Chapter 4-"There might not be another day like this"

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Ghost sat on the bed, as Soap's hand pushed him down from a standing position. The smaller man sat on his lap with his hand on his chest, going up and down along with his breathing pattern. It didn't take long for Ghost to move his mask up and get closer to Soap's lips, and kissing him. Their lips were stuck close to each other, while Ghost's hand moved to Soap's waist, pulling him closer.  Their kiss lasted longer, and longer, as Soap slowly forced Ghost into a half sitting half laying down position. He then kissed him even more and more, pulling his mask off. His hair was blonde, and eyes beautiful, more beautiful than his entire body. Some scars on his face made it even prettier
-I should see you without it more often, Ghost
-We should make it happen then
Ghost kissed Soap on the cheek, which resulted in another long kiss. He moved to Soap's neck next, adjusting his choker and making space for him to kiss. Soap's face went all red, and his hands moved to Ghost's chest, pushing him towars the bed frame, as their lips met together again, their bodies getting closer while Soap's hands still put a lot of pressure on Ghost's chest.
-Hey, Soap, slow down
-There might not be another day like this, Ghost.

Those words ran through Soap's mind as he watched his lover get wheeled into a hospital on breath support and in a helicopter ambulance bed. He was still losing blood, and Soap was still shaking. He knew Ghost is a strong man, but he didn't know if he's strong enough to survive such a huge blood loss. The paramedics told him he lost about 1L of blood, which was quite a lot. He was taken to the ER quickly, then to an important part of the hospital, where he'll be kept on watch in case of any complications. Eventually they had to perform surgery to get out a bullet. Soap sat on the sofa in the waiting room, hoping for good news. Price was supposed to arrive as well, although he had an important meeting and told Soap he'll get there as soon as possible. His thoughts raced around his mind, along with worry for his loved one. 20 minutes passed, but it felt like forever for Soap. He felt tears going down his face and neck, suddenly, a hand touched his arm.
-Got any news about the lieutenant, Soap?
-Oh, Soap, you know he'll be okay, don't you?
-I wish I didn't doubt that
Price put his arm over Soap's, and pulled him closer. He wanted him to know that he's in a safe space to cry if needed, and that a lot of support is there, waiting for him.
-Mr. MacTavish?
-That's me
-And who's this?
-I'm Captain John Price, I take care of this squad
-It's a honor. I'm doctor Melendez, I performed the surgery.
-And? Is he okay?-Soap was hoping his worries were pointless and that everything's gonna be okay
-We have two bad news and one good
-Start with the bad
-One is that he's lost a lot of blood and the other is that he has to stay in the hospital for about a month before he's safe to go.
-And the good?
-Well, he is alive and pretty well. He's asleep now, you can go visit him.
Soap got up, all excited and happy to know that Ghost was okay. He rushed to the room, meeting a nurse in there setting some devices. Her face brightened when she saw the happiness coming from Soap. MacTavish looked at Ghost. He was asleep, but his face seemed much better than it did on the battlefield.
-Soap, I have his mask. He might want it after he leaves.
-Thank you captain Price
-You can stay with him if you want, I'll free you from today's practice.
Soap got a chair from the corner of the room and placed it near Ghost's bed. He reached for his hand, and carefully held it, hoping for him to get up without any futher struggle. His heart rate seemed normal from what he understood from looking at the device. Soap held the hand tightly, with both hope and fear inside his head, as the device became the only noise surrounding him.

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