the calvalrys here !!

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📍:: the doorstep of the captains house💋:: a week later

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📍:: the doorstep of the captains house
💋:: a week later..

it's ten pm.. and it's pitch black outside
i nervously hold my hand up to the red door,
taking a deep breath before knocking.

the door opens, my dad stands with a smile that then quickly turns into.. a shocked expression
"what's uh.. all that?" he asked referring to my piercings.. i couldn't tell if he was judging or happy.. he's hard to read

i had a septum, eyebrow.. anti-brow, snake bites, and a bridge. he probably didn't approve of half of them.. but, that didn't matter.. i do what i want, when i want.

that's a little something i learned from hobie..
he says he's not a role model.. but i beg to differ.
he may not be one to all.. but he's most definitely
my role model.

"its..decor for my face? may i come in?" i ask..
he nods and moves aside, allowing me in.

"it's not that it looks bad.. it fits you quite a bit if i'm honest.." he spoke, which took me by surprise a little, it's been a while since i've gotten a compliment from him, a genuine one at that.

"oh.. thanks.. uh where's mom?" i ask as i look around, things changed.. but of course things always change when left alone..

"she's still working late nights at the hospital" he explained as he guided me to the dining room.

he desperately wanted to know what i've been up shows...

i sit at the table. avoiding eye contact.
he looks at me, i feel his gaze.. it's powerful.
his eyes are burning right through me.

"i heard you and robert broke up.." he spoke.
"he was abusive and we didn't go together at all, so i broke it off.. like three months ago" i explained to him hoping he'd get it..

"well.. you can always rep-" he started.
"next question please, let's not dwell on this"
i spoke to him sternly, it shocked him a bit.
"who are you staying with now? are you staying with one of those rockers?" he asks.

"you don't need to know who i stay with just yet daddy.. and even if i was.. would that be an issue?" i asked him, i wish i could tell him about hobie and all the amazing things he does for me.. but he'd probably lose his shit if he knew.. hobie was the most well known 'troublemaker' in london.. known for slowly but surely exposing the united kingdom's  government..

hobs had told me time and time again that the police do not like him, especially the captain.. since then i made sure to never mention anything about my father.. ever.

"why can't i know who my daughters living with? is it a boy? are you worried i might go crazy on him or something" my father joked.. it was a lame one but it deserved a small chuckle..

"yeah it's a guy.. he's cool though you don't have to worry abou-" i started.. before being rudely interrupted.

"is he treating you good?" he asked, with raised brows, pursed lips and wide eyes.

❝ 𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙡 // ʜᴏʙɪᴇ ʙ. x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ✮Where stories live. Discover now