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A tall, older man with a silver beard and a suit walks into the morge.

The medical examiner waits next to a body on a slab, covered in a white cloth.

He takes a deep breath, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Show me."he demands in a deep voice.

The medical examiner slowly pulls the cloth off the body, revealing the "main target" killer had taken care of the night prior.

The man instantly looks away and swallows the lump in his throat.

"...what happened to my son?"he asks.

"He was stabbed in the throat, and then shot one in the head. Point blank range."the examiner says.

".. do we know who did it?"the man asks.

"No. He wasn't the only one attacked last night. There are 4 more, one is in critical condition with severe head and brain trauma."

The man's head snaps back up towards the examiner.

"One of them survived?"he asks.

The examiner nods.

"He's alive, but has been through a lot. He'll have to relearn how to walk, talk, everything."

"He must've seen who did it then. Do everything you can to save that man, I want to know who did this to my son."the man says.

"There's some speculation that it might've been a rival gang. A few nights ago your boy and his friends assaulted a group of female bikers. One of them they sexually assaulted till she died."the doctor says.

He looks down at his son and shakes his head.

"Sick little fucker. Disgusting little bastard."

The man sighs and then looks up at the man.

"I want to know who did this to my son."he demands before turning towards the exit and walking out.


Killer bounces, shushing Tiana as she was slightly fighting her nap.

He hears keys in the door and he looks back as Sky enters the room house.

She sighs, dropping her purse by the door and slowly closing the door.

She walks over to the couch and plops down, kicking her shoes off.

"Rough day?"Killer asks, walking over and sitting next to her.

"Ooooohhhh..."Sky says in a tired moan.

Killer chuckles as he looks down at her scrubs.

"Is that blood on your scrubs?"Killer asks.

"..maybe..some guy came in with a 13 inch nail in his neck...pulled it out and it was like sploosh, all over me."she says.

Killer sighs and then sits Tiana down in her little resting pillow.

"I'll be right back."he says, causing Sky to open her eyes and look over at the baby.

Tiana smiles a gummy smile and only coos before squirming a bit to get comfortable.

She looks around, seeing that Damien has vanished.

"Oh."she sighs, putting her hand into Tiana's curly hair.

After about 5 minutes, Damien reappears.

He instantly picks up the baby and takes her away.

"My baby.."Sky whines.

After another 3 minutes Damien comes back and puts his hands on his hips.

I look up at him and pout a bit.

"It's okay."he sighs before leaning down, picking my arm up and then hoisting me up to where I was laying across his shoulders.

"Killer!"I laugh as we begin walking up the stairs.

He walks me up the stairs and to my room where I hear water running in my bathroom.

He walks me into the bathroom where I see a bubble bath being run.

He sits me down on the closed toilet and I look up at him, my bottom lip quivering.

"...what?"he questions.

"You ran me a bath?"I ask.

"Yeah, it looks like you could use one."he shrugs.

I instantly stand and hug him, shocking him a bit.

He slowly hugs me back with a chuckle.

"Poor thing. C'mon, get in."he says soothingly.

"Is Zac okay? Did he do his homework?"I ask.

"Don't worry about that. Relax."he says, leaving the bathroom and closing the door.

I smile and begin to dress down.


After my bath I smile, walking out of the bathroom and I see Killer laying on my bed, Tiana asleep on his chest as he pats her back.

"Better?"he asks.

I nod, gently sitting down on the bed as he looks down at the baby.

"You're so good with her."I say softly.

"You think? There's a baby sized puddle of drool on my chest."he says as I chuckle, leaning over and kissing his lips.

"How was your day?"I ask.

He shrugs.

"Zac was good today, he went to school with no problem. She had a bunch of good little poops today if that's important."he says.

"You look so handsome covered in baby drool."I chuckle, carefully pulling Tiana off of his chest.

"I'm glad you think so."he chuckles as he sits up, pulling his wet shirt off.

"Thank you, for everything Damien."I say, placing Tiana in the bassinet next to my bed.

"No need to thank me, doll."he says, opening his arms and letting me lay down on his chest.

I smile as he begins rubbing my back.

"..you're so sweet Damien."


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