Chapter 12

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As I savored the sweetness of my second s'more and gazed into the flickering flames, I suddenly realized that time had flown by and I had spent longer than intended by the fire. I didn't want to be a burden on the royals' evening any longer, so I mustered up the courage to speak. "Sire, if you may excuse me," I said with a gentle tone, "but I've spent long enough out here, and I think it's time for me to retire to my cottage for the night." With a nod and a smile, Prince Frost graciously accepted my request to leave.

"Where are you going, Alexis? It's still a bit early," Prince Thomas asked. "I know, but I think I've had enough s'mores for tonight," I replied, smiling at him. "Besides, I have an early morning tomorrow, plus  Queen Amber will be arriving, and I should get some rest." I said as I stood up. "Thank you all for a wonderful evening. Good night." With that, I bid them farewell and made my way back to my cottage. While walking to my cottage, my mind ran to Luke. "I wonder where he is; I haven't seen him all day," I said to myself. I walked towards the stable to see if he was with Casper.

When I reached the stable, I could hear the horses softly whinnying and shuffling in their stalls. I peeked inside Casper's stall, and there, curled up on a pile of hay, was Luke, fast asleep. I smiled to myself, feeling a sense of relief knowing he was safe and sound. I quietly left the stable and made my way back to my cottage. When I arrived back at the cottage, I did my usual thing and headed to bed with my book. As I settled under the covers, I couldn't help but think about the upcoming visit from the queen. I wanted to make a good impression, but I also didn't want to appear too eager or desperate for her approval. But for now, I pushed those thoughts aside and let myself get lost in the pages of my book. Eventually, my eyes grew heavy, and I drifted off to sleep, feeling content and ready for the day ahead.

When I woke up the next morning, I found the book on my face. "Haha, it must've fallen out of my hand when I fell asleep last night," I said to myself as I got up from bed. I stretched my arms and legs, feeling refreshed and ready to face the day ahead. I quickly jumped out of bed and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. As I stood in front of the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about the upcoming visit from the queen. But I took a deep breath and reminded myself to stay calm and collected.

After a quick shower, I put on my armor, making sure my cape was securely fastened and my sword was properly sheathed. I wanted to make sure I looked my best for the queen's visit. With everything in order, I headed out of my cottage and towards the stables to check on Casper and Luke. Upon arriving at the stable, I met up with Alan, who had a bucket with oats in his hand. "Good morning, Alan. How's everyone?" I asked him. "Oh, they're all great; just excited to see the queen," he answered back. "By the way, you are looking very knightly there," he said, chuckling. "Why thank you, Alan?" I replied as I walked towards Casper's stall.

Casper nickered as he saw me approaching, and I reached out to pet him on the nose. "You're going to impress the queen today, my friend," I said to him, and he snorted in response. I checked his armor, saddle and bridle, making sure everything was in place for our ride later in the day. As I turned to leave the stall, I saw Luke was wagging his tail excitedly. "Are you excited to meet the queen too, boy?" I asked him, scratching behind his ears. He barked in response, and I laughed. "Well, let's make sure you're looking your best too." I brushed out his coat and made sure his collar was straight before patting him on the head.

After I was finished, I left the stables and headed towards the palace, and Luke decided to follow me. The sky was gray, and snowflakes were gently falling to the ground. It was a beautiful day for a royal visit, and the snowflakes made everything look magical. While walking, Luke scampered around, chasing the snowflakes as they twirled and danced in the air. I couldn't help but chuckle at his playful behavior.

When I arrived at the palace, I noticed that none of the royals were in sight. "Looks like everyone's still asleep," I muttered to Luke. Feeling a bit famished, I headed straight for the kitchen. I was busy searching the pantry for a quick bite when I suddenly heard footsteps approaching from behind me. Acting on instinct, I swiftly drew my sword, only to find Princess Amity's face at the tip of the blade.

Whoa, whoa, it's just me!" She exclaimed, holding up her hands in surrender. "I didn't mean to startle you. I sheathed my sword and let out a sigh of relief. "Princess Amity, you startled me," I said, trying to calm my nerves. She chuckled. "Sorry about that. I just wanted to see what you were up to. I heard you and Luke come in and thought I'd come say hello." I smiled. "Well, hello, Princess. It's always nice to see you." She looked around the pantry. "So, what are you in the mood for this morning?" "Something simple I guess, I think I'll make myself some scrambled eggs with toast," I replied. Sounds good," she said, picking up a loaf of bread from the counter. "I can make the toast."

As Princess Amity and I were making breakfast in the pantry, I suddenly heard a voice behind me. "Mmmm.... Something's smelling delicious in here," the voice remarked. I turned around to see that it was Michael. "Good morning, Michael," I greeted him. "I was feeling a bit hungry and decided to make myself some scrambled eggs with toast. Since I didn't see you around, Princess Amity kindly offered to help me with the toast. "No need to apologize, Alexis, I just hope that you two made extra for Prince Thomas and Prince Frost," he replied as he grabbed a pot from the pantry. "I can whip up some tea to go with it as well." I smiled at him. "Of course, Michael. We wouldn't want anyone to miss out on this delicious breakfast." Princess Amity and I continued to cook while Michael made some fresh tea.

As we sat down to eat, Prince Thomas walked into the dining room, still in his pajamas. "Good morning, everyone," Prince Thomas said. "What smells so good?" he asked, yawning. Princess Amity and I smiled at him. "We made breakfast," I said, gesturing to the scrambled eggs and toast. "Michael even made some tea." "Looks great," he replied, taking a seat at the table. "Thanks for making breakfast, Alexis." "Anytime," I replied. "I always enjoy cooking." We all sat around the table, enjoying our breakfast and each other's company. "Thomas, have you seen Prince Frost since you woke up?" Princess Amity asked her brother. "No, I thought he was with you." As he took some eggs, I thought to myself, "I think I know where he is." I got up from the table, and Prince Thomas asked me, "Where are you going, Alexis?" as he poured himself a cup of tea. "I have a hunch where Prince Frost might be," I told him. "Can I accompany you?" Princess Amber requested. "Luke, you stay with Prince Thomas," I told the dog, and he obeyed and sat down next to my seat.

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