⚽️💞birthday party 🎤🎉

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Me and Diego decided to to things we liked like soccer and singing we would have mini socer games and karaoke and carne asada and tres leches cake because u have to have tres leches. I told the guys to bring their wives and kids because it was going to be something small but I didn't say it around Kevin tho because him and clarrisa broke up because she was using him for money and she had a whole ass family in the U.S. me and the girls  fucked her up before she left.honestly I should have known but he said he's happier now because he said he kinda knew but he said he was better off single.

I wake up and it's me and Diego's big day the one everybody waits for every year because it's the only day me and Diego don't fight and we get along but it's only once a year. I wake up to seeing the girls singing happy birthday and then I hear the yelling coming from the other room and I get out of bed to see that Diego got caked and food condiments on him. "Happy birthday y/n and diego" we hear everybody say and before I could wish Diego happy birthday the girls pull me to my room telling me were going shopping before my party and I can't give up a chance like this because I needed a new dress and mabye I could get some lingerie for Diego's present

I had to hurry because the boys kept asking if we were gone yet which made me confused because they would always be around me.I put on the team jersey with my name on it and some shorts. I put some masscra and lip gloss and with that me and the girls were on our way to the car and too the mall.

Diego's pov

I was woken up by the boys throwing cake at my face and ketchup and all sorts of other stuff at me so I quickly got out of bed and was making my way down the hallway when I saw y/n just seeing her made my day especially today because today was the day I was asking her to be my girlfriend that's why I told the girls to take her to the mall so me and the boys could set up while they were shopping.

By the time I get cleaned up from this morning I see that y/n had already left it hurt a little that I didn't get to say happy birthday but I would see her later. I see that Kevin and edeson were putting the rose petals on the floor leading to my room while the rest of the boys were ether setting up for the party later,with the kids or helping me set up the room. I had got y/n a basket of her favorite candy,chips and drinks and I got her some flowers,a necklace that has my name with a heart on it and a ring that had today's date on it hopping she would say yes because Kevin said she would so I decide why not.

I was about to take a shower when y/ns dad calls me over "Diego ur a good man and I want u to know that y/n is going to love this but u better not hurt her because she has the whole team who will protect her and u know that ok diego" "yes coach I promise I don't want anything to hurt y/n all I want to do is love her" "that's my boy but mijo I want alot of grandkids ok I want well hopefully u can convince y/n to have a whole soccer team because I'm still young and  I'm not planing to retire soon but I also want mostly boys but mabye just one girl for y/n ok mijo" "I will try coach" " if u don't talk to her ur going to have longer practices than the rest" he said jokingly and he walked away and with that I start to head to the shower.

Ur pov

U guys finally get to the mall and the first place y'all go to is Victoria secret u pick out red lingerie and u quickly get out before the girls could see what u had. U guys get to a dress store but u didn't get to see the name of it because the girls pushed u into the store because they also needed a new dress for tonight. U find a cute red dress that u want to try on its nothing big but it simple and it fit perfectly the way it hugged ur curves and it made ur but stand out and it made ur boobs look a little bigger. U didn't think twice and u bought it.

Time skip

U and the girls were on y'alls way to the house when karla says  "y/n u have to put this blindfold on before we get to the house" u didnt hesitate and u put it on because what could go wrong on ur birthday. Karla and jorges wife help u get out the car and they lead u to the front door.the other girls got the bags from the car and Jorges wife goes inside where u hear alot of movement from and then she comes out telling u to take ur blindfold off.

U were scared but u took it off and when u opened the door u saw a trail of flower petals leading up the stairs so u followed it and to ur surprise it lead to Diegos room u open the door and u hear the boys say "happy birthday y/n" and then they move aside with the girls behind them with their phones out and that's when u see Diego "feliz cumpleanos y/n" "happy birthday to u too Diego but what's all of this" "well I thought if I asked today it would count as a birthday present but y/n I love u and I don't want that to change a I hope it never does because u mean everything to me I want to be by ur side all the time like when ur working on a song because I love u to much and I don't want to let u go  so y/n L/n queries acer mi novia" " yes Diego I want to be ur girlfriend because i love u too and that will never change and i also want to be by ur side all the time " with that Diego pulls u into a kiss while u hear the boys hyping Diego up and Kevin saying "ok guys save that for later I'm here to party not to see y'all kiss"  u giggle with that everyone leaves so they could start to get ready for the party.

U were about to leave to go get ready when Diego pulls u in again " now I can do all I want to u because ya eres mia" "si soy tuya and I have ur present but u have to get it later" "can I not have it now amor" he said while smirking "No Amor u have to wait" " uhh ok but here ur other gifts" he then hands u a basket with ur fav chips,candy and drinks and he puts a ring on ur finger and puts the necklace that says Diego on u "this is so people know that ur mine princessa" "Diego I love it and the ring too" "I got us matching rings that have today's date on it and our names on it" " Diego I love u" "i love u too but hurry go get ready Amor" with that u give him one last kiss and u make ur way to ur room with ur stuff.

U finally finish getting ready and u make ur way down stairs and see that mostly everybody is outside. Once ur outside u hear people whistling and u hear Kevin say "Diego's going to get lucky tonight" but u could tell he had already had a couple of drinks when u hear Diego say "shut up Kevin" with his face being red as ever while making ur way over to u. " Amor eres Hermosa y nomas para mi mabye kev was right" Diego well see how u behave" " I will behave I promise amor" with that u guys make ur way to the table where u dad already had plates for u both.

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