Chapter 4

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After a moment, the prince's expression turned serious, and he added, "But in all honesty, your help is much appreciated. The throne room has been neglected for far too long, and it's time for us to restore it to its former glory." With that, I nodded in understanding and made my way to the throne room. This was something that I had never imagined myself doing as a knight, but I was determined to do it well. As I entered, I was struck by the grandeur of the room. It was spacious and majestic, with high ceilings, ornate pillars, and a large throne at the far end. But the room was also in need of cleaning. Dust had settled on the floor, cobwebs hung from the corners, and the furniture was covered in a layer of grime. "Shessh.... When was the last time this place was ever cleaned?" I said.

As I looked around the room, I heard the prince's footsteps approaching. "It's certainly seen better days, hasn't it?" he commented, taking in the state of the room. I turned to him and replied, "Yes, but we can restore it to its former glory with some hard work and dedication." He nodded in agreement, and we both set to work. As we began sweeping the dust and cobwebs away, the servants finished their lunch and joined us. They worked quickly and efficiently, and soon the room was transformed. The floors gleamed, the cobwebs were gone, and the furniture looked as though it had just been polished. The prince smiled in satisfaction as he looked around the room. "It looks magnificent," he said, nodding approvingly.

"Thank you, all of you. You've done a wonderful job." The servants beamed with pride at the prince's words. It was a small task, but it felt good to have made a difference in the appearance of such an important room. Prince Frost turned to me and held out his hand. "Thank you for your help," he said, his voice sincere. "I couldn't have done it without you." "Well, you did ask me to help you impress the Queen and the Princess," I said with a smile. As we left the room, he turned back to take one last look. "It's amazing what a little elbow grease can do," he said with a smile. I took a glance out the window to see that the sun had already set and the place was starting to dim. As we walked down the hallway talking about the princess, I heard footsteps behind us. I turned to see one of the palace servants hurrying towards us.

"Your Highness, I'm sorry to bother you, but we just realized that we forgot to get a Christmas tree for the palace," the servant said, out of breath from running. "We searched everywhere, but it seems we're out of luck." The prince's face fell, and I could see the worry etched on his features. I knew how important it was to make a good impression on the royal family of Snowman's Land. "I'll take care of it," I said, stepping forward. "I'll go out tomorrow morning and cut down the perfect tree for them myself. The prince looked at me with surprise, but then a smile spread across his face. "Thank you, Alexis," he said. "I knew I could count on you." After some time discussing the dinner for the family, I bid the Prince good night and headed back to my cottage. But first, I had to swing by the kitchen to pick up my dinner. "I hope you enjoy your dinner," Michael said as I collected my plate.

As I walked towards the stables, the sound of gravel crunching beneath my boots echoed through the quiet evening air. I scanned the area, looking for any sign of Luke. I whistled out to him, but there was no response. Just as I was about to give up, a sudden thought crossed my mind, and I headed towards Casper's stable. As I approached the stable, I could hear the soft sounds of horses breathing and the rustling of hay. Sure enough, there was Luke, lying down next to Casper in a peaceful slumber. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of them; they looked so peaceful and content. Not wanting to wake them, I tiptoed out of the stable, closing the door quietly behind me. I made my way out and walked towards the cottage. Once I was inside, I lit the fire and sat down to eat dinner, which was delicious.

 I woke up the next morning, quickly took a warm bath, got dressed and headed to the stables to get Bruce, Prince Frost's horse. He was a beautiful creature, with a shiny black coat and a gentle disposition. I found him resting peacefully in his stall, and with a gentle pat on his nose, I woke him up. Bruce was always eager for an adventure, and I knew he would be the perfect companion for my mission. I also took a sleigh with me to bring back the tree.

As we rode through the forest, I couldn't help but feel excited about the task ahead. I loved the smell of pine trees and the snow falling atop the trees. It was a beautiful winter day, with a bright sun shining down on us. After a while, I came across John. He was also carrying an axe and riding a horse. "Hey, Alexis," he said, waving at me. "Are you also looking for a Christmas tree?" I nodded, smiling. "Yes, I promised Prince Frost I would get one for the palace. And you?" "I'm getting one for the village," he said. "We're preparing for the Queen and Princess of Snowman's Land. They're visiting tomorrow, you know."

I was surprised. "How did you know that?" "The servants told us," John explained. "We're all excited about their visit. That's why the village is already decorated, and we're prepared for their arrival. I was impressed by the preparation and dedication of the villagers. It showed how much they cared about their community and making a good impression on their visitors. "That's great to hear," I said. "I'm sure they'll be impressed by the festive atmosphere." We rode together for a while, chatting about our lives and exchanging stories. John was a kind and friendly person, and I enjoyed his company. We eventually split up, each going our separate ways to find the perfect tree. I wanted something tall and full, with branches sturdy enough to hold all the palace decorations.

After some searching, I finally found it. It was a magnificent spruce tree, with needles so green they almost glowed. I dismounted Bruce and approached the tree, eyeing it up and down. It was perfect. I quickly pulled out my axe and began to cut the tree down. Bruce watched patiently as I worked, occasionally snorting in approval. When the tree finally fell, I let out a sigh of relief and surveyed my handiwork. It was truly magnificent.

With the tree tied to the sleigh, we made our way back to the palace. The ride back to the palace was slower, as we had to be careful not to damage the tree. As we entered the palace gates, Prince Frost was waiting for me outside. "Alexis, you've done it again! That's a beautiful tree," he said, admiring it. Thank you, Your Highness," I replied, feeling relieved that everything had gone smoothly. "I'm glad I could be of service."

I unhitched the sleigh from Bruce, and the servants carried the tree inside the palace. "I've seen you take Bruce this time," he said as he walked up. "I hope he didn't give you too much trouble." "Not at all, Sire," I replied. "He was very well-behaved. In fact, he seemed to enjoy the exercise." Prince Frost nodded in approval, and we chatted for a few more minutes before I excused myself and carried Bruce back to the barn. I put Bruce back in his stall and made sure that Alan gave him his breakfast. Then I went to visit Casper and Luke in the stall they were in. As I approached, I could see that they were both giving me angry looks. "Hey there, Casper. How are you doing?" I asked, trying to sound as cheerful as possible. Casper snorted, clearly not amused by my question. I looked over at Luke, who was also giving me a similar look.

"I know, I know. You both are angry with me because I took Bruce for a walk without you guys," I said, trying to win them over. "But you were both sound asleep, and I didn't want to wake you up." Casper and Luke looked at each other and then back at me. I could tell that they weren't entirely convinced by my explanation. "Listen, guys. I promise that I'll make it up to you. I'll bring some treats for the other horses in the stables, and then we can all go for a ride together later," I said, hoping to appease them. Finally, Casper and Luke's expressions softened, and they both seemed to forgive me.

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