Wrong Turn Turns Out Right (Ch. 13)

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I can tell InuYasha was prepared for anything but my answer.

     "What?" He practically yells. I look at him, curiously. "Are you insane?" I hold up my fingers signaling a "Just a little bit" kind of look and he rolls his eyes at me.

     "InuYasha, think about it. No one could hurt me ever again! I'd be just like you. We could be together forever. I'd never lose my best friend." I smile at the end, my eyes begging him to understand. "Please? You're the one who suggested it!" He frowns deeply, knowing I'm right. Finally, he sighs, defeated.

     "Just a warning, this is gonna hurt." I nod my head and he pulls out a pocket knife. His jaw tightens, telling me he's clenching his teeth, and slices his hand open. He grimaces momentarily before I bite my bottom lip and give him my hand. I look the other way and squeeze my eyes shut. I let out a little yelp when the knife goes through my skin but that's all. "The worst part's over. You ready?" I nod. He grabs my bleeding hand in his and we sit there for a few moments. Almost instantly, I feel a connection to him I've never felt before. It's warm, and loving, and welcoming; it's like I know him better than anyone. I also feel a new power surging through me, filling me with strength. My wounds close up and my face doesn't hurt anymore; it's working. When I open my eyes, InuYasha lets go of my hand and I stare at it in wonder. No cut. Just a thin scar. When I look at InuYasha, he's staring at me strangely again.

     "What?" I ask. He reaches over, grabs a mirror, and gives it too me. I look into it and my eyes widen at what I see. My once dark brown eyes have turned more of a beautiful golden brown, I also notice a mischievous look in them, my hair looks bouncier and full of life, my skin evened out, not to be vain or anything but... I look pretty dang good. I smile, noticing how my two canines look sharper than before. I look at InuYasha who's still staring at me. I throw my arms around him, hugging him tight. After a moment's hesitation, he holds me back. "Thank you! Thank you so much! You're the best friend ever!" In my head though, I can't help but thinking, Wait till Kikyo gets a load of me.

     "There's one more thing." I look at him puzzled. "There's this language called Inu. All demons with dog blood have it, and you use it with your mind. It'll take some getting used to but, it should get easier. You might not even be able to do it." I nod.

     "Can I go see my mother?" He nods and helps me out of bed. I run down the stairs, faster than before, and jump into my mother's arms. "Mommy!" She holds me and cries. I've never really been the emotional type, but I can imagine what she's going through.

     "Let me see!" I step back and let her look at me. She has me spin in a circle to show her how I look. "Honey, you look fantastic. How do you feel?" I shrug.

     "Can't complain." She smiles.

     "Well, should we maybe go off to bed so you two can be up for school?" I jump up, grab InuYasha's hand, and run up the stairs to my room.

     "You can stay the night, right? It'll only be a few hours until school anyway." He shrugs and picks his favorite tree outside my window. "You'll be there when I wake up, right?" He smirks and nods. I smile and go back to sleep.

     When I wake up, sure enough, InuYasha's still there. I throw a ball of paper at him to wake him up and he just swats it away. Loser. I shrug and hop in the shower. This is going to take some getting used to. Everything is way clearer, sharper, edgier. I smell things I never knew could smell! I could also hear everything for miles around. God, this could get annoying. I figure out how to block out three miles of noise, thank God, and go to pick out something to wear. I settle on my white t-shirt with a picture of bulky black headphones, kind of ripped jeans, and some bright blue converse. As usual, I have my silver and sapphire ring on my thumb, black nails, a few thin hair ties, and some blue jelly bracelets.

     I walk into my bathroom and do my makeup, nude eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and mascara with a little lip gloss; when I go back to my room, InuYasha's there waiting for me. He picks up my backpack and heads out the door.

     "Wait!" I yell. "Hey! Stop! Thief!" I jump on his back right as my mom walks into the room. She takes one look at us, then turns around back into the kitchen. I grab my backpack and walk out the door with a smiling InuYasha right on my tail. We get into his car and drive to school jamming out to Paramore and are welcomed by Sango who's staring at us mouth agape.

     "Oh, ok. So I can't give you a makeover but someone else can?" I smile at her.

     "It's not a makeover." I wink at her and she looks between me and InuYasha mouth opening wider.

     "Oh my God! You're a- you made her a... woah!" I laugh and flash her a smile showing off my sharpened canines. "Woah!" I laugh, link my arm through hers and walk into the school. All day I get compliments on my looks and some of the kids who were mean to me actually stayed away. This could work. InuYasha meets me in the lunchroom, picks me up, and spins me around.

     "Hey, gorgeous. How's your first day as a demon going so far?" He asks me smiling.

     "Not horrible. I still have to do homework though." I make a face and InuYasha laughs. "Oh! Okay, so get this! You know Mitsuki from the cheer squad?" At his nod, I continue. "She actually asked me to join the team!" He starts laughing and sets me down.

     "What'd you say?"

     "I turned her down politely." We burst out laughing and get our food. Pizza! Yum. InuYasha said he has a surprise for me when we get home. I can't wait!

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