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"Okay, snacks, sunscreen. Emergency pump."Sky says as she packs things into her day bag.

"All that for a day at the park?"Killer asks.

"With two kids? We haven't even scratched the surface of what to bring."sky laughs, pulling the baby carrier out of the closet.

"Put this on."sky says, holding it towards Killer.

Killer frowns and shakes his head.

"You said you would. Put it on."sky says with a mischievous smirk.

Killer releases a loud breath through his nose and just holds his arms out.

"Emasculate me."

I laugh out loud as I slip his arms through the straps.

"There is nothing wrong with a man wearing a baby carrier."I smile as I quickly buckle it behind his back as well.

"Yeah you tell that to my friends."he says as Sky carefully picks Tiana up out of her highchair.

"Don't they adore Tia just like you do?"Sky asks, holding her against killers chest and carefully strapping her into the carrier.

"Yeah I guess, in a sort of they'll slaughter anyone that hurts her way."he says as Tiana smiles a big gummy smile up at him.

"Awe, do you feel the same?"Sky asks as he softly runs his fingers over the babys curly hair.

"Absolutely. She's the second most beautiful girl in the world."he says, slightly bouncing her as she giggles.

"And the first?"Sky asks as she puts her hands on her hips.

He looks up at her from the baby and speaks without hesitation.


Sky immediately scoffs, throwing her hands up and walking away.

"I'm joking! Sky I'm joking it's you!"he says, following after her.

Hj walks into a Cafe, there he sees two police men calmly enjoying their lunches.

He immediately walks up to their table and draws both of their attention.

"Um, can I help you kid?"one of them asks.

"No. He can though. Where's your son, officer Martinez?"HJ asks.

He immediately sees Officer Martinez' face stiffen and he looks away.

"My son has been missing for years. You tell me when you find him."he says, picking up his coffee cup.

Hj sighs and turns his head to the side, popping his neck.

"Let me rephrase. Where is Damien Martinez, your son that in the biker gang you like to cover up for most of the time."Hj says, lowering himself to Officer Martinez' level.

"....I . Don't. Know."he says.

"I'm getting rather frustrated, officer. Considering all I've done simply to find you, i suggest you become more cooperative, before I resort to drastic measures."HJ says.

"....did you just politely threaten a cop?"the other office says as HJ pulls out his pocket watch.

He sighs before opening the watch and holding it towards the cop.

"Read the time for me, friend. Visions a little vacant on the left side."he says.

The cop leans in to look at the clock, but instantly Hj swiped the watch under the officers chin and quickly pushes him over in the booth, sitting down next to him.

"What the-"HJ cuts off Officer Martinez and pulls out his handkerchief and wiping blood from the rim of his pocket watch.

"Okay, Officer Martinez. I just cut your partners jugular, hell bleed out in 7 minutes. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm HJ, you can call me Jack. Now, unless you tell me where he is, I'm going to start picking off your family members, slowly and painfully till one of them gives me a location. And you won't be able to do anything about it because I'm part of the royal family and if you do this entire city will burn to the ground to avenge my death."HJ explains calmly.

"I don't know where he is."Officer Martinez says.

"Angelo, I get it. You love your son. But it's his time now. Unless you want the grim reaper to visit your sisters and their beautiful children I suggest you let me know now. This is your final chance."

Officer Martinez swallows down hard.

"...i-i-.."he sputters.

"Cat got your tongue, Angelo?"

"...h-he, um.."

"Here, I can see you're in some emotional distress. Why don't you write it down for me?"HJ asks, folding a napkin in half and pulling a pen from his breast pocket.

He slides the napkin over along with the pen with a smile.

Officer Martinez picks up the pen with a shaking head and Hj could see tears welling in his eyes as he begins to write.

"There's a good chap."HJ says as Angelo sits the pen down and looks up at him.

Hj picks up the napkin and reads the address written down.

"If this address is wrong, I'm going to kill your whole family, and then you. A few months later of course, I'd want you to sit and stew in what you caused for a bit."he says standing up.

Officer Martinez nods and only looks down as HJ leaves the cafe.

He brings a shaking hand to the radio on his vest and presses the talk button.

"This is officer Martinez. We have an officer down at the cop cafe. Requesting immediate assistance."


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