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Adrien choked on the wine he was just drinking and started to cough. Marinette quickly reacted and patted his back until he was able to stop. Taking a deep breath, the young man then looked at his father and new stepmother with an apologetic smile.

"Sorry for the reaction, it was just... well, you'll understand soon. I am really happy for you though. Even if it didn't look like it, by now. It's just... when you invited us for dinner, and said you and Nathalie had amazing news, I thought you eventually admitted your love for each other, which was almost correct. But hearing that you even got married and due to a drunk night in Vegas... That's quite a story to tell your grandchildren."

They all laughed in relief, before Adrien continued,

"Speaking of grandchildren...", he took his fiancée's hand into his own again, "...we have some news too."

"No!" Nathalie gasped, then began to smile at the young couple. "Really? How far along are you? Why haven't you told us already? Come, let me hug you both!"

She quickly jumped to her feet, regretting that the very same moment and took a firm hold on the side of the table. Gabriel noticed and rushed to her side to support her by wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Are you alright? You should take it a little slower, my love. Let me help you sit back down."

But the young female shook her head and told him,

"I still want to hug them. I just got up too fast. I'm already feeling better. But it's really sweet how much you care, darling."

The teenagers looked at each other and smiled blissfully.

"They are soooo cute!" came from the girl.

"Yeah, and you sound exactly like a certain peacock kwami!" her fiance mocked her.

But Marinette just shrugged.

"So what if I do? Duusu likes seeing romantic stuff. It makes her happy! Oh no! Don't cry, Nathalie! We shouldn't have mentioned her. I know how much you miss the little peacock and would like to see her. She misses you too by the way. And yes, she remembers everything that happened before we made the wish!"

"She does? Oh my, I would love to see Duusu if it was possible. But now tell me, how far along are you?" Nathalie cooed as she pulled the younger woman into her arms.

"Almost eleven weeks already, you?"

Blushing, the former assistant looked to the floor.

"Actually, I don't know yet, I just found out today and as we don't even remember the first time we... well you know, we can't even tell if we... used any... but it doesn't matter because the second time we certainly didn't use anything and yeah... that was about six weeks minus three days and, uhm, I guess I should stop talking now, right?"

The women giggled together, still in a hug, while Gabriel laid an arm around his son's shoulders and congratulated him.

"Well, I am very happy for you. My best wishes, Adrien!"

"Same for you, dad!"

"You haven't called me dad for ages. I love that, son!"

The young man nodded.

"Yeah, so do I."

After eating their dessert, the two couples moved over to the armchairs in front of the fireplace, Nathalie sitting on Gabriel's legs and cuddling into his chest, while Marinette did the same with Adrien. Like this they stayed for two more hours and talked about all the things they were about to experience or did actually feel and suffer from or enjoy.

"I like the bigger boobs!" Marinette pointed out. "I always thought mine were way too small!"

Nathalie and Adrien laughed along with her, while Gabriel cleared his throat awkwardly.

"There are things I don't want to know about my very young, future daughter in law!" he explained sheepishly.

"Well, 'dad'," Marinette said teasingly, "you can look forward to your new wife's boobs getting bigger with every day from now on. How's that?"

Giving Nathalie a lewd grin, he agreed.

"I'd like that a lot!"

"And I really thought, you liked them the way they are!" the young female playfully scolded him.

He whispered something into her ear that made her blush in an instant.

"Oh come on! What did you say?" Adrien now inquired.

It was his wife who looked at him sternly and shook her head.

"Some things are supposed to stay private, Kitty!"

"Exactly!" replied said man's father. "Especially when they were not supposed for my teenage son's ears,"

The boy scoffed.

"Do I need to remind you that this 'teenage son' wasn't the one who got married after getting drunk in Las Vegas 'and' also didn't knock his new 'wife' up accidentally?"

Marinette cleared her throat.

"Uhm Adrien? You do remember that we didn't actually plan for this to happen already, right? No matter how happy we're now and how we're looking forward to meeting our baby, it was an accident too!"

"Not an accident, princess, a surprise! Nobody is happy about an accident, but everybody loves surprises!"

The young woman sighed and shook her head.

"You are just as stubborn as your father sometimes, Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste!" she ranted.

Nathalie chuckled as she got to her feet and laid an arm around the other woman.

"Come, let's go for a little walk. I think we could take a detour and pass by the fridge as we do. I am very certain that I saw several different sorts of cake inside. I am very sure, one of them will cheer you up again!"

"Did I somehow leave the impression that I needed any cheering up?" Marinette now grumbled.

"Yes!" the other three answered in unison.

Blushing deeply the girl gazed towards the floor.

"Hey, no need to feel bad, sweetie! Come, let Adrien and Gabriel have some men-talk while we enjoy the wonderful treats of being pregnant. Not having to watch out for our weight so much any longer!" the previous assistant cooed and nudged her out of the room and into the kitchen.

Marinette let her do so until they reached the counter and Nathalie made her sit down on one of the stools. 

"What would you like, dear?" the older female asked softly.

Shrugging the teenage girl looked at her.

"I'm actually full from dinner already. I still struggle with getting sick a lot and I happy about every bit of food that stays inside. So I'm good. But don't let me hold you back, enjoy your cake!" she encouraged Nathalie.

"Are you sure about that? I can as well wait until later, I maybe even should do so. I wouldn't want to put on a lot of extra weight that early. How are you dealing with the issue? Have you put on any weight at all yet?" the former assistant questioned.

Marinette again shrugged.

"Maybe a little. I keep throwing up so much of my meals that I have barely a chance to gain any. But it's been getting better lately, so I guess, I will soon be able to tell you!"

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