Chapter 6

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As I walked  back to the cottage, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the prince's kindness towards everyone in the palace. It was rare to find a ruler who valued their servants so highly, and it was clear that the his actions had earned him the respect and admiration of those who worked for him. When I arrived at the cottage, I found that Micheal had left my dinner on the table. It was a delicious meal of Dragon-fire Roasted Chicken with a cup of Fairy's Brew. I ate my dinner and then took a long, relaxing bath, letting the warm water wash away the fatigue of the day. I dried off and collapsed into bed, feeling exhausted and too tired to read but satisfied with the day's work. As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement about the upcoming arrival of the Queen and Princess of Snowman's Land. It promised to be a busy few days ahead, but I was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. With that thought, I fell asleep, content in the knowledge that I had done my best and that tomorrow was a new day full of endless possibilities.

The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead. I took my bath and dressed quickly and headed outside, where I could already feel the excitement building in the air. Today was the day that the Queen and Princess of Snowman's Land were due to arrive, and everyone was buzzing with anticipation. As I passed by the stables, I couldn't help but admire the sight of the horses being prepared for the arrival of the Queen and Princess. Each horse was adorned with armor, but I noticed that Casper and Bruce's armor was different from the others.

Their armor was a stunning combination of blue, red, and silver, and it was clear that they had been given special treatment for this occasion. I knew that the horses were a reflection of their riders, and I couldn't help but feel proud of my companion. As I continued towards the palace, my thoughts drifted to my own armor. I was wearing my trusty Knight's armor, which had served me well over the years. However, as I arrived at the palace, I was surprised to see Prince Frost waiting for me with a new, polished suit of armor.

He presented me with a new armor, which had the Kingdom's Crest in the middle. It was a beautiful silver color, and it had a blue cape that flowed behind it, which added a touch of grandeur. I felt proud to wear it and represent the Kingdom. After collecting the armor, I excused myself and went to change into it. It was a perfect fit, and it felt like a second skin. I could feel its weight and strength, and I knew that it would protect me in any situation.

As I stepped out of the room, I couldn't help but notice the Prince's attire. He was wearing his royal jacket in a dark blue shade that perfectly complemented his black hair and striking blue eyes. His pants were a pristine white color, and they had a gold stripe that ran down the sides, giving him a majestic appearance. The golden belt around his waist added a touch of style to his outfit, and his black boots looked polished and well-maintained and of course his crown too add that royal touch. "Sire, you look even more regal than I imagined," I said with a grin. "I think this is definitely the better option compared to the one we spoke about yesterday. You truly look like a prince."

He chuckled, adjusting his crown slightly. "Well, I couldn't let my faithful knight outdo me in the regal department, now could I?" he teased. Just then, I saw Luke walking up to us. Even he was groomed for the occasion, his fur brushed and shining. "And even Luke looks ready for the occasion," I said, admiring his appearance. The prince laughed, saying, "Yes, even he must look his best when we represent our kingdom together."

After our conversation about the time that the Queen and Princess will arrive, we headed to  to the dining room to have breakfast. As we ate, we discussed what other finishing touches we could add to the palace to make it even more impressive for their visit. After breakfast, we walked around the palace to make sure everything was in place. The maids were busy dusting and polishing every surface, while the chef was busy preparing the dinner for the Queen and Princess. Prince Frost and I checked the dining hall, the bedrooms, and even the stables where the royal horses would be staying.

Once we were satisfied that everything was perfect, I headed out to the nearby village to see if everything was okay. I wanted to brief the villagers on what to do when the Queen and Princess arrived. I also wanted to make sure that they were all prepared for the big day. As I walked through the cobblestone streets, I saw that everything was in order. The villagers had been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Queen and Princess and had spent the last few days making the village look its best. They had cleaned the streets, put up banners, and even the Christmas tree was there right in the middle of the village, already decorated, with its star shining brightly on top.

I spoke to a few of the villagers and briefed them on what to do when the Queen and Princess arrived. I told them that it was an excellent opportunity to showcase our beautiful kingdom and make a good impression on the royal family. The villagers listened intently, and I could see the excitement building up in their eyes.

After I finished briefing them, I returned to the palace, where Prince Frost and his staff were putting the final touches on the decorations. After the clock struck noon, we waited eagerly for the arrival of the royal family. However, as the minutes ticked by, it became apparent that they were running late. An hour passed by, and still no one had arrived. Prince Frost was growing increasingly worried. "Where could they be?" he said.

"Sire, if it's okay with you, I can go and search for them; maybe they are stuck somewhere," I said. "Yes, please do, but be careful, and here, take your sword and helmet," he said. I took my sword and sheathed it, placed the helmet over my head, and hurried towards the stables. I quickly mounted Casper and rode out of the palace gates, determined to find the missing members of the royal family. The sky was overcast, and the wind was picking up, which added to my sense of urgency.

As I rode along the winding, snow-covered road, I spotted a carriage in the distance, not too far from the palace. I rode up to it and saw that it was indeed the Queen and Princess of Snowman's Land. I didn't look inside the carriage since I saw that one of the horse's was limping. I asked the coachman what had happened, and he explained that one of the horses had thrown a shoe, which was the reason for their delay.

Without hesitation, I jumped off Casper and took off the harness from the limping horse. I then fastened it onto Casper and trailed behind the carriage with the other horse. I walked with her behind the carriage, making sure that she was safe and comfortable. It didn't take long for us to reach the village, and as soon as we arrived, the villagers flooded the street and waved excitedly at the approaching carriage. I could see the relief on their faces, knowing that the royal family was safe and sound.

When we finally reached the palace courtyard, the carriage came to a stop. I then led the limping horse to the stables and took off her shoe. I examined the hoof and saw that it had a small cut, but nothing serious. I cleaned the wound and applied some ointment to help it heal. I gave her some water and some oats to munch on before I left, and I promised him that I would come back tonight to replace his shoes. Before I left, I asked Alan if he could drop by the blacksmith and get a set of horseshoes for me. He said he'd do it and have them here by this afternoon. I thanked him and left the stables.

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