Chapter 7

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As I walked towards the courtyard, a breathtaking scene unfolded before me. The princess stepped out of the carriage, followed closely by a dashing young man, but Queen Amber was nowhere to be seen. As I approached, Prince Frost and I both bowed respectfully to greet the princess and her companion.

She looked the same age as Prince Frost, and she wore a stunning winter dress adorned with delicate snowflakes and glistening crystals. Her fur cloak draped elegantly over her shoulders, adding to the regal aura that surrounded her. The young man accompanying her was attired in a simple yet stylish shirt, blazer, black boots, and a fur coat.

After a brief exchange of words, Prince Frost inquired about the absence of Queen Amber. The Princess gracefully explained that she had to attend to matters in Snowman's Land and had sent her son, Prince Thomas, to accompany Princess Amity. She also conveyed Queen Amber's apologies and mentioned that she would arrive a day later to discuss something concerning Prince Frost's parents.

Prince Frost and I looked at the young man with surprise as he introduced himself. "You're Prince Thomas, Princess Amity's younger brother?" Prince Frost asked the young man in disbelief. "Yes, that's me," he replied with a smile, "although I'm not so little anymore."Why, the last time I saw you, you were about 2 years old trying to sit in your father's lap," Prince Frost said chuckling.

They both shared a good-natured laugh, reminiscing about old times. But I couldn't help but notice that the chill in the air was growing more biting by the moment. "Excuse me, sire," I whispered to Prince Frost, "I think it's getting a bit cold. Perhaps we should invite our guests inside before they turn into icicles."

"Of course, Alexis," Prince Frost replied with a nod. "Princess Amity, Prince Thomas, please come inside and warm yourselves up by the fire." We made our way into the palace, the servants scurried to assist with the luggage, and the guards led Casper and the other horse towards the stables to be tended to.

Once inside, I directed the servants to take the luggage to the appropriate rooms, making sure everything was in order for our guests. Princess Amity and Prince Thomas looked around in wonder, admiring the grandeur of the palace. I followed Prince Frost, who gave them a brief tour before leading them to a cozy sitting room, where a fire was already blazing in the hearth. "Please, make yourselves comfortable," he said, gesturing to the plush armchairs arranged around the fire. "I'll have some warm refreshments brought in for you shortly."

Once Princess Amber and Prince Thomas were comfortably seated, Prince Frost joined them, and they began to catch up on all that had happened since they last saw each other. They talked about their respective kingdoms and their recent adventures. Prince Frost and Princess Amber reminisced about their childhood together and the mischief they used to get into as they laughed and joked together like old friends. "Remember the time that we took Thomas's blanket and hid it in the throne room, and when he finally noticed, he started crying and running to mom and dad, telling them that he lost his blanket?" Princess Amity laughed. "Yeah, it took the servants that whole morning to find it, and when they did, they gave it to poor Thomas, who hugged it like it was a toy," Prince Frost replied, laughing as well. "Hey guys, I'm right here, you know," Prince Thomas said with a not-so-happy face, but then burst out laughing.

As they chatted, the servants brought in a tray of warm refreshments, including hot tea and freshly baked pastries. The three of them enjoyed the refreshments while continuing their conversation. While they were chatting and enjoying their refreshments, I stood next to Prince Frost in my armor and helmet on. I had been standing there for a while, but no one had noticed me until now. Princess Amber and Prince Thomas looked at me quizzically, wondering who I was.

Prince Frost, noticing their confusion, introduced me as his trusted knight and loyal companion. "This is Alexis, a valiant knight in my service. She has been with me for two years now and has proven herself time and time again," he said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Haha, I wouldn't say valiant, but fearless, that I can say," I replied.

Princess Amber and Prince Thomas nodded in understanding and turned to me, curious about my duties and experiences as a knight. I removed my helmet and greeted them with a bow, introducing myself and telling them about my role in protecting Prince Frost and the kingdom. "But you're a girl; I haven't seen or heard of a female knight before; aren't you supposed to be in a kitchen or taking care of children?" Prince Thomas said when I took off my helmet. "Thomas, that's very rude; why would you say that?" Princess Amber said, glaring at Prince Thomas.

"I understand that my presence as a female knight may be surprising to some, but my gender doesn't define my capabilities or my worth, and that doesn't mean it's impossible or wrong. Women are just as capable as men in any profession, including those traditionally reserved for men. And as a knight, my duty is to protect the kingdom and its people, regardless of my gender. So, no, I'm not supposed to be in a kitchen or taking care of children. I'm supposed to be right here, fulfilling my duties as a knight and serving the kingdom to the best of my abilities," I said firmly yet calmly. Being a knight is not about gender; it's about serving and protecting our kingdom and our people," I explained to Prince Thomas.

As I finished my explanation to Prince Thomas, I saw that the sun was setting outside. It was a sign that dinner would soon be served, so I quickly put on my helmet and turned towards Prince Frost. With a calm voice, I whispered to him that I would go and check with the chef to see if dinner was ready.

While walking towards the kitchen, I couldn't help but reflect on the conversation I had just had with Prince Thomas. While it's true that my gender as a female knight may be surprising to some, it's important to remember that it doesn't define my capabilities or worth. And while there may be those who doubt my abilities, I will continue to serve my kingdom to the best of my abilities and prove them wrong.

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