His hand slid gently into mine as we lower ourselves onto the grass. The sun shone brightly today, and my skin basked in the warm light.

"You know..." He starts, bringing a hand up to my cheek, "This place is where my parents first said I love you."

I giggle, "Oh really?"

He nods, then brings his face close to mine, brushing his pink lips against mine before connecting them in a gentle kiss. He smiles into my mouth, a pleased noise escaping his lips.

His left hand leaves my face, leaving my skin cold as he wipes my hair out of our faces, but it just springs back to place. I laugh at his attempt, causing him to pull back.

"It's a struggle," He whines, fighting his smile.

I snort a laugh, "I'm sorry Georgie."

"It's okay," He dips his head, continuing his fake sadness. I roll my eyes playfully before falling onto the grass, grabbing his hoodie and pulling him down as well.

He turns his head, staring at me with those bright brown eyes. He always told me he wished he had green eyes, or blue eyes, maybe even grey. I always responded with a shake of the head, complimenting his unique color.

I had brown eyes as well, darker than his. They didn't shine in the light like his eyes did. But he always told me they did.

My fingers run unconsciously through the grass, rubbing the tips of my fingers over the blades.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" He asks.

"An astronaut," I respond proudly.

He snorts.

"I'm serious! I think space is amazing."

We fall silent.

"Okay, what about you then?"

He hums, "I never really thought about it. Maybe one day my videos with Clay will blow up."

I hum, pleased, "I don't see why they wouldn't. I mean you guys spend a lot of time on them. Personally, the electrocution one is my favorite."

He squeals, hitting my arm, "I hated that one."

I laugh, "Yeah only because you were in pain."

"Yeah whatever," He rolls his eyes, "I just feel like it deserves more than a few thousand views."

"You'll get there George, don't worry."

"I hope so."


Not even a year later did his channel skyrocket. "Dream" was trending everywhere, along with his two little sidekicks who just happened to be George and Nick. They had met incredible people on their way to the top. Clay boosted his channel with his "cursed Minecraft" channel, and once he started to get subscribers, he released his first manhunt (to which would cause him to skyrocket in the Minecraft world) with George.

I remember the day that George called me, yelling excitedly about the video.

"You won't fucking believe it, Esther!"

He greeted me on the phone. I could hear the smile on his face.

"What happened, baby?"

"You know the manhunt Dream and I recorded?"

"Yes," I nod like he could see me.

He squeals before continuing, "It blew up! I've gotten like thirty thousand subscribers in two hours."

"George that's insane! Congratulations!"


We sat on Clay's couch both staring at the rotting coffee on the table. His apartment felt like death, and even Patches was sad. Clay hasn't gotten up from bed in a full week, and I don't think he was planning to any time soon. It's been a few days since the funeral and he was still in shock from the news.

"You think he'll get better?" George finally interrupts the silence.

"I'm sure he will."

George turns his head, a look of sorrow on his face, "What's that suppose to mean?"

"Well, everyone gets over everything at some point."

A frown appears on his face, "You're such an apathetic asshole, Esther."

"I'm just speaking facts," I shrug, then focus my attention back on the coffee.

"I don't even know why I did it," George says, leaning back into the cushion. I turn my entire body so I could face him, tucking my foot under my leg.

"You never really told me why either, you just kinda... did it."

"I didn't just do it, I had a reason."

"Then why?"

He hesitates, taking in a breath, "I don't know I just wanted to get away from everything I guess. It was all getting too much."

My face drops, my eyes going soft. I grab his hands, rubbing my thumb against the top of the skin, "I could have helped you George. You had me."

He jerks his hands away, "I didn't though. You were always out doing shit. And when I told you that I was feeling like this, you ignored it."

"You never said that..." I say, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"Exactly," He grumbles, "You don't even listen."

"Well, you have me now."

"I'm dead, Esther!" He snaps at me, "You can't save me!"

"But we are dead together... Isn't that what you wanted? To be with me?"

"I don't even know anymore," He says, falling back.

I go quiet. I don't know what to feel. I left everything behind for George and he repays me with this?

"You're being selfish, George."

"How?" He scoffs.

"You're not the only one who has to deal with this relationship. I'm still here too."

"Then maybe you should leave."

I roll my tongue over my teeth, "No. No, I won't George. Maybe you should think before fucking up everyone else's life around you. You are a selfish prick, and if you don't want to be around me, then you're gonna have to suck it up, sweetheart, cause we are in this together."

curse of forever (Feb 2022)Where stories live. Discover now