inch a bit closer.

Sirius looks to Rita for help.

"He asked if you're a musical composer." Rita smiles.

"Oh! Uh, oui!" Sirius says with a bright grin.

Remus smiles back, nodding his head in understanding.

"Might want to brush up on your French, Sirius," Rita says, turning to leave.

Sirius most certainly will be.


"Wait, Marlene."

The blonde girl turns back around with a curious look.

"I-I feel bad working in such close proximity to you and not knowing anything about you. The press knows everything about me, so that's an unfair advantage." Dorcas says, hoping she sounds normal.

Marlene bites her lip, which Dorcas tries to not track so intensely with her eyes. It's difficult.

"Well, there's not much to know about me." Marlene shrugs.

"Where do you live?" Dorcas asks.

"Wandsworth. The dodgy end."

"Ah, I had a friend that lived there. Where exactly is the dodgy end?"

"Right at the end of the high street. Harris Street. Near the Queen's Head."

"Ah, yeah. That is a bit dodgy." Dorcas muses.

Marlene grins back at her.

"And do you live with your boyfriend? Girlfriend?" Dorcas hopes she's not being too obvious.

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