what a day 1!1!1

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📍:: a block away from the flat

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📍:: a block away from the flat..
💋:: three months later..

i wave to my friends as i begin down the street.
police sirens wailing in the distance, nothing new. what was new.. was the unnerving feeling i had.. it felt like someone was watching me..

i tried to text hobie but the messages weren't going through... i acted natural and continued to walk.. but then i realized if i keep going on the path i'm already treading ill give away where i stay.. and then that means hobs would be at risk

'where the fuck do i go?'
is the only thing being repeated in my head.

i turned the corner and started to speed up a bit.
i still felt off.. still being watched.. still being followed.. so.. i duck off into a building.

i hear the door fling open behind me..
that's when i start fucking legging it up the apples

"you can't run forever" i hear a distorted voice exclaim behind me, this only installs more fear in me. i run up to the roof not having anywhere else to go..

if i'm lucky enough the leap off this building won't kill me.. i'll just be in a coma...

"oh yeah? i will jump off this fucking roof RIGHT now" i say as i back up onto the edge of the roof, breathing heavily..

"we both know you're not dumb enough to jump"
"i'm pretty fucking stupid.. you'd be surprised"
i say as i look around one last time, im close to losing my footing.. please don't let this be how i go out.. where's that so called hero when you need him.

the unknown man gets closer, seemingly charging up his weapon. "where's the captain?"
what the fuck!? this was all about the captain?

"why would i know...he means nothing to me"
i spoke, scared and nervous.. i feared for my life..

"lies!! tell me where the captain is now.."
the man speaks..grabbing my arm..
"i..i don't know.. let me the fuck go.."

"last chance.." he spoke as his grip tighten.
i wail out in pain, this shit hurts more than anything i've ever felt before.. it was the claws digging into my skin, along with burning warmth.

"blimey! tell me where your father is..or i'll kill you right here!" he yelled.. the distortion seemingly wearing off.. the voice i hear sounds familiar..

my eyes widen.. i freeze.
"who are you..." i spoke through harsh breaths.
"tell me.. where he is" he says then placing a tight grip on my face.

i squirm trying to break free.
"i'll put some fucking dirt in your eye!" i mumbled through forced puckered lips as i conjured up the most disgusting spit ball i could.. then launching it to the dickhead that had me hanging by my head.

"that's not dirt! that's fucking phlegm you bit-"
the man's sentence cut shorts by a guitar being smashed into his head.

the bash to the head makes him throw me.. i'm sent flying. i say my prayers and repent as i near the ground. before i'm caught... by a web..
thank fucking god..

❝ 𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙡 // ʜᴏʙɪᴇ ʙ. x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ✮Where stories live. Discover now