Chapter 3- Child

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Tw: contains descriptions of finishing moves

-Are you ready, lieutenant?
-Born ready
Soap and Ghost jumped out of the helicopter. They were not in the mood to joke about a broken parachute today.
-Whatever happens Soap, we in it together. Take care of yourself
They landed on a rooftop, Ghost spotted a sniper already. He silently walked ip to him, stood on his back and put his shotgun to his head, shooting it off. Soap slowly walked down the stairs, spotting two soldiers. He shot one down, while Ghost kicked another one's leg, flipped them to their back and slit their throat.
-Not brutal, huh?
-We have to go in different directions Soap, like in the plan
-Yes sir
And so they did. Ghost went to the right, while Soap to the left. Ghost quickly spotted five other soldiers. He approached one, shot her a couple of times, then picked him up to a sitting position using his leg and shot his head off. Another one rushed to kill him, but he stabbed him, flipped him with the knife, took it out and shot him in the chest 3 times. Maybe Soap was right about his executions being brutal.

About twenty minutes later Soap and Ghost met up in a planned spot. It was a small building in the centre. Since they were sure everything was okay, they decided to check the inside.
-Are you going inside L.T?
-I am, follow me. If anything happens stay behind me
-Relax Ghost, I know how to protect myself
-Last time I checked you missed a huge red dot on a training mannequin.
-Shut up
-Shh I can hear something
Quiet footsteps could've been heard from the upper floor. Ghost took out a shotgun, ready to attack whoever was up there. The footsteps got louder and louder, and when they sounded like they were two meters away, Ghost's weapon met with a small person's head.
-D-don't hurt me please!
-Do you have any weapons?
-Why are you here?
-Simon, that's a child.
-Well then what's a child doing here?!
The child covered his ears at the sound of Ghost yelling.
-I have no idea
Ghost let out a sigh.
-Should we get him to safety?-Soap asked
- That would mess up our mission
-Ghost, a child can't handle themselves in a situation like this.
-Please, help me escort him to our helicopter, Gaz should be there.
Soap got a bit lower to get to the child's height. He put down his gun and carefully placed his hand on the kid's arm.
-Hey, we're not here to hurt you
-What's your name?
-Okay Adam, are there any adults in your house?
-Mommy's on the floor and doesn't wake up, while daddy left saying he'll be back in a while.
Soap nodded to Ghost, as to notify him to check what's going on inside the kid's house.
-Listen to me kiddo, we will escort you to our helicopter, where our friend Gaz will take care of you
-But what about my daddy?
Ghost came back and whispered to Soap on the radio "She's dead, and I think I shot his father based on the photos"
-How do I tell him?
-Let me try
-Adam, your daddy went on a long trip, you know?
-And now he wants you to stay safe, so you have to come with us.
-But how will he know I'm in there?
-He will find you once he's done.
Soap, Ghost and Adam left the bulding.
MacTavish protected the back, while Ghost went to the front. The kid was between them, extremely scared and overwhelmed by the noises around him.
-Never knew you could handle situations like this lieutenant
-Neither did I Soap.
Their way to the helicopter was pretty chill, besides some random soldiers coming in their way. Ghost decided to shoot them once and well, as to not expose Adam to brutal methods so early. Meanwhile, Soap contacted Gaz to notify him and Price about the recent situation. When they got to the helicopter, Gaz opened it for them, letting all three in.
-Are you two okay?
-Everything's fine
-And the child?
-His name is Adam, he's very scared so please take good care of him while we finish the mission.
-Got it
Soap and Ghost left the helicopter, ready for the last part of their mission, which was to blow up the weapon stash of their opponents. They knew it was risky, but at the same time were prepared to fight back. They were surprised to see nobody attacked them. Soap planted an explosive by the stash and started walking away, when he got attacked from the behind. Ghost quickly jumped on the attacker, making her fall on the ground, then shot her a couple times. He then got up and took a look at Soap's arm.
-Are you okay Johnny..?
-I'm good sir
-No, seriously
-It's all okay. How about we check around the stash? We still have time and it's better to not have anyone defuse the bomb.
-We should follow the plan Soap
-Don't you want to feel safer, Ghost?
-Soap, it's much more risky than waiting for someone to come over if they actually want to defuse it.
-Ghost, we'll get rid of them faster that way
The two men started walking around the building, at first not finding anyone. Soap noticed and shot one of their opponents. They finally finished checking one part of it and went to the another. Suddenly they heard gunshots. Ghost got shot. His chest and head started bleeding. Soap downed the opponents and started pulling the larger man out of the explosive area.
He really wished to be stronger at that time. When they got to safety, he slowly took off Ghost's shirt and uncovered the shot spot.
-Ghost, can you hear me? Ghost please talk to me. Oh no, Gaz, Price, we need help. Ghost got shot, he's loosing a lot of blood, from his head and chest, please we need a medic really quickly. Ghost, please, speak to me!
Soap got no response. He took a look on the bleeding wound and knew what to do. He also did not realize his radio was still on
-Simon, does it hurt too much to speak? I'm sorry but I have to press in here,  please, Simon, speak to me!
-Ghost, it's okay just stay with me and you will make it I'm sure you will. Ghost?
-Soap, I love you
-I love you too Simon, keep your eyes open, you got this! No, no, no don't close them Ghost! Ghost talk to me please...
Soap burst into tears, still applying pressure on the wound. Ghost's hand slowly moved onto Soap's as his eyes closed.
-There gotta be something I can do!
Soap thought about doing cpr, not sure if it won't make Simon lose even more blood.
-Soap, move out of the way for the medic
-I can't leave him!
Price put his arms under Soap's and dragged him out of the way. Soap watched through tears as the medic bandaged Ghost's wounds and attempted to bring back his life functions. Price pulled him closer, letting him know it's all gonna be alright. Soap knew deep down Price himself isn't convinced it will.

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