Boston Outskirts - Chapter Seven

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We walk outside as rain falls around us, a droplet gently trickling down my face as I instantly feel better as soon as we step out side.

I make sure to keep a tight grip on my pistol. Hey, it's better safe than sorry.

We keep on walking until we get to a balcony, god you can see for miles up here. It's lovely... well apart from the several dozen infected we can see, decently far away from us but still close enough to us to be a little eery.

And I look over at the other three and they certainly feel the same.

"There's so many.." Ellie says in a mix of amazement and shock.

I just look at her and nod in agreement, with a slight laugh at her... well I guess naivety. It's sort of nice to see how there's still people in the world who haven't encountered them that much yet.

And I can't lie when I say that gives me a sense of hope for the generations to come.

"The last time we were here, they were still deep inside the buildings." Tess explains.

"Fantastic." I mutter sarcastically under my breath, unsure if they didn't hear or just didn't want to get into an argument with me so they didn't mention it.

"Then I guess enough people came through looking for the QZ." Tess goes on speaking, "they went inside seeking shelter, and that's how the get more and more of the city bit by bit, year after year."

"Well that's depressing." I say with a sigh but my lips curving up into a small smirk and I can see out of the corner of me eye Joel doing the same as he looks at me.

"They're connected." Ellie says after a moment of observing the infected.

"More than you know. The fungus also grows under ground, long fibres like wires, some of them stretching over a mile. Now, you step on a patch of cordyceps In one place, you can wake a dozen infected somewhere else. Now they know where you are, now they come. You're not immune from being ripped apart. You understand?" Tess says in a softer tone than usual.

"It's important." she adds. "I'm tryin' to keep you alive."

Ellie just gives a small nod in agreement then quickly looks away.

"Soo we're not going that way." Ellie says after a moment.

"I hope not." I add jokingly with a snort.

"No." Tess mumbles.

"So what are we doing then?" Ellie asks confused. "The short way?" She add with a panicked expression.

"Museum." Joel says in his usual gruff voice.

Date finished- 5/6/23
date updated- 17/6/24
Word count- 453 words 🫶🏻

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