just a canon event..

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📍:: police precinct💋:: a month and a half later

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📍:: police precinct
💋:: a month and a half later

i was in my fathers office with my mother.. we were both looking for my father.. i would've bring hobie but he said he'd be fine by himself..

i guess he just didn't want to risk getting on my fathers bad side again once we found him.. they had just gotten into an argument last week.. it got bad.. and they had just started getting close..

my parents were supposed to move two weeks ago.. but things didn't exactly go as planned.

and now that leaves me here. in my fathers torn up office.. the huge window broken, shards of glass everywhere.

"and you said he hadn't come home last night?" i asked once again just trying to be sure, she gave me an annoyed expression in return.

i sigh and continue to look around for a scooby.
not being able to find anything is frustrating especially since we'd been here for hours.

suddenly i broke. i was told not to but.. what if something's there.

i take the bobby pin from my hair and get down onto the ground.. trying to lock pick the drawers of his desk.


"y/n!" my mom yelled at me
"ma hush.. this could help"

it opens and i search inside every single drawer.
only to find a box full of viles with black looking liquid labeled 'police symbiote, aka venom" with one vile missing..

"look.." i said taking the box out carefully and setting it out onto the desk. my mother reaches for one of the viles but i swat her hand away.

"we don't know what this is!" i exclaimed.
i didn't mean to raise my voice.. i'm just stressed.
my mother nods and steps back.

the feeling in my stomach got bigger, wilder.
i turn on the tv in his office and my mom turns to it. 'monster destroys london's very own alchemex lab' the headline read, i had a terrible terrible premonition .

this must be what that document in that folder was talking about.. god this was terrible..

i started searching in the other drawers.
then looking around the desk one last time.
finding a note. 'to the ones i love' is the title

"there's a note.." i said to my mom
but she was frozen.. stuck to the tv screen.
it's like she knows something..

after not getting a reply i decided
i'll just read it aloud to my mom.

"this is my last effort. my first show in a while and inevitably.. my last. i've taken osborne's 'venom' and although it's had no bad effects yet, i still know that it will eventually turn into something monstrous. i didn't give it out as instructed, since i had a bad feeling about it from the moment i read the first line of the document he sent to our precinct. everyone had been asking 'where's our venom?' 'did our shipment of venom come through yet?' i've had it for a few weeks now.. i didn't know if i should risk putting my officers through the unimaginable or if i should go through it alone. i was told by someone very dear to my daughter.. 'it's never too late to change for the greater good' and i felt like we would've become more corrupt.. more terrible.. we would be hypocrites, liars, and monsters even so i did what he told me and changed. i've done this to protect my department, and my family. i've taken the risk for everyone.. risking my life for the scene if this gets me one step closer to helping get the truth get out.. then i'll do it.. for punks everywhere. for my family. for the citizens" i paused in the middle, taken aback. what was this all about?

❝ 𝙧𝙤𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙡 // ʜᴏʙɪᴇ ʙ. x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ✮Where stories live. Discover now