Chapter VII

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The door of Visaera door bursts open once again she stands up straight from her suitcase and looks at Rhaenyra annoyed "What is your disagreement with my door?"

Rhaenyra looks at her with narrowed eyes and Visaera didn't know why "Your leaving? And you told Alicent before me"

Visaera guess that Alicent was the only one who told her that but it was fine because she was just coming to see her "Yes Ill be back soon though and Alicent just happened to be the person I saw first"

"So you weren't going to tell me?"

Visaera rolls her eyes and moves back to packing her clothes "Of course I was"

Rhaenyra moves past Visaera and pushes her out of the way and starts throwing her clothes out of the case "I will not allow it"

Visa era watches before pulling Rhaenyra back away from the suitcase "I have duties, I have children that I must take care of I've been away from them far too long"

"Then bring them here!"

Rhaenyra exclaims and Visaera lets her go but Visaera is quick to take Visaera's hands "Lord Rodrick will not allow it he wants the children in Eyrie and even if I did then I still have the duty of being a wife"

"You never cared about that before"

Visaera lets go of her and starts packing her things again but Rhaenyra is quick to throw the things back out "Stop that"

"No... I do not want you to leave"

Rhaenyra says in almost a whisper and Visaera lets out a small sigh "I'm sorry Rhaenyra but I have to, I promise I will write and will visit but I must go"

Visaera sees a tear fall from her eye "Do not cry about something so stupid I will be back I'm not leaving forever"

Visaera moves her hand to her to wipe away the tear away but Rhaenyra slaps her hand away leaving a stinging feeling "How can I believe that? You left all those years ago and I didn't hear a word!"

"This time it's different"

Rhaenyra scoffs she couldn't believe her Visaera had left and forgotten about her Rhaenyra turns and leaves the room leaving Visaera to her thoughts.

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Visaera walks out of her room to a council and spots the newest addition to the Kingsgurad "What was your name again?"

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