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Bobby Faeder sighs, walking to his fridge and grabbing a cold beer. He picks up the bottle opener as he closes the fridge with his foot, walking back towards the living room to sit down.

Just as he's about to sit down, he hears a light knock on the door.

He huffs, sitting down anyway and turning on the TV.

The door is knocked on again, and this time the doorbells rings.

He groans loudly before turning up the volume on the TV.

Suddenly the door was kicked in and Bobby screams.

Killer enters the house, his face angry his knuckles fortified with brass.

Spike and Drift walk in after him, spike closing the door and locking it.

"What's going on here?!"Bobby streams, standing up.

Killer keeps a straight face as he rolls up his sleeves.

"Hold his fuckin arms down."Killer demands.

Instantly Spike and Drift charge after the man, grabbing him as he continues to scream.

"GET OFF ME! GET OFF!"bobby shouts.

The force him to the ground, where killer kicks the slides off his sockless feet.

"These the feet you wanted me to break?"killer asks before kneeling and rearing his fist back.


Killer takes both sets of brass knuckles off his hands and shakes out his fists as they walk out of Bobby's house.

"Here, you have blood on your face."Drift says, handing Damien a neatly folded tissue.

"Oh, how thoughtful. Thanks man."killer says, taking it and beginning to wipe his face as they walk back towards their bikes.

"Who was that guy, by the way?"spike asks.

Killer shrugs.

"Just some guy who asked me to break his feet."



I walk into the living room, hearing Zac and killer talking.

"I'm pretty sure I know how to spell."Killer says, pointing to the scrabble board.

"Then why did you spell psychic with an S?"Zac questions.

"Oh my god, sidekick, not psychic you little-"

"Ahem."I say, shaking a baby bottle and causing killer to look up at me.

"..uh, scholar."Killer huffs as he sits back.

"That's what I thought. Gummy why don't you play a different game with Killer?"I ask, sitting down next to Tatiana who was laying on her body pillow.

"But I like scrabble, I'm good at it and he's bad at it."Zac says, causing killer to roll his eyes as he stands and sits on the couch next to me.

"You don't have any booze in this place, you know."he says.

"Because no one here drinks."I say patting his head.

He chuckles and I pick up the baby preparing to feed her.

"What happened to your knuckles?"I ask, causing Killer to raise his hand to look at his bruised knuckles.

He then looks at me and smirks.

"Some prick asked me to break his feet."he says sarcastically.

I chuckle as I adjust the baby.

"What really happened?"I ask, causing him to shrug.

"Let's just say I fell. Fell on to a prick that asked me to break his feet."he winks before sending a flirtatious smile.

I chuckle again, feeling my cheeks heat up as Zac climbs on to the couch next to me, putting his head in my lap.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna get a beer."he sighs as he stands.

"Okay. Just don't slam the door."I ask politely as he walks away.


Killer walks out of the house, pulling his key from his pants pocket and going to unlock the door.

"Hey, son."

He stops, looking up and seeing a uniformed police officer standing by his porch.

"Hi pops."he says, taking a few steps back.

"I'm not here for you. We got a call a couple blocks away. Some guy with broken feet?"The cop says.

"..what about it?"Killer asks.

"Was it you? Sounds like something you'd do. Dude said the perp used knuckle busters."the cop says looking down at killers hands.

Killer instantly places his hands in his pockets.

"It wasn't me. And if it was, you wouldn't know about it."Killer says, walking towards the front door.

"You know I wouldn't arrest my own son. Why do you think I helped hog set you up here?"the officer says.

"...what do you want, pops?"Killer says as the officer goes into his pocket, walking towards Killer.

"I just wanted to see you. And to tell you to wear gloves next time, Damien."he says, handing Killer an evidence bag with a chipped fingernail in it.

Killer takes the bag and then pulls his dominant hand from his pocket, noticing there was indeed a nail missing on his ring finger.

"Fine."killer says, unlocking the door and opening it.

"I'm proud of you, Damien."the cop says, causing killer to pause as he walks into the house.

"For getting out I mean. After all this time."

Killer doesn't respond, instead just entering his home and closing the door behind him.


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