[1] Trying to get successful

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Onceler Pov:

I am now away from home for almost a month and till now I wasn't able to find anything to make my thneed. But I wasn't going to give up, I will never!

After quite a while I finally found the perfect place. Full of trees with a fluffy top, perfect as material to make my thneed! It is really beautiful here and I was already seeing myself with all the money in the world. Also many new creatures where there that I've never seen before. Truly amazing!

Even though I was filled with emotions I decided to get to work as quickly as possible. With little to no effort I chopped down my first tree. But what I didn't expect were eyes watching me carefully from afar. I didn't even notice so I casually carried the tree to get to the fluffy top and packing them in a sack.

After I put my head back up again a woman were in front of me. As easily scared as I am I jumped in fear but the girl was remaining silent. It was quite awkward so I tried to find out what the wanted from me.

"Uhm, how can I help you?"
She wasn't even looking at me, but stared to the tree I chopped. I'm honestly getting more confused the more she remains silent.
"You cannot do that.. The Lorax will be mad."

The what now? My confused look didn't vanished, rather just intencefied. So I just decided to ignore her and get more of my precious thneed-material. But than someone else was beside the women and he looked even madder than her. He looked kinda weird, like a stretched Orange with a yellow beard.

"Now what do think your doing?! [y/n], do you know this guy?"

I just saw her shaking her head. Me, in disbelieve what was just talking to me right now.

"Do you even know that I'm the Lorax? I speak for the trees and I do not tolerate that you just come here and chop down my trees!"
That girl beside him just shaked her head up and down to agree with him. Pfft, whatever, I thought.

"Well, I don't know about you but I'm trying to start my buissness with this, so I'll chop down as many trees I need to get to that!"

The little orange man remained silent as I walked to my house.

[y/n]' Pov:

I watched as the man went into his weird looking house and I turned my head down to the Lorax. He just said calmy:
"I want you to watch him. He's defentliy up to no good and if he's not gone till sunset, we have to kick him out!"

My eyes were back at the strangers house and simply nodded to his request. "Can I maybe try to convince him to not chop them down? You know.. I didn't see a human for a quite a while" I was kinda scared to ask, because I didn't know how the Lorax would react, because I never made a request like that to him.

The Lorax also looked at the strangers house and remained calm. "If your able to do so, then do it. But if you can't you have to let me get rid of him. I won't risk the safty of this forest just because you want to be more social. Even though I personally think he'll be no good influence for you."

My face looked down and I went silent as agreement. After that the Lorax went back so I stood there alone and wonderd I could watch over him the best.

Oncelers Pov:

Finally I had some quiet time to work. If I'm fast enough I would be able to get to the next town by tomorrow! Wouldn't it be great if they would fall in love with my thneed the second they would see it? Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice that the women from earlier just was right behind me.

"Whatcha you doing?" Got me back to reality and I jumpend in my seat again. With a slightly angry face I looked at her.

"How did you got into my house?!" She didn't looked like I would say something resonable and her face was really confused.

"I just went inside.. By using the door. You really didn't notice? Dummy" I wasn't pleased by those words and just went back to my work ignoring that she just started to call me names even though she just met me.

"And to awnser your question, I'm doing my thneed!" She laughted at me what made my head go red out of embarrassment. "What are your laughing at?!"

"Nothing, nothing, really. "Thneed" is just such a silly word. How did you came up with that? And what is a thneed even for?" That was my chance to show exactly how good of a salesman I was.

"Ohh, your asking what it can do, huh? Well, it can be anything you want! It can be a hat, a scarf, a towel, just everything is possible with a thneed!" I showed her my sketch of it with all my pride. But she just looked at it giggles.

"Now that I see it it even lookes more silly! And for for that you chopped down a precious tree?" I pulled away my sketch and just got back to my work.

"It's just one tree, jesus. If you are really that desperated to not chop them then I could just pick up the material I need without chopping the whole tree." The girl seemed to be rather pleased with this offer.

"You really would to that? That would be great, because then the Lorax will definitely let you stay." I cannot help but smile at the happiness this girl got after getting the thought of me, another human, staying here. But then I thought of why she was even here.

"Ehm, by any chance.. Would you tell me why you're living here, all alone? Where is you family?" I justed hoped I didn't got too far with that question, but I really was curious.

"Oh.. About that, well. I make it short, my family didn't want me. I wasn't good enough, because my other siblings were all getting rich.. So they kicked me out. I didn't made it far and wasn't accepted in my home city anymore. So I live here."

I was shocked and I didn't even know what a good response to that would be. I couldn't even imagine this happening to me (reminder: he just didn't get jet that his family is also like this).

"You know what, I'll stay here as long as I can, okay? And maybe if we really get along you can help me with my buissness. Then, if it's successful you'll defently go back to your town, right?"

She looked not really happy anymore after I talked about her going back.
"I'm really grateful your staying here and I'll defently help you if you want, but I really don't wanna go back. I wasn't happy there.."

"B-but they are your family!" I said shocked and as response she just looked sad.

"They may be, but that dosen't mean I have to like them, right?" Now I finally understood what she meant and sighted.

"Yeah your right. Well, it's a bit late for that, but my name is Onceler and you?" - "I'm [y/n]" she said with a giggle.

"What's so funny again?" I said slightly annoyed.
"Oh, your name is just so silly. Is everything where you came from like that?" I sighted and just shaked my head.

(This is probably the longest chapter, hope you liked it. If you have ideas for how the story should go on I would be happy to know :>)

Onceler x femReader 🎩✨ (Write The Story With Me) + Lemon🍋Where stories live. Discover now