What Happens...

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A groan came from somewhere close by and Nathalie Sancoeur opened her eyes to find herself lying in a bed in an unfamiliar room with her head throbbing painfully.

There it was again. A sound of discomfort and probably also pain emanating from a figure right beside her.

Nathalie carefully turned her hurting head to look at...

She gasped, then slapped her hand to her mouth to not be noticed but she was too slow. The man who was lying in this bed with her, was none other than her employer, her naked employer, Gabriel Agreste. Taking a careful look at her own body she felt a blush creep over her cheeks. She was completely nude too.

And on top of that he had noticed her and was now staring back just as shocked as she glared at him.

"N-Nathalie! Wh-What are you...we doing here in...where the hell are we?"

She let herself fall back into the pillow, wincing as her head started to pound again, then told him:

"I just woke up too! Give me a moment to remember anything. What's the last thing you recall, Sir?"

That made him chuckle and the woman furrowed her brows.

"Sorry, for laughing at you but considering the fact that we slept in one bed together, without any clothes, I think you can just say Gabriel again instead of Sir."

"Oh, uhm, of course. I... it's just... I'm so used to..."

He interrupted her by placing a hand on her forearm.

"I remember a time, when you were used to calling me Gabriel. When we were more than just boss and assistant. We have once been friends, Nathalie and I miss that."

"Well, you have made your choice about that a long time ago, Gabriel. And I accepted this decision and agreed to go back to the way we were before using the miraculous. I regained my health and you..."

She didn't speak any further, she couldn't, not even after all the years between Emilie's death and today. She still loved him too much to be able to hurt him.

Sure, she had moved on with her life after Gabriel had finally seized the miraculous' and revived his beloved wife, had even tried to have relationships with other men. But for as long as they were reunited, Nathalie had always kept some of her feelings for him.

And then Emilie had decided she couldn't be with him any longer, and had told him she wanted a divorce.

The poor man had been devastated for weeks, but he had eventually sat down with her and talked everything through. Adrien, who had been sixteen at that time, was supposed to accompany his mother to her home in London but had begged his parents to let him stay in Paris with his father so he could be with his friends, and the girl he was madly in love with.

It was Gabriel who agreed and for the first time since they were talking about their separation and divorce, had stood up for his son and against Emilie. And he had won this argument. Mainly because the former actress too wanted what was best for their son after all that he had to endure in his young life already.

Nathalie, who had still been working as his assistant, accepted his request to move back into the mansion and be there for the teenager. And so she had given up all her social contacts again and everything that was going on in her life and by that had gone back into the loneliness which surrounded the famous fashion designer.

At least he had never again tried to use any sort of magic to get his will. He hadn't even sulked over his loss for too long. Instead he had spent time with Adrien 'and' her, professionally of course. He even had taken the boy and Nathalie on several trips to show him the world and have some fun together.

But now, almost three years later, Adrien had moved out and started a life of his own. And therefore he didn't need her to stay at his home to take care of his son any longer and had taken her with him on his business trip to...

"Las Vegas!" she blurted out, startling him and making him sit up and glare at her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. But I just remembered where we are. Not much more though. You?"

Her hopefully raised eyebrows made him smile. But he shook his head and confessed,

"I can somehow remember drinking a lot of those cocktails on our flight here already. But after that... nothing but a blur."

"Yeah, same here. We should get dressed and figure out how we got here and why on earth we could be naked. All I 'do' know, as I can tell by the interior and the view or rather the lack of view, is that we're not in the hotel I've booked for us. Especially because I reserved a two bedroom suite." Nathalie explained.

Gabriel scanned the room for their luggage, only to notice that it wasn't there.

"If I took the guess that our things had been brought directly to the hotel we were supposed to stay in, would I get it right?" He muttered.

In shock his assistant sat up and looked frantically around, then grumbled.

"I would tell you that you got it very right. Fuck, how could this happen?! And how did we even get here in the first place? I mean, the limousine was supposed to pick us up at the airport and drive us directly to the resort. I'll try to find my phone and..."

She broke off, noticing that he was staring at her and became aware that they were both still without any clothes and scolded him in a very calm and controlled manner.

"Gabriel, would you please stop staring at me? This is very inappropriate. I am your employée and not only should none of us have become so drunk that we can't remember our whereabouts, but also should your sober brain notice what you are doing right now and keep you from staring at your naked assistant!"

"Wife!" He corrected her in a barely audible whisper. "Look at our hands."

About to look down his body to find his hand, Nathalie scoffed.

"Nice try! If I looked at your hands now, I would see 'all' of you and then you would say we're even."

"I'm serious, Nathalie. Look at your own hand, if you won't believe me."

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