In Which C.A.Z. Needs Help

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Annnnnd in which C.A.Z. writes in 3rd person.

Alright, lets get down to business (And defeat the Huns). As you can probably tell, I haven't published the Avengers fanfic yet. Writing it is taking a heck of a lot longer than I thought it would.

The problem is, I can only write a few paragraphs at a time. When I write too much at one time, I lose inspiration and my writing gets ultra boring. And then there's the whole cover title issue, but I'll save that rant for later.

Annnd now we're at the point where I need help. Should I:

•Publish what I have now and post chapters as I write them.


•Take the time to make some prewritten chapters, then upload the fic.

So what should I do? Let me know by voting in the comments.

~C.A.Z. Out!~

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