...In Vegas

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She did. And only a split of a second later she gasped and forced her eyes to focus on his fingers only to see an identical ring on his hand as she had found on her own.

Both turned pale in an instant as their eyes widened and they now took in the state of the whole room and themselves.

"Holy shit, what did we do?" Gabriel cried out. Then a glimpse of a memory flew to his mind and he blinked a couple of times before he began to tell the woman beside him. "Taxi! The car wasn't there and when you turned your phone back on, you received the notification that the driver had some issues with the limousine's engine and had to go to a garage and have it repaired. They offered to send another one as soon as one of their automobiles was available again, but you declined and told them, we would take a cab and that they should simply take care of our luggage. I just don't remember why!"

Nathalie slapped her palm to her forehead, blurting out.

"But I do!"

She couldn't go on with her explanation as she too was hit by a sudden flashback triggered by hearing herself say 'I do'.

"Oh no! We really did... Let me inform you about the circumstances that had me decide for a taxi instead of another limousine, before I tell you what I just recalled. We were already on a tight schedule because of the meeting with that new client, who had insisted on meeting in Vegas in the evening. Well, it was six o'clock PM when we arrived and you were supposed to meet him at seven. And as he had specifically asked for me to be there too, we both had to get there as fast as possible. If we had waited for another car to be free, we would have been late for the appointment. So I simply asked them to gather our things and in the meantime you called for a taxi."

"Oh God, I remember the client now. It was this rude, creepy guy who kept touching you and making ambiguous remarks about everything you said." Gabriel gushed out all of a sudden, causing the woman next to him to shudder in disgust.

"I would have loved to forget about that forever. But you're right. Even after I told him that I was seeing someone, he didn't budge but kept laying his sweaty hand on my hip or even my butt. He only stopped when..."

Nathalie inhaled sharply as she reminisced about the events from the previous evening.

"...when I stepped in between you and him and laid my own arm around your waist to pull you taut. He didn't seem happy about this turn of events. While you on the other hand..."

Gabriel grinned mischievously at her as he too had another memory come to his mind.

"I what?" The still naked woman pried. "Whatever you might have felt coming from 'moi', it probably was just your imagination or wishful thinking. I felt simply relieved and glad that I didn't have to watch out for his attacks any longer." She sneered.

"Oh, really? I think I recall 'your' hand on my butt cheek. And..." The designer's face changed from white as snow to scarlet red. "...and not just there. When we sat down for dinner and the negotiations... you... damn it, woman, how much did you drink on the plane?"

"Why are you asking? Don't even dare to blame this whole mess on me!" Nathalie spat.

"So you're saying it wasn't your hand caressing my thigh and some places further up my legs?"

The dark haired woman swallowed heavily as she could see the situation before her inner eye. Then she remembered something from just before they had taken their seats and began to grin.

"I admit that I might have done something like the things you've accused me to have done. But only in response to what you did prior to that." Her voice was snide and challenging.

Gabriel quirked an eyebrow, inquiring.

"And what are you implicating, I had done... Oh!"

"Oh? You remembered?"

Instead of backing away and avoiding her gaze, he looked straight into her eyes, as he confessed.

"When you asked me to walk you to the bathroom so he wouldn't get a chance to catch you alone somewhere, I did."


"And being more than a little tipsy by then, I..." He paused. "I am not sure, but I think I have slapped your arse? Softly of course."

Shaking her head, she corrected him.

"Squeezed. And rubbed. Yet you were right about doing that very softly."

She blushed deeply from the mere thought of how he had made her feel from just that gentle touch.

"What happened after that? Did you just ignore it or did you do 'anything'?" The man couldn't help it, he had to know the whole truth now.

"I..." Nathalie hesitated and thought for a moment, to then shake her head. "I don't know how exactly it turned into the situation of us kissing and... uhm... making out in the bathroom... but... that's the next thing, I recall."

"I... well... that's... uhm rather... disturbing. To not remember, I mean. Not to... k-k-kiss y-you!"

"Yeah it is! The memory thing of course. Right. I think we were interrupted and that was what made me touch your 'thigh' under the table, I guess."

They sat in awkward silence for some time, when Gabriel blurted out the question, they both needed an answer to.

"How did we end up getting married and what did we do after that?"

Nathalie groaned and covered her face with both hands.

"I don't know. Maybe there's something on our phones? Pictures? Video clips? Let's take a look!"

They did but what they saw only made them both feel worse.

There they were, standing in front of an altar in a tiny chapel, Nathalie dressed in a rented wedding gown, still she looked gorgeous, thanks to Gabriel using some of his tricks to make it fit her perfectly and compliment her figure in the best way possible. He had just stayed in his suit, a dark grey one, he had already worn for the business meeting.

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