Heads or Tails (Pilot)

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Mobotropolis, once an enchanting city nestled in the heart of Mobius, now stood as a haunting reminder of its former glory. Its once-thriving streets, vibrant with activity and bustling markets, now lay eerily abandoned, their dilapidated buildings succumbing to the city's relentless grip, overrun with twisting metallic vines. Once filled with the joyful symphony of laughter and music, the air now carried a somber stillness, as if mourning the loss of its former vibrancy. Adding to the gloomy ambiance, the once-clear skies had become veiled in a suffocating haze of pollution, casting a gray pall over the once-majestic cityscape. The air, once crisp and refreshing, now felt heavy and tainted, burdened by the lingering pollutants emitted by the factories that had come to dominate the city.

In a bygone era, Mobotropolis flourished as a beacon of hope and unity, a place where Mobians of all backgrounds lived in perfect harmony. King Acorn, a revered leader who dedicated himself to building a world where peaceful coexistence thrived, guided them with wisdom and fairness. However, the tranquil days shattered when darkness took hold, personified by the malevolent Dr. Robotnik. With his formidable technological prowess, Robotnik unleashed a merciless assault upon Mobotropolis, leaving destruction and chaos in his wake. The once-beloved king fell into the clutches of Robotnik's clutches, and the city was stripped of its name, reborn as the grim and mechanical wasteland known as Robotropolis. Fear and oppression became its governing principles, as the tyrant ruled with an iron fist and a metallic heart. Now he slowly descends on a ship...toward the city he owns.

"Five seconds, Dr. Robotnik."

"Mmmm, we're home, Cluck. I do miss the beauty of this place when I'm away." He said, petting the mechanical bird that rested on his metal arm as it chirped robotically.

The ship's landing gear made contact with the fractured pavement, causing vibrations to ripple through the barren streets. Dr. Robotnik, a rotund individual donned in his iconic red and black mechanical attire, disembarked onto the chilly terrain. His observant eyes scanned the decrepit environment, a blend of wistfulness and eagerness gleaming within his robotic gaze. The frigid air accentuated the glistening baldness of his head, while his wicked grin was emphasized by the sharp contours of his mustache. The feeble individual who had been anxiously awaiting, trembling in the presence of the tyrant, timidly stepped forward.

"Good morning, Dr. Robotnik. Exciting trip?" The shivering man asked, bowing before the mad doctor

"Shut up, Snively." He said bluntly, glancing back to him before continuing on ahead as Cluck leaped onto his shoulder. Snively lowered his gaze and scurried to catch up with Dr. Robotnik's brisk stride. The once bustling city, now reduced to a desolate wasteland, seemed to awaken in fear at the tyrant's return. Snively dared not speak another word as they approached the imposing doors of what was once the royal palace. He slowly lifts his head and glares as Cluck seemingly mocks him from his master's shoulder until Snively reveals a small device with a singular button and quickly presses it, instantly causing the mechanical bird's head to spin out of control and its eye to spring out of its socket. Before pressing it again, the eye rockets back into place as Robotnik finally notices.

"Oh, what is it, Cluck? Does hims need another head adjustment?" He says, slowly setting Cluck's head back in place, to which he chirps happily as the three walk through the palace doors and into the war room.

"Any hint of those troublesome hedgehogs?"

"Not exactly, Dr. Robotnik," Snively said, his words laced with nervousness, quickly navigating through the cluttered war room filled with monitors displaying surveillance footage from across the city. He activated one of the screens, showcasing a live feed from a hidden camera on the city's outskirts.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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