Boston Outskirts- Chapter Eight

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We approach the museum after around 20 minutes of waking while Ellie and Tess talking and me and Joel walking side by side in silence, apart from the occasional sarcastic comment from me.

Jeez, I look around and a lot of damn fungus is growing on the side of the building...

"You've got to me kidding me..." Ellie mutters in an annoyed tone.

"Well that's not good." I state the obvious with a sigh.

They just give me a 'no shit' kind of look but I just shrug defensively in response.

This is sure gonna be one hell of a journey.

"Well, there's a way across from the top floor." Tess explains.

"Well, I guess it's fine." Ellie says sarcastically.

"We used to take it all the time." She say defensively.

Ellie and Tess just start to back and forth about it and I just scoff and walk away, standing next to Joel as he kneels on the floor and examines the fungus.

"Yeah go over there." Tess says in a mocking tone, knowing it'll annoy me.

"Next to Joel~" Ellie adds, wiggling her eyebrows.

"What the fu-" I say with a glare and a slightly outraged tone, about to argue with them but Joel cuts me off by standing up and walking over to Ellie and Tess and saying, "It's bone dry," clearly ignoring their comments.

"It's could mean they're all finally dead in there." He goes on speaking, acting like Tess and Ellie's teasing didn't happen.

Tess just nods in agreement at his comments, clearly still slightly amused but she doesn't say anything more.

God, he's such an ass.

Joel crouch on the ground to open his back pack and pulls out a flashlight. "Marlene pack you one of these or just sandwich's?"

God the way he speaks in such a mocking tone gets me so annoyed sometimes. Well if it was anyone else... it's be fine. But it's just something about him?

"Yeah." Ellie replies with a glare and takes one out her backpack.

"(Y/N)?" He asks in a slight texas accent, gesturing towards his flashlight to ask if I have one.

"Oh, yeah." I say, my normal confidence instantly disappearing over his gaze. I look away, trying very hard to not get flustered, but failing a little...

I turn away from him and get my flashlight out my bag before returning it on my back.

"Okay, so, more ground rules." Tess goes on speaking and I just stay silent, I really hope she doesn't expect me to answer to her as well as Ellie.

"We're gonna go slowly, if we come up against anything, you get behind us and you stay there. Okay?" She says to Ellie.

"Yes." Says Ellie in a confident tone.

Tess takes out her gun and Ellie eyes it up like a child on Christmas Day.

"I have a spare hand..." Ellie says to us.

"Congratulations." Joel says sarcastically and I can't help but grin at his joke as he walks to the front of the door.

"What's got you smiling?" Ellie asks with her eyebrows raised in a suggestive tone, but not too loudly so only me and Tess can hear.

"Mhm." Tess says with a smirk.

"Oh fuck off, both of you." I say rolling my eyes, knowing exactly what they mean.

I scoff and walk away, but not before pushing Ellie's head jokingly in a playful manner.

Joel gives us a nod to go in and I walk in after him, keeping my gun at the ready for any infected, or even people.

Date finished- 5/6/23
date updated- 17/6/24
Word count- 609 words

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